Antonio Guilherme Basso Pereira is a professor at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR). He has a B.S. (2005), M.Sc (2008) and Ph.D (2013) degree in chemistry from Maringa State University (Brazil). Part of his PhD research was performed at University of California, Davis (UC Davis, 2011-2012). The main research goal is to add value to under used natural polymers, generally, but not only, found as agricultural wastes, to produce polymeric devices for environmental, biomedical and other applications.
I am a postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA. My expertise includes various spectroscopic (time-resolved and steady-state IR, UV-Vis, table top, synchrotron, and XFEL), mass spectrometric (TOF, quadrupole, ion traps), diffraction techniques, and ab initio calculations to probe structure, solvation and dynamics of biomolecules, aromatic hydrocarbons, and artificial photosynthetic molecules.
P. Davide Cozzoli received his MSc degree in Chemistry in 1999 and his PhD in Chemical Sciences in 2004 from the University of Bari, Italy. From 2004 to 2005 he worked as post-doctoral fellow at the University of Bari. In 2005 he joined the National Nanotechnology Laboratory (NNL) of CNR Institute Nanoscience, Lecce, Italy. As CNR Associate Researcher, he led the Nanochemistry group of NNL from 2009 to 2014. Since 2015 he holds a permanent position as Associate Professor of Experimental Matter Physics at the University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, and he responsible for Nanochemistry Facility of the CNR Institute of Nanotechnology, Lecce. Currently, he serves as Associate Editor of Sci. Adv. Mater. J. Nanoengineering & Nanomanufacturing, Mater. Focus, J. Nanomater., Intern. J. Photoenergy, and Front. Mater., and as editorial board member of Science China Materials, AIMS Materials Science, and General Chemistry. So far, he has published about 120 scientific works, edited one book (a second book is under preparation) and two conference proceedings. His scientific work has overall attracted over 7700 citations (H-index=42). His research focuses on the development of advanced colloidal inorganic nanocrystals with controlled structural and topological features for applications in (photo)catalysis, photovoltaics, optoelectronics and biomedicine.
Dr Rachel Crespo Otero is an Associate Professor in Computational Chemistry within the Department of Chemistry at University College London (UCL).
Her research interests include, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Theoretical Photochemistry, Nonadiabatic Dynamics and Materials Science.
Damien P. Debecker is Associate Professor at the UCLouvain (Belgium), teaching physical chemistry, process engineering, principles of biorefining, and industrial waste treatment. His research group aims at developing new heterogeneous catalysts and biocatalysts, paving the way to the design of more sustainable chemical processes. At the interface between green chemistry, materials chemistry, biochemistry and chemical engineering, his expertise lies in the preparation of innovative solid (bio)catalysts and in their evaluation in relevant reaction conditions. Catalyst preparation methods include the aerosol-assisted sol-gel, emulsion-templating, non-hydrolytic sol-gel, colloidal methods, enzyme immobilization. Targeted applications cover biomass upgrading, volatile organic compounds total oxidation, biocatalyzed organic synthesis, CO2 methanation, olefin metathesis, etc.
Public primary school Nº 79 José M. Bustillo, public secondary school ENET Nº 4 Juan B. Alberdi, public Faculty of Exact Sciences – National University of La Plata (Fac. Cs. Ex., UNLP).
Doctor in Chemistry, Fac. Cs. Ex., UNLP. (Director Prof. Dr. Pedro J. Aymonino).
Postdoctoral studies at the Ruhr University of Bochum (RUB), Germany. (Director Prof. Dr. mult. Dres. h.c. Alois Haas).
Subsequent achievement of the degree of Doctor, Dr. rerum naturalium (Dr. rer. nat.), RUB, Germany.
C. Della Volpe, physical chemist; born Naples 1950; University of Naples, researcher in Physical chemistry of aqueous solutions; university of Trento, associated professor in applied Physical Chemistry; Editorial Board of Surface Innovations and Journal of Wettability Science and Technology ; Editor of the blog The Chemistry and the Society; Scientific Board of ASPO-Italy
I obtained my PhD from the University of Valencia (Spain) focused on Supramolecular & Bioinorganic Chemistry, in which I worked in metalloenzymes mimetics and anion receptors. Upon completing my PhD in 2013, I performed several postdoctoral research positions in the University of Kansas (USA) and Institute Curie (France), in which I specialized in the development of drugs for non-canonical nucleic acids such as G-quadruplexes, triplexes or i-motifs. Then, I joined the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College London as Newton Fellow to develop new tools to target and visualize G-quadruplexes in cells. I continued my projects as IdEx Fellow in the European Institute of Chemistry and Biology in Bordeaux (France). Actually, I’ve started my team in the Institute of Molecular Science in the University of Valencia, where I’ve developed novel systems and methodologies to target non-canonical DNA structures and unravel their biological roles.
Dr. Debabrata Goswami is the Prof. S. Sampath Endowed Chair Professor of Chemistry and Adjunct Professor of Center for Lasers and Photonics of IIT Kanpur. He is the elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Institute of Physics (UK), the Optical Society (OSA) and the SPIE. He is the winner of the 2018 Galileo Galilei Prize of the International Commission of Optics, the Thathachari Award, the Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship, and the Swarnajayanti Fellow. He is the Vice President of the IEEE Photonics Society India, Past Chairman, Photonics-2016. He has written over 200 papers and was in the Editorial Board of the Rev of Scientific Reports (AIP).
Prof. Goswami is the Editor-in-Chief of PeerJ Analytical Chemistry.
Ph. D., Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 1985. Russian Academy of Sciences, 1986-1991. Senior Research Scientist, Hewlett Packard Company, 1998- current. Langmuir, Advisory Board Member, 2001- 2005. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Advisory Board Member, 2001- 2005.
Carmelo La Rosa is a Professor of Physical-Chemistry at the University of Catania, Italy. He received a master’s degree in Chemistry and Ph.D. in Physical-Chemistry from the University of Catania (Italy), working on lyotropic liquid crystals. After completing postdoctoral training on thermodynamics and kinetics of protein folding-unfolding at the University of Catania and Leiden University (The Netherland), he joined the department of Chemical Sciences, University of Catania. His current research focuses on the biophysics of amyloidogenic proteins and their interaction with model membranes.
I am a physical chemist with expertise in statistical thermodynamics. My interests include enhanced sampling methods, liquid structure and dynamics, soft matter interfaces, astrochemistry, ion transport, and biophysics. I earned degrees from Oregon State University (BSc) and Boston University (MS, PhD), performed postdoctoral research at the University of Chicago, and I am an associate professor at Northern Arizona University.