Advisory Board and Editors Biomolecules

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Sohath Vanegas,
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Mohd Adnan

Dr. Mohd Adnan is an Associate Professor, Principal Investigator and Head of Academic Committee at Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Hail, Saudi Arabia. He did his PhD from University of Central Lancashire, UK; Master’s and Bachelor’s degree from Bangalore University, India; Post Graduate Diploma in Bioinformatics from SJAIT, India. He has more than 12 years of research, teaching and administrative experience. In his professional capacity, he has received various travel, observership and research grants as a Principal Investigator from various prestigious organizations.
He has successfully published 200+ publications in internationally recognized peer reviewed reputed journals, several book chapters for internationally renowned publishers and presented many papers and posters in various conferences/workshops globally. He has published widely in the field of phytomedicine, biofilms, drug discovery, natural products, nutraceuticals and functional foods with specialization in plant-based antibiofilm and anticancer agents, microbial biosurfactants, biofilms in food industry and medical settings, probiotics and cancer biology, novel biomolecules for/as health and antimicrobial agents.
He has reviewed 350+ manuscripts for 70+ internationally recognized peer-reviewed JCR journals and grant reviewer for many prestigious universities and organisations. In addition, he is a member of SFAM, UK and ESCMID, Switzerland and an Elected Member of Royal Society of Biology, UK. He also currently holds different editorial positions (Associate, Academic, Guest and Review Editor) in various esteemed journals and has edited 500+ manuscripts.

Carsten Baldauf

I have studied Biochemistry at Universität Leipzig. In my Diploma thesis I started to use computer simulations (quantum chemistry) to study structure formation in non-natural peptides. I continued along these lines in my PhD studies, also in Leipzig. During a PostDoc stay at BIOTEC of TU Dresden, I started using empirical models (a.k.a. force fields) and dedicated myself to the development of structure search techniques with a focus on molecular docking. My next stop then was in Shanghai. With a Lynen Postdoc fellowship by Humboldt Foundation, I had the chance to investigate regulatory mechanisms and function of the blood protein von Willebrand factor, a key molecule in primary hemostasis. Since 2010, I am a scientist at Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) of the Max Planck Society, since 2013 I am a a group leader. Our work here deals with biomolecules in thin air (i.e. theoretical gas-phase spectroscopy of peptides and carbohydrates), large-scale overview studies on amino acid-cation structures, and organic reactions. Recently, I got interested in data science, data infrastructures and ontologies. I am teaching at Freie Universtität Berlin and was a visiting professor at Universität Leipzig replacing the Chair for Theoretical Chemistry. Since January 2020 I am Representative of the Board at Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society.

Davide Barreca

Davide Barreca is an Associate Professor of biochemistry at the University of Messina. He is specialized in enzyme modulation by natural compounds, inhibition of protein aggregation and activation of signal apoptotic cascade. Most of his research projects concentrate on separation and identification of unknown flavonoids, structural-activity elucidation, and biochemical analysis of their health promoting or cytotoxicity properties on cells culture. He is author of over 110 papers in peer-reviewed journals, 35 chapters in books, and 70 conference proceedings and reviewer of over 40 international scientific journals.

Carlos Fernández Marcos

Carlos F. Marcos holds a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Santiago of Compostela, where he specialized in chemistry of heterocycles and total synthesis of natural products. He completed his training on the chemistry of the organometallic compounds at the University of Milan and at the Imperial College London, where he was awarded with a grant of the Human Capital and Mobility programme of the European Community.
In 1996 he joined the University of Extremadura, where he started a line of research on new sulfur heterocyclic materials, in collaboration with professors Charles Rees (Imperial College) and Tomás Torroba (UEx). From 2002, he leads a research group involved in the development of new synthetic methodologies. Throughout his career, he has supervised many research studies and has more than 50 publications indexed in frontline scientific journals. He has also made several stays as visiting professor in prestigious American and European research centres. From 2016, it holds a position as Full Professor at the University of Extremadura.
In recent years his research has focused in the chemistry of isocyanides, and especially their use to develop new tandem and multi-component processes. These synthetic strategies have proved to be a very advantageous approach to obtain organic materials with new properties, as well as compounds with biomedical interest.

Bernardo Franco

Dr. Franco has 20 years experience in academic research in microbiology, molecular biology, and biochemistry. Skills acquired during academic research include mainly nucleic acid manipulation, synthetic biology, bioinformatics, PCR, RT-PCR and qPCR, protein purification and characterization, light and confocal microscopy, flow cytometry and cell sorting, microbiological techniques (microorganism and cell culture, and collection management), good laboratory practices among others. He has eight years teaching experience in undergraduate and graduate programs (Signal transduction in bacteria and Molecular biology techniques, respectively).

Fanglin Guan

Prof. Fanglin Guan is Dean at Xi'an Jiaotong University. He is engaged in the integrated biological research of complex diseases, including tumor microenvironment and novel immunotherapeutic modalities, and research on the mechanisms and medical applications related to tumor cell vaccines, especially for the exploration of the mechanism of determining the biomarkers of complex diseases.

