Advisory Board and Editors Biomolecules

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Leonidas Matsakas

Dr. Matsakas is currently Senior Lecturer at the Biochemical Process Engineering at Luleå University of Technology (Sweden). He received his PhD in Industrial Biotechnology from the school of Chemical Engineering at National Technical University of Athens (Greece) in 2015. His main research activities focus on the development of methods for the pretreatment and fractionation of lignocellulosic and aquatic biomass and the subsequent conversion of the cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin streams to biofuels, bio-based chemicals and bio-materials through biochemical and (thermo)chemical methods. He is also actively working on the development of mixotrophic and heterotrophic microalgae biorefinery processes for the production of high-added value compounds, such as omega-3 PUFAs, pigments and protein.

Laurent Metzinger

Laurent Metzinger has completed his PhD in Biological Sciences and Pharmaceutical studies in Strasbourg, France and was a postdoctoral fellow from the University of Oxford (UK) in a leading lab on Duchenne muscular Dystrophy (Pr. Kay Davies). He works on microRNA regulation in the HEMATIM team in Amiens, and focuses on anemia and related vascular disorders associated with Chronic Kidney DIsease. He has authored some of the first papers showing a role for microRNAs in CKD and published in reputed journals, including Nature and Cell. He teaches Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology in the Pharmacy School of Amiens (Université de Picardie Jules Verne).

Joanna Moraczewska

Professor at Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydogszcz, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Poland. Head of the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. Our research concentrates on molecular mechanisms of actin filament regulation in muscle and non-muscle cells.

Prof. Hamid Mukhtar

Dr. Hamid Mukhtar is Professor of Biotechnology and former Director at Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, GC University, Lahore. He has been actively contributing in teaching and research since 1996 in different areas of Biotechnology including He obtained his doctoral degree in 2006 from GC University, Lahore and then proceeded for Post-doctoral research from Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, USA in 2010. He did his Ph.D. in the field of Bioprocess Technology and his Post-Doc in the field of Stem Cell Technology and Genetics.
Dr. Mukhtar is one of the active scientists of Pakistan who has published more than 200 research papers in peer reviewed national and international scientific journals. He has authored/co-authored 06 books and 05 book chapters. He has supervised 39 B.Sc., 10 M.Sc., 60 M.Phil. and 5 Ph.D. students. He won Fulbright Scholar Award in 2010 to carry out Post-doctoral research in USA and has been conferred upon with a Best University Teacher Award in 2014 by HEC, Pakistan. He is on the Editorial/Review board of a large number of International & national research journals. He is also fellow of few national & international scientific organizations/societies.

Jorddy Neves Cruz

Dr. Jorddy Neves Cruz is researcher in Federal University of Pará and Paraense Emílio Goeldi Museum. His research focuses on (1) Medicinal Chemistry, with a particular emphasis on natural products and drug discovery/ design; (2) Extraction and characterization of compounds of natural origin (isolated compounds, essential oils, and fixed oils); (3) molecular modeling approaches and (4) evaluation of biological activities and pharmacological potential of natural compounds.

Adegboyega K Oyelere

Educational Background: B.Sc. Chemistry (Industrial Option), 1st Class Honors, 1992, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Ph.D. Organic Chemistry, 1998, Brown University, Providence Rhode Island

Employment History:
July 1998 – Nov. 2001: Postdoctoral Associate and Jane Coffin Childs Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
Nov. 2001 – Jan. 2004: Research Scientist II, Rib-X Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Jan. 2004 – Aug. 2005: Senior Research Scientist, Rib-X Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Aug. 2005 – April 2011: Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
Dec. 2007 – Nov. 2009: Blanchard Assistant Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
April 2011 – March 2022: Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.
March 2022 – Present: Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta.

Paripok Phitsuwan

Dr. Paripok Phitsuwan is Assistant Professor in the Division of Biochemical Technology at King Mongkut's Univeristy of Technology, Thonburi.

