Advisory Board and Editors Epidemiology

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Essam M Abdelfattah

I have a bachelor’s degree in veterinary medicine as well as PhD and master’s degree in animal Behavior and Management. In addition to, two postdoctoral scholar training in the area of Animal Behavior and Welfare at UC Davis. I am currently pursuing board certification from the American College of Animal Welfare (ACAW). I completed my PhD in USDA-ARS Livestock Behavior Research Unit at Purdue University in 2014, where I conducted experimental research to investigate the effect of group housing on the behavior, health, and welfare of dairy and veal calves. My research specialty focus on applied animal behavior, welfare, and stress physiology. My research utilized behavioral and physiological measures to investigate the effects of management practices and housing design, environmental conditions, and nutrition on the health, production, and welfare of animals. To master additional knowledge in epidemiology and biostatistics and advance animal welfare through sound study design and statistical analyses, I completed my second postdoctoral position at the Dairy Epidemiology Laboratory at VMTRC in Tulare, CA.

Oyelola A Adegboye

Dr. Oyelola Adegboye is a Principal Research Fellow and an Associate Professor of Biostatistics at the Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin, Australia. He has strong scholarly interests in biostatistics, spatial epidemiology, exposure science, neglected tropical diseases and global health.

Md Atique Ahmed

Dr Md Atique Ahmed is at present working as a Scientist under the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India at the Regional centre of Northeast India (RMRC, NE), Dibrugarh, Assam, India.

Dr Ahmed's scientific career has been dedicated to the study of protozoan parasites in humans and primates, which includes all Plasmodium species, primarily Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium knowlesi. He has genetically and functionally characterised many plasmodium invasion antigens. His research interest mainly focuses population genetics/gemomics of Plasmodium parasites.

Arsham Alamian

Dr Alamian is Associate Dean for Health Studies and Associate Professor at University of Miami (UM) School of Nursing and Health Studies (SONHS). A fellow of the American College of Epidemiology, Dr Alamian oversees the public health and health science programs of the UM SONHS. Dr Alamian’s research interests include cluster-risk and theoretical modeling of risk behaviors and risk factors for chronic disease including metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. He has been investigator on multiple NIH and state grants on pediatric obesity, metabolic syndrome, and biomarkers for chronic liver disease. Dr Alamian received his doctoral degree in public health, with specialization in epidemiology, from the University of Montreal School of Public Health. He completed a fellowship in public health through a Canadian Institutes of Health Research fellowship program at McGill University, and holds a master of science degree in pharmacy, with specialization in pharmacoepidemiology, from Laval University.

Juan Alpuche

Juan José Alpuche Osorno is a Biochemistry Professor with experience in bachelor's and postgraduate courses. He is also a life science researcher with management skills and experience at the executive level in Mexican health services and medical faculties. He is looking for a challenging permanent position in a world-class University.

Laboral Experience:
- Vice director 2022- To date. Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Autonoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Planning, directing, and managing the activities of management and technical personnel and ensuring consistency of goals, policies, and procedures.
- Coordinator of a Doctorate Program in Health. 2019-2022. Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad Autonoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Planning, directing, and managing the activities of management of the program to ensure the achievement of academic and research goals.
- Head of the Laboratory of Biochemistry. 2019-To date. Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Autonoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Planning, directing, and managing the activities of the laboratory. With a team of 20 people, they attended +750 students on biochemistry academic and research practices at the bachelor level.
- Professor 2014-2018. National Council of Science and Technology, Mexico. Founding of the Laboratory of Multidisciplinary Studies at the Faculty of Medicine- Universidad Autonoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Developing basic and applied research on biochemistry, leading a research team, and getting external funds for three research projects.
- Deputy Director Laboratory of Epidemiological Reference of Yucatan State, Mexico. 2011-2014. Health Secretary and Health Services of the State of Yucatan, Mexico. Planning, directing, and managing the activities of management and technical personnel and ensuring consistency of the laboratory's goals, policies, and procedures with a team of more than 50 people. Positioning the state laboratory in the 13/27th place, starting from 27th in two years in the National Bulletin of Excellence.

