Advisory Board and Editors Biophysical Chemistry

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Hani Nasser Abdelhamid

2013-2017: PhD from Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Stockholm University, Sweden. Title ʺLanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks and Hierarchical Porous Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks: Synthesis, Properties, and Applicationsʺ
2011-2013: M.Sc in Nanobiomedicine, National Sun-Yat Sen University, China (ROC)
2009-2010: Pre-Master–Physical Organic Chemistry-Assuit University, Egypt, Grade: 3.4 (87.71%).
2003-2007: B.Sc Chemistry Department–Assuit University- Egypt, Grade: 3.32 (84.059%)
Research Experience & interest
The research interest of Hani Abdelhamid is focused broadly on science and technology at the nanoscale and for material science to push scientific boundaries in diverse areas of biochemistry, biology, biomedicine biotechnology, nanocatalysis and laser based analytical. The main thrusts are concentrated on the topics as below:
1) Nanotechnology: synthesis, characterization, and applications.
2) Material Chemistry, synthesis, characterization, and applications.
3) Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), synthesis, characterization, and applications.
4) Inorganic and structural chemistry.
5) Analytical Chemistry.
6) Solar cells and Nanocatalysis.
7) Nano-Biomedicine and Nano-Biotechnology.
8) Biochemistry and Biochemical research methods.
9) Metallodrug-protein interactions using Nanomaterials based- laser analytical tools.
10) Biosensor based on nanomaterials for pathogenic bacteria and biomolecules.

Aniruddha Adhikari

Dr. Adhikari is a highly accomplished Biochemist currently associated with University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), USA. Dr. Adhikari's research is focused on the development of nanohybrid drug delivery systems and nanomedicines for the treatment of chronic diseases. His particular focus was to explore the therapeutic potential of nanomaterials against chronic diseases where redox modulation plays a crucial role with an emphasis on their molecular mechanism of action including bio-molecular interactions, toxicity, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Dr. Adhikari's seminal work on the chemoprevention of bilirubin encephalopathy has led to the discovery of a new and groundbreaking one-of-its-kind nanomedicine, which is currently under phase 2 clinical trial. His current research interest includes bacteriophage mediated nanotherapy and stimuli-responsive antibody conjugated nanomaterials.

Dr. Adhikari has received numerous prestigious national and international awards and grants for his research contributions. Most notable ones are Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) Award/Appreciation from the Rashtrapati Bhavan (Office of the President, Republic of India), DMM Travel Grant from Company of Biologists, UK, Nano-challenge Award, Indo-US and four GRC Travel Grants from Gordon Research Conference, USA.

Dr. Adhikari's research contributions are widely acknowledged, and in his short research career span of about seven years he has published more than 50 research articles in high-impact prestigious international peer-reviewed journals (h-index: 13, i-10 index: 17), filed 3 patents, delivered lectures in 16 international conferences. Additionally, he has twice served as the discussion leader at Gordon Research Seminar (GRS). He also serves as the Editorial Board member and reviewer of various journals.

Davide Barreca

Davide Barreca is an Associate Professor of biochemistry at the University of Messina. He is specialized in enzyme modulation by natural compounds, inhibition of protein aggregation and activation of signal apoptotic cascade. Most of his research projects concentrate on separation and identification of unknown flavonoids, structural-activity elucidation, and biochemical analysis of their health promoting or cytotoxicity properties on cells culture. He is author of over 110 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 35 chapters in books, and 70 conference proceedings and reviewer of over 40 international scientific journals.

Soumendranath Bhakat

I’m a thinker musing between science, society, music & food. I have completed my doctoral study from Lund University, Sweden where work revolved around understanding the role of water molecule in protein-ligand binding and understanding the role of aromatic ring flipping & transient loop opening in protein dynamics using molecular dynamics simulation and enhanced sampling. During my Postdoctoral research at University of Pennsylvania, USA on kinetics and thermodynamics associated with aromatic ring flip mediated cryptic pocket opening in biomolecules using Markov state modeling & enhanced sampling. Currently I am a Senior Scientist at Redesign Science working in the interface of molecular simulation and machine learning.

Kuntal Chatterjee

I am a postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA. My expertise includes various spectroscopic (time-resolved and steady-state IR, UV-Vis, table top, synchrotron, and XFEL), mass spectrometric (TOF, quadrupole, ion traps), diffraction techniques, and ab initio calculations to probe structure, solvation and dynamics of biomolecules, aromatic hydrocarbons, and artificial photosynthetic molecules.

David L Cheung

Dr. David Cheung is a Lecturer in Biophysical Chemistry in the School of Chemistry, University of Galway. Prior to this he was Lecturer in Physical Chemistry in the Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde and a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow in the Department of Chemistry and Centre for Scientific Computing, University of Warwick.

