Marc-André Delsuc activity is mostly oriented toward the use and improvement of spectroscopies, in particular NMR and more recently FT-MS. This includes new experiment design, development of data processing methods, development of software programs. I have been deeply involved in field as diverse as protein structural analysis, protein-ligand screening, complex mixture analysis, quantum mechanic details of the NMR phenomenon, automatic data analysis, fractal dimension of proteins and polymers, etc.
Carlos F. Marcos holds a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Santiago of Compostela, where he specialized in chemistry of heterocycles and total synthesis of natural products. He completed his training on the chemistry of the organometallic compounds at the University of Milan and at the Imperial College London, where he was awarded with a grant of the Human Capital and Mobility programme of the European Community.
In 1996 he joined the University of Extremadura, where he started a line of research on new sulfur heterocyclic materials, in collaboration with professors Charles Rees (Imperial College) and Tomás Torroba (UEx). From 2002, he leads a research group involved in the development of new synthetic methodologies. Throughout his career, he has supervised many research studies and has more than 50 publications indexed in frontline scientific journals. He has also made several stays as visiting professor in prestigious American and European research centres. From 2016, it holds a position as Full Professor at the University of Extremadura.
In recent years his research has focused in the chemistry of isocyanides, and especially their use to develop new tandem and multi-component processes. These synthetic strategies have proved to be a very advantageous approach to obtain organic materials with new properties, as well as compounds with biomedical interest.
Prof. Alfonso Grassi graduated in Chemistry cum laude at the University “Federico II” of Naples (Italy); he moved later on to the University of Salerno (Italy) where he was appointed Assistant Professor (1983), Associate Professor (1991) and Full Professor (2002) in Inorganic Chemistry. The scientific interests have initially been in olefin polymerization catalyzed by group 4 metal complexes. Particular attention was devoted to the investigation of syndiospecific polymerization of styrene promoted by half-titanocene catalysts and stereospecific copolymerization of styrene with conjugated dienes. Structural characterization of crystalline polymers and organometallics was carried out using solution and solid state NMR techniques to design new metal catalysts and functional polymeric materials. To date the research group of Prof. Grassi is mainly interested in sustainable catalysis by metal nanoparticles and transition metal catalyzed copolymerization of CO2 and epoxides. Moreover controlled radical copolymerization of biosourced olefins and hydrocarbon monomers is currently under investigation to design new functional polymeric materials. The research activity was carried out in collaboration with international research teams and received financial support from public and private institutions. Prof. Grassi served in Salerno as Director of the Department of Chemistry (2002-2008) and deputy director of the Department of Chemistry and Biology (2015-…)
Dr. Hidekazu Hiroaki is Professor within the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya University, Japan. He received his PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD thesis "Spectroscopic study for interaction between DNA oligonucleotide and bleomycin”) from the Graduate School of Osaka University, Japan in 1992.
Dr Hiroaki's research focuses on the structural biology of proteins by using solution NMR techniques, including protein-protein and protein-drug interaction. He is also focusing on NMR-assisted in silico drug discovery as well as protein structure determination. He is also an expert of intrinsically disordered proteins and some disease related amyloid genic proteins.
Professional experience:
2012-present: Professor, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya University (Nagoya, Aichi, Japan)
2011-2012: Professor, Research Center for Structural Biology, Department of Science, Nagoya University (Nagoya, Aichi, Japan)
2007-2011: Professor, Division of Structural Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe University, (Kobe, Hyogo, Japan)
2001-2007: Associate Professor, International Graduate School of Art and Science, Yokohama City University, (Kanagawa, Japan)
1995-2001: Research Scientist, Division of Structural Biology, Biomolecular Engineering Research Institute (BERI) (Suita, Osaka, Japan)
1994-1995: Visiting Scientist, Research Centre, F Hoffman La Roche (Basel, Switzerland)
1992-1994: Research Scientist, Department of Molecular Genetics, Nippon Roche Research Center (Kanagawa, Japan)
Dr. Łukasz Jaremko is Associate Professor at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.
Research in Dr. Jaremko's Molecular Diagnostics and Drug Discovery (MD3) group focuses on atomic-level insight into essential and topical questions from biochemistry and medicine.
My group conducts research on new analytical methods and technologies, particularly in multidimensional chromatography mass spectrometry and NMR. I also have had a long history of research in metabolomics and the trace analysis of environmental pollutants in complex matrices. Recently I have extended my work to include forensic chemistry and I also have an interest in bringing technology to Chemistry Education. Check out 'Chirality-2' on the app store and Google Play or follow me on Twitter (@dr_oli_jones).
Dr. Dirk Lachenmeier is a state-certified food chemist, toxicologist, head of the department of plant-based foods and co-head of the nuclear magnetic resonance laboratory at Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Agency, Karlsruhe, Germany, which is a governmental food, medicine and alcohol control authority.
He earned his PhD in Forensic Toxicology from the University of Bonn.
I'm currently a PostDoctoral researcher at the Computational Biology Laboratory at the Danish Cancer Society Research Center, Copenaghen, Denmark.
Dr. Young-Ho Lee is a Principal Researcher at the Research Center for Bioconvergence Analysis, Korea Basic Science Institute (KBSI), South Korea.
Hi primary area of research includes calorimetry, CD, and NMR.
Interested in metabolomics and genomics of diseases! My current work is focused on generating quality metabolomics datasets leveraging the high-resolution mass-spectrometry (GC-Orbitrap-MS and LC-Orbitrap-MS) and occasionally NMR datasets to combine with other -omics layers such as genomics (transcriptomics, epigenetics), proteomics, and clinical data sets to provide insights in metabolic changes that are associated with human and non-human primate wellness and disease conditions, specifically metabolic syndromes such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Lecturer in Cancer Informatics at Imperial College London and Fellow at Health Data Research (HDR) UK. Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC).
Prof. Dr. Maria Valeria Raimondi, PhD is Assistant Professor in Medicinal Chemistry, University of Palermo, Italy.
In 2018 and 2020, Dr. Raimondi's was a visiting Scientist in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Vienna and the University of Hamburg respectively. Prior to this Dr. Raimondi was Assistant Professor in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Palermo
Her scientific interests include:
-Synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of new compounds with phenoxyacetamidic and iodobenzamidic structure
-Synthesis and antiproliferative activity of new derivatives with triazenic, tetrazepinonic and indazolocarboxyamidic structure
-Design and synthesis of new derivatives with a 4-quinazolinone structure, potential inhibitors of folate receptors
-Synthesis of new pyrrole derivatives related to pyrrolomycin inhibitors of Sortase A
-Synthesis of pyrazole and indazole derivatives, potential inhibitors of CDK1
-Identification of new sigma receptor ligands. Design and synthesis of a beta-aminoketones drug discovery library
-Microwave-assisted organic synthesis (MAOS) of compounds with potential antitumor activity
-Synthesis of polycyclic structures with marked antitumor activity in vitro
-Qualitative and quantitative analysis of industrial hydrocolls from the citrus industries
Scopus Author ID: 7006063479