- Post-doctorate in Protein Biochemistry 2007 – 2008. Chemical Faculty- Universidad Nacional Autonoma del Estado de Morelos, Mexico.
- Post-doctorate in Molecular Biology 2008 – 2009. Sciences Faculty- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
- Post-doctorate in Comparative Immunology 2009 – 2011. Faculty of Medicine- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico.
- Doctor of Science 2002 – 2007. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
- Fisheries Engineer (Food Specialist) 1997 – 2002. Instituto Tecnologico del Mar, Mexico.

Key Scientific Achievements:
- 34 Scientific Research Articles
- 873 total citations
- H index of 11
- I10 Index of 12
- +50 scientific conferences
- 1st place in Oaxaca State Health Research Award.

Sharif S Aly

As a veterinary epidemiologist I specialize in dairy cattle infectious diseases and welfare. I received my veterinary medicine degree from Cairo University (1998), practiced for two years before completing the Food Animal Production Medicine Internship at the Caine Veterinary Teaching Center at the U of Idaho, followed by the Food Animal Reproduction and Herd Health Residency at U of California, Davis. I completed my masters and doctoral degrees at UC Davis in Preventive Veterinary Medicine and Epidemiology, respectively.

Abdulaziz I Alzarea

Dr. Abdulaziz Alzarea holds doctorate in Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy (Health Economics and Outcomes Research) and is currently serving as head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy in Jouf University, Saudi Arabia. He has broad experience in Publishing related to Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacoeconomics, Pharmacoepidemiology and outcomes research.

Gunjan Arora

I am currently working as Asscociate research scientist at Yale University. Previously I worked as Postdoctoral fellow at National Institutes of Health, USA. My current work is on infectious diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, Lyme, Anthrax. In my project, I study immune correlates of protection to malaria. I have about 10 years of post-PhD experience in Global health, Immunology and Microbiology. I did my PhD from CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, Delhi, India working on bacterial pathogens M. tuberculosis and other gram-positive bacterial pathogens. I worked as Vaccine Research Innovation awardee at Translational Health Science and Technology Institute in India.

I have 26 publications in International peer-reviewed journals and have published 4 Book chapters. My current h-index is 18. In the recent past, I have served as reviewer for Frontiers Journal, MDPI journals, Nature press journals, Medicine, Pathogen and vectors, BMC Microbiology, Archives of Microbiology, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, and Indian Journal of Microbiology.

Stefan D Baral

Stefan Baral is a physician epidemiologist and an Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (JHSPH). Stefan has led epidemiological studies among key populations including men who have sex with men and sex workers in Southern, Eastern, and Western African countries as well as in Central and Southeastern Asia. Stefan acts as the Director of the Key Populations Program for the Center for Public Health and Human Rights at the JHSPH.

José Alberto Benítez-Andrades

Jose Alberto Benítez-Andrades received the B.S. degree in Computer Engineering and PhD in Production Engineering and Computing from the University of León, Spain, in 2010 and 2017 respectively. He is Associate Professor at the University of León. His research is related to the application of artificial intelligence techniques, knowledge engineering and social network analysis applied mainly to problems related to the field of health. He has more than 40 publications indexed in JCR, 30 communications in international conferences, is associate editor of the journal BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, has organized several international conferences since 2018 and is an evaluator of international projects for the government of Spain and Peru.

Maria del Mar Bibiloni Esteva

Dr. Bibiloni Esteva has a degree in Biology (2007) and Biochemistry (2008) and PhD in Human Nutrition (2012) from the University of the Balearic Islands. She is a researcher at the Institute of Health Carlos III (CIBERobn, Pathophysiology of Obesity and Nutrition) and Assistant Professor of the Department of Fundamental Biology and Health Sciences of the University of the Balearic Islands.

Stefanos Bonovas

Clinical epidemiologist, biostatistician and research methodologist with special interests in study design and methods, clinical research, and evidence synthesis (by means of systematic reviews, classic and network meta-analyses) to inform health care decisions.
Associate Professor at Humanitas University, Milan, Italy.