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Carlos Fernández Marcos
Carlos F. Marcos holds a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Santiago of Compostela, where he specialized in chemistry of heterocycles and total synthesis of natural products. He completed his training on the chemistry of the organometallic compounds at the University of Milan and at the Imperial College London, where he was awarded with a grant of the Human Capital and Mobility programme of the European Community.
In 1996 he joined the University of Extremadura, where he started a line of research on new sulfur heterocyclic materials, in collaboration with professors Charles Rees (Imperial College) and Tomás Torroba (UEx). From 2002, he leads a research group involved in the development of new synthetic methodologies. Throughout his career, he has supervised many research studies and has more than 50 publications indexed in frontline scientific journals. He has also made several stays as visiting professor in prestigious American and European research centres. From 2016, it holds a position as Full Professor at the University of Extremadura.
In recent years his research has focused in the chemistry of isocyanides, and especially their use to develop new tandem and multi-component processes. These synthetic strategies have proved to be a very advantageous approach to obtain organic materials with new properties, as well as compounds with biomedical interest.
Biomolecules Bioorganic Chemistry Environmental Contamination & Remediation Green Chemistry Infrared Spectroscopy Natural Products NMR Spectroscopy Omics Technologies Organic Compounds Photochemistry Spectroscopic Analysis Synthetic Organic Chemistry