Advisory Board and Editors Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry

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Hani Nasser Abdelhamid

2013-2017: PhD from Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Stockholm University, Sweden. Title ʺLanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks and Hierarchical Porous Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks: Synthesis, Properties, and Applicationsʺ
2011-2013: M.Sc in Nanobiomedicine, National Sun-Yat Sen University, China (ROC)
2009-2010: Pre-Master–Physical Organic Chemistry-Assuit University, Egypt, Grade: 3.4 (87.71%).
2003-2007: B.Sc Chemistry Department–Assuit University- Egypt, Grade: 3.32 (84.059%)
Research Experience & interest
The research interest of Hani Abdelhamid is focused broadly on science and technology at the nanoscale and for material science to push scientific boundaries in diverse areas of biochemistry, biology, biomedicine biotechnology, nanocatalysis and laser based analytical. The main thrusts are concentrated on the topics as below:
1) Nanotechnology: synthesis, characterization, and applications.
2) Material Chemistry, synthesis, characterization, and applications.
3) Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), synthesis, characterization, and applications.
4) Inorganic and structural chemistry.
5) Analytical Chemistry.
6) Solar cells and Nanocatalysis.
7) Nano-Biomedicine and Nano-Biotechnology.
8) Biochemistry and Biochemical research methods.
9) Metallodrug-protein interactions using Nanomaterials based- laser analytical tools.
10) Biosensor based on nanomaterials for pathogenic bacteria and biomolecules.

Patrick S Barber

My professional goals center around the intertwined areas of research and education within science. I am passionate about discovering new science that addresses global needs and sharing these discoveries with a broad audience. I'm committed to technical excellence and exploration in the laboratory and enjoy learning new techniques that increase the breadth of my interdisciplinary background. As a scientist and educator, I want to promote the power of the scientific method through discussion of scientific literacy across disciplines and increase the general awareness of the importance of critical thinking. I seek to develop a balance between my professional life and my personal life in order to maintain a well-rounded view which will result in increased communication, productivity, and organizational skills, as well as to being open to new ideas and cultures, and, ultimately, to contribute to my community and society.

Steven N Girard

Steven N. Girard is an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, where he teaches general and inorganic chemistry courses. He earned undergraduate degrees in chemistry and music from Lawrence University and a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from Northwestern University, and later was an NSF Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability Postdoctoral Fellow at UW–Madison. Buoyed by astute and enthusiastic undergraduate researchers, the Girard lab at UWW investigates nanostructured thermoelectric materials, sustainable synthesis of inorganic and nanostructured compounds, innovative new ways of blowing things up, and flux chemistry.

Jorge Gonzalez Garcia

I obtained my PhD from the University of Valencia (Spain) focused on Supramolecular & Bioinorganic Chemistry, in which I worked in metalloenzymes mimetics and anion receptors. Upon completing my PhD in 2013, I performed several postdoctoral research positions in the University of Kansas (USA) and Institute Curie (France), in which I specialized in the development of drugs for non-canonical nucleic acids such as G-quadruplexes, triplexes or i-motifs. Then, I joined the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College London as Newton Fellow to develop new tools to target and visualize G-quadruplexes in cells. I continued my projects as IdEx Fellow in the European Institute of Chemistry and Biology in Bordeaux (France). Actually, I’ve started my team in the Institute of Molecular Science in the University of Valencia, where I’ve developed novel systems and methodologies to target non-canonical DNA structures and unravel their biological roles.

Biplab Joarder

He received his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune in 2015 on functional properties of biomolecule-based coordination polymers. He was an AITF postdoctoral researcher with Prof. George Shimizu at the University of Calgary followed by a JSPS postdoctoral fellow at Kyushu University, Japan. His current research endeavors are focused on developing inorganic and organic hybrid porous materials for energy and environmental applications.

Charles LB Macdonald

Professor of Chemistry and the Dean of the Faculty of Science at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and Adjunct Professor of Chemistry at the University of Windsor.

Adrián Ochoa-Terán

Adrián Ochoa-Terán is a Professor of Chemistry and Engineering at the Tecnológico Nacional de Mexico campus Tijuana (TECNM-Tijuana). Trained as a Biochemical Engineer, Adrián received a BS degree from Tecnológico Nacional de México in 2000 and a PhD degree in Chemical Sciences from the same institution in 2004. He began his academic career at TECNM-Tijuana as Associate Professor in 2006, then he was promoted to Full Professor in 2008. He has supervised 38 undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students at TECNM-Tijuana. He has published 61 peer-reviewed papers and 1 book chapter. Dr. Ochoa-Terán reaseach is focused in organic and bioorganic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, as well as the chemical modificaction of (bio)materials for environmental and biological purposes. He is member and co-founder of the Mexican Supramolecular Chemistry Thematic Network.

Maria Valeria Raimondi

Prof. Dr. Maria Valeria Raimondi, PhD is Assistant Professor in Medicinal Chemistry, University of Palermo, Italy.

In 2018 and 2020, Dr. Raimondi's was a visiting Scientist in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Vienna and the University of Hamburg respectively. Prior to this Dr. Raimondi was Assistant Professor in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Palermo

Her scientific interests include:
-Synthesis and antimicrobial evaluation of new compounds with phenoxyacetamidic and iodobenzamidic structure
-Synthesis and antiproliferative activity of new derivatives with triazenic, tetrazepinonic and indazolocarboxyamidic structure
-Design and synthesis of new derivatives with a 4-quinazolinone structure, potential inhibitors of folate receptors
-Synthesis of new pyrrole derivatives related to pyrrolomycin inhibitors of Sortase A
-Synthesis of pyrazole and indazole derivatives, potential inhibitors of CDK1
-Identification of new sigma receptor ligands. Design and synthesis of a beta-aminoketones drug discovery library
-Microwave-assisted organic synthesis (MAOS) of compounds with potential antitumor activity
-Synthesis of polycyclic structures with marked antitumor activity in vitro
-Qualitative and quantitative analysis of industrial hydrocolls from the citrus industries
Scopus Author ID: 7006063479