Dr. Phitsuwan's research focuses on biomass conversion and processing, particularly lignin valorization. He is interested in carbohydrate and lignin active enzymes and their applications in biotechnology-relevant industries and environmental remediation.

Lubna Rasheed

Dr. Lubna Rasheed studied Chemistry and earned a Ph.D degree in 2011 jointly from Rennes1 University, France and Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. She has two years of Postdoctorate experience at the CSM Laboratory at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) South Korea. Presently she is serving as Assistant Professor at Department of Chemistry, University of Education, Lahore (2017-till date) .

She has been invited speaker at many national and international Conferences. She is working as Editorial board member of prestigious international journals. Her publications has been included in Nature Index for the year 2019 and ranked among the World’s top publications for the year 2019. Her research interests include the development of fluorescent probes as sensors for biomolecular and ionic detection, Medicinal chemistry, Nano composites for HER, OER, Semiconduction, environmental, water treatment and energy-related applications.

Anoop Rawat

Dr. Anooop Rawat is a Research Associate at the University of Southern California.

His primary research is focused on understanding biophysical and structural basis of misfolding and aggregation of huntingtin protein which is implicated in Huntington's disease.

Mirela Sedic

Dr Mirela Sedic (born Bauman) is Principal Scientist at the Institute for Anthropological Research Zagreb. She has authored over 50 scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals including high-impact journals such as BBA Molecular Basis of Disease, Molecular Cancer, The Journal of Pathology, Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry and Cancer Treatment Reviews.

She was the co-PI of international collaborative project with Functional Genomics Center Zurich in Switzerland (PRIME-XS-0000184 Proteomic profiling of retinal proteins from rat model of age-related macular degeneration 2012-2014) and the PI of the University of Rijeka grant “Screening and biological evaluation of acid ceramidase and sphingosine kinase inhibitors as a new class of anti-tumour agents” (2014 – 2017). She is currently the PI of the project funded by the Croatian Science Foundation “Dissecting the mechanisms of therapy resistance in BRAF-mutant colon cancer using an integrated –omics approach” (2019 – 2023) and the PI of the University of Rijeka research grant “Molecular features associated with BRAFV600E-mutated versus wild type BRAF colorectal cancer” (2019-2022). She is also the PI of the project No. 3238 - EPIC-XS 012: “Proteomic analysis of acquired resistance to vemurafenib in BRAF V600E–mutant colon cancer cells” (2019 - 2022) in collaboration with the Functional Genomics Center Zurich in Switzerland.

Frances Separovic

Professor and past Head of Chemistry, University of Melbourne. Biophysical Society Council (2007-10), Secretary (2015-2019); IUPAB Council (2002-05); Australian Society for Biophysics, ASB President (1999-2001); Australian New Zealand Society for Magnetic Resonance, ANZMAG President (2011-13); Editorial board of Accounts in Chemical Research; ASB Robertson Medal (2009); ANZMAG Medal (2011); Fellow of Biophysical Society, Fellow of Australian Academy of Science, ISMAR Fellow (2012); IUPAC Distinguished Women of Chemistry/Chemical Engineering (2017).

Nikolajs Sjakste


1978 -1987; Researcher in the Cancer Cell Chemistry Laboratory, Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Riga, Latvia.
Professor of Medical Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, University of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine (since 1998). Address: Jelgavas Street 1, Riga LV1004 Latvia. Chief of the Department of Medical Biochemistry (2011).
Leading researcher (since 2011) and Head of the Biochemistry Group, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (since 1990).
1995 and 1997 “Red position” of CNRS 1993-1998; Institut Jacques Monod, Université Paris VII, Laboratoire de Biochimie de Différentiation, Paris, France.


Degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences (Dr. habil.), 1992, Institute of Experimental Medicine, St.-Petersburg, Russia. Degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences (Ph. D.), 1984, Cancer Research Centre, Moscow, Russia. Diploma with Distinction in Medical Biophysics, graduated from the Medico-Biological faculty of the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute, Moscow, Russia, 1978.