Dr. Cheung began his academic career at the University of Durham where he worked in the group of Prof. Mark Wilson. Following this he performed postdoctoral research at the University of Bielefeld (in the group of Prof. Dr. Friederike Schmid) and University of Warwick (in the groups of Prof. Michael Allen and Alessandro Troisi) before beginning his independent career.

Mahesh Gokara

Dr. Mahesh Gokara is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Cancer Biology at the Mayo Clinic. He has a Ph.D biochemistry with an experience of over 10 years in multidisciplinary research areas including biochemistry, biophysics and bioinformatics.

Jorge Gonzalez Garcia

I obtained my PhD from the University of Valencia (Spain) focused on Supramolecular & Bioinorganic Chemistry, in which I worked in metalloenzymes mimetics and anion receptors. Upon completing my PhD in 2013, I performed several postdoctoral research positions in the University of Kansas (USA) and Institute Curie (France), in which I specialized in the development of drugs for non-canonical nucleic acids such as G-quadruplexes, triplexes or i-motifs. Then, I joined the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College London as Newton Fellow to develop new tools to target and visualize G-quadruplexes in cells. I continued my projects as IdEx Fellow in the European Institute of Chemistry and Biology in Bordeaux (France). Actually, I’ve started my team in the Institute of Molecular Science in the University of Valencia, where I’ve developed novel systems and methodologies to target non-canonical DNA structures and unravel their biological roles.

Debabrata Goswami

Dr. Debabrata Goswami is the Prof. S. Sampath Endowed Chair Professor of Chemistry and Adjunct Professor of Center for Lasers and Photonics of IIT Kanpur. He is the elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Institute of Physics (UK), the Optical Society (OSA) and the SPIE. He is the winner of the 2018 Galileo Galilei Prize of the International Commission of Optics, the Thathachari Award, the Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship, and the Swarnajayanti Fellow. He is the Vice President of the IEEE Photonics Society India, Past Chairman, Photonics-2016. He has written over 200 papers and was in the Editorial Board of the Rev of Scientific Reports (AIP).

Prof. Goswami is the Editor-in-Chief of PeerJ Analytical Chemistry.

Hidekazu Hiroaki

Dr. Hidekazu Hiroaki is Professor within the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya University, Japan. He received his PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD thesis "Spectroscopic study for interaction between DNA oligonucleotide and bleomycin”) from the Graduate School of Osaka University, Japan in 1992.

Dr Hiroaki's research focuses on the structural biology of proteins by using solution NMR techniques, including protein-protein and protein-drug interaction. He is also focusing on NMR-assisted in silico drug discovery as well as protein structure determination. He is also an expert of intrinsically disordered proteins and some disease related amyloid genic proteins.

Professional experience:
2012-present: Professor, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya University (Nagoya, Aichi, Japan)
2011-2012: Professor, Research Center for Structural Biology, Department of Science, Nagoya University (Nagoya, Aichi, Japan)
2007-2011: Professor, Division of Structural Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University, (Kobe, Hyogo, Japan)
2001-2007: Associate Professor, International Graduate School of Art and Science, Yokohama City University, (Kanagawa, Japan)
1995-2001: Research Scientist, Division of Structural Biology, Biomolecular Engineering Research Institute (BERI) (Suita, Osaka, Japan)
1994-1995: Visiting Scientist, Research Centre, F Hoffman La Roche (Basel, Switzerland)
1992-1994: Research Scientist, Department of Molecular Genetics, Nippon Roche Research Center (Kanagawa, Japan)

Jose Isagani B. Janairo

Dr. J.I. Janairo is a Professor at the Department of Biology at De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines. His research focuses on bionanotechnology, specifically on the utilization of peptides for nanomaterial synthesis and machine learning - aided materials design. He received his BS Biochemistry (hons) and MS Chemistry degrees at De La Salle University, and PhD Chemical Sciences at Hokkaido University as a Japanese Government scholar. Apart from PeerJ Materials Science, he is also an editor for the Scopus-indexed journal Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics published by Springer Nature. He is one of the lead authors of the Global Environment Outlook - 6 for youth in the Asia-Pacific published by the United Nations Environment Programme. For his environmental contributions, he was one of the recipients of the 2019 ASEAN Youth Eco-Champion Award given by the ASEAN Environment Ministers during the 15th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment held in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Łukasz Jaremko

Dr. Łukasz Jaremko is Associate Professor at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Research in Dr. Jaremko's Molecular Diagnostics and Drug Discovery (MD3) group focuses on atomic-level insight into essential and topical questions from biochemistry and medicine.