Christof M Jäger

I am a computational chemist and data scientist and group leader at AstraZeneca. My research activities all share the motivation to bring the power of computational chemistry to new chemical problems in pharmaceutical research and beyond, to fundamentally understand properties and functions of organic molecules, to reveal hidden chemical questions and to promote solutions for chemical challenges and focus on the development and application of efficient and transferable computational techniques and workflows.
Past and present research involved multi-disciplinary research in the areas of reactivity prediction, catalysis, biotechnology, bio-organic, colloid, and radical chemistry, molecular self-assembly and supramolecular chemistry, ion effects, and molecular electronics in organic electronic devices.

Following my undergraduate studies of Molecular Science I received my PhD in Computational Chemistry from the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany in 2010. I then worked as a Postdoc for the Cluster of Excellence Engineering Advanced Materials (EAM) until 2014, when I joined the Sustainable Process Technology (SPT) Research Group in in the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Nottingham, first as an EU and UoN funded fellow, then as Assistant Professor in Biotechnology and Computational Chemistry. In September 2022 I joined AstraZeneca in Gothenburg / Sweden to work in predictive computational chemistry and data science within the Pharmaceutical Science department.

Sanket J. Joshi

Sanket Joshi is currently serving as a Professor and Deputy Director, at Amity Institute of Microbial Technology, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India. He served as Deputy Director, Oil & Gas Research Center (2018-2023), and an Application Specialist, at Central Analytical and Applied Research Unit, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman (2013-2023). He holds BSc and MSc degrees from Sardar Patel University, India, and a PhD degree from M. S. University of Baroda, India – all in Microbiology. Dr. Joshi has 18 years of academic teaching and research experience, and 4 years of industrial R&D experience, in India and Oman. While working in Indian pharma companies, he undertook several turnkey projects (both upstream and downstream) on antibiotics (β-lactams, macrolides, glycopeptides), antidiabetic drug (for type II diabetes), and Co-enzyme Q10. His current research interests encompass: Energy (In-situ/ex-situ microbial enhanced light/heavy oil recovery; chemical enhanced oil Recovery; biofuels); Microbial products (biosurfactants, biopolymers, R&D and scale-up); and Environmental bioremediation (crude oil pollution; analysis, mitigation, and control of souring by Sulfate reducing bacteria; HPAM contaminated sites). Those research projects are multidisciplinary, involving both biotechnology and engineering disciplines. Since he joined SQU, his research team has received over 5.44 million USD in research grants and service contracts and established bioproducts for petroleum and environmental applications. He has 198 scientific publications as papers in international journals (95), book chapters (23), conference proceedings (67), international books (12), and one Australian Innovation Patent to his credit. Dr. Joshi serves as an Academic/Associate Editor for some of the highly reputed journals: Frontiers in Microbiology, PeerJ, BMC Biotechnology, Ecotoxicology, Petroleum Science and Technology, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, and Heliyon. He is book series editor of ‘Advances in Biotechnology and Bioengineering', Elsevier INC.; Guest editor for Frontiers in Microbiology, Energies, Sustainability, Scientifica, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Environmental Quality Management, and Open Biotechnology Journal; and a recognized reviewer for different journals (Elsevier, Springer Nature, T&F, Wiley/AOCS, RSC, ACS, Hindawi, DE Gruyter, MDPI and others). He served as an intermediate guide for 30 undergrad/grad students and 3 PhD students, in India and in Oman; an active member of MEOR research team at SQU since 2009 and established a state of art research and service laboratory at SQU. He was awarded as “NRI Senior Scientist Award”, from Microbiologists Society, India, during academic year, 2019-2020. He has 4329 citations, h-index of 31, and i10 index of 61 (Google Scholar), and was listed among the 2% of the "Stanford University – Elsevier” list of the highly cited scientists in the world for - 2022 and 2023, for excellence in scientific research in ‘Energy’ and ‘Biotechnology’ disciplines.

Mohammed Kuddus

Dr. Mohammed Kuddus is working as a Professor and Chairman of Biochemistry Department at University of Hail, Saudi Arabia. His main research area includes Molecular biology, Industrial enzymes, Extremophiles and Extremozymes, Microbial biotechnology, Food biotechnology, Waste utilization, Value added products, Bioremediation, Biopolymers and Bioplastics. He has published more than 75 research articles in reputed international journals along with 8 books and 22 book chapters; and presented more than 40 abstracts in national/international conferences/symposia. He has been serving as an Editor / Editorial Board Member and Reviewer of various international reputed journals. He has been awarded Young Scientist Projects from the Department of Science and Technology, India and International Foundation for Science, Sweden.

Mykola Kut

Dr. Mykola Kut is an Associate Professor at the Department of Organic Chemistry at the Uzhhorod National University, where he been employed since 2018, first as a researcher, then as an Assistant, before moving onto his current role.

Dr. Kut received his M.Sc in Organic Chemistry with honors from the Uzhhorod National University (formerly Uzhhorod State University) in 2014, followed by a PhD in Organic Chemistry from the same University in 2017.

His general research interests include, Organic & Organometalic Chemistry, Ecology and Analytical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Chemical Education.

More specifically, Dr. Kut's current research interests centre around the synthesis and reactivity of fused quinoline and pyrimidines, applied metalorganic chemistry, the development of new synthetic methods to application of halogens, inorganic chalcogenhalogenides and organochalcogenhalogenides substrates in the electrophilic cyclization reactions, and evolution of received compound as biological active compounds.

His research interests in the educational sphere includes generalization of the main aspects of Chemical education in different universities and countries; including the problem of implementation of scientometric principles in the university educational system.