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Sohath Vanegas,
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Dilip Bhoi

Dr. Dilip Bhoi is a Researcher at the The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japan.

His expertise and skills include Superconductivity, Single Crystal
Superconductors, Phase Transitions, High Temperature superconductivity, Materials, Low Temperature Physics, Magnetic Materials and Magnetism, X-ray Diffraction, and Magneto-Resistance.

Luis L. Bonilla

Professor of Applied Mathematics. Past President European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry. Current research in soft condensed matter, biological transport in tissues, nonlinear electronic transport in semiconductor nanostructures.

Gonzalo Campillo-Alvarado

Gonzalo Campillo-Alvarado is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Reed College in Portland, OR, USA. His research focuses on designing functional and dynamic (i.e., stimuli-responsive) crystalline materials, with an emphasis on boron, for applications of chemical separations, pharmaceutics, petrochemistry, and electronics. His lab integrates knowledge of organic-, supramolecular-, reversible- and mechanochemistry.

Before joining Reed, he was an Illinois Distinguished Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA). He received his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Iowa (USA) as a CONACyT fellow, and his BSc in Biopharmaceutical Chemistry from Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico).

P. Davide Cozzoli

P. Davide Cozzoli received his MSc degree in Chemistry in 1999 and his PhD in Chemical Sciences in 2004 from the University of Bari, Italy. From 2004 to 2005 he worked as post-doctoral fellow at the University of Bari. In 2005 he joined the National Nanotechnology Laboratory (NNL) of CNR Institute Nanoscience, Lecce, Italy. As CNR Associate Researcher, he led the Nanochemistry group of NNL from 2009 to 2014. Since 2015 he holds a permanent position as Associate Professor of Experimental Matter Physics at the University of Salento, Lecce, Italy, and he responsible for Nanochemistry Facility of the CNR Institute of Nanotechnology, Lecce. Currently, he serves as Associate Editor of Sci. Adv. Mater. J. Nanoengineering & Nanomanufacturing, Mater. Focus, J. Nanomater., Intern. J. Photoenergy, and Front. Mater., and as editorial board member of Science China Materials, AIMS Materials Science, and General Chemistry. So far, he has published about 120 scientific works, edited one book (a second book is under preparation) and two conference proceedings. His scientific work has overall attracted over 7700 citations (H-index=42). His research focuses on the development of advanced colloidal inorganic nanocrystals with controlled structural and topological features for applications in (photo)catalysis, photovoltaics, optoelectronics and biomedicine.

Ahmad Elkhateb

Dr Ahmad Elkhateb is a Lecturer in Power Electronics at Queen's University Belfast.His research interests span several areas in Power Electronics, including microgrid, distributed energy generation, grid integration, and DC-to-DC converters for Electric Vehicles. Dr Elkhateb is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK, Senior Member of the IEEE, Full College Member of the EPSRC and Associate Editor for the IEEE Access, and the IET Power Electronics.

Junkuo Gao

Dr. Junkuo Gao is professor at Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China. He obtained his PhD in Zhejiang University, China in 2010. Then, he worked at Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) as a postdoctor. In 2013, he joined the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Zhejiang Sci-Tech University as Distinguished professor of Zhejiang Province, director of Institute of New Energy Fiber Materials. His research interest is metal-organic frameworks based nanomaterials for clean energy and green chemistry applications. He has published more than 150 articles in peer-reviewed journals such as J. Am. Chem. Soc., Small, Coord. Chem. Rev., J. Mater. Chem. A etc. with more than 8900 citations and a H-index of 49.

Mingda Li

Mingda completed his B.S. in Engineering Physics from Tsinghua University in 2009, and his Ph.D. in Nuclear Science and Engineering from MIT in 2015. Before joining the department as a faculty, he carried out research as a postdoc associate at Mechanical Engineering Department of MIT. His research is to study the quantum and functional properties of materials using spectroscopic methods and many-body theory, particularly interplay with materials defects.

Nicholas Marshall

BS, Chemistry/Mathematics, KSU, 2004. PhD, University of Georgia, 2010. (Locklin) NRC Postdoctoral Associate, NOAA, 2011-2013. Visiting Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry, Berea College, 2013-2015. Currently Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry, USC Aiken. Editor of RSC's ChemSpider Synthetic Pages. Our interdisciplinary research group develops new reactions and techniques for modifying materials, solving problems in energy, sensing, and consumer-facing products.

Yogendra Mishra

Dr. Yogendra Mishra is a Professor in Nanomaterials at the Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark, Sonderborg, Denmark.

His research areas include; New Materials (3D Soft), Hybrid Materials, Sensors (UV, Force, Heat, Gas, Environmental, Biological), Smart Composites, Biomaterials, Energy Materials, Plasmonics, Photonics, Metamaterials (Ion Beam Irradiation), and Catalysis, Heavy Metal Adsorption, Water purification, Filter

Jovan M Nedeljkovic

Dr. Jovan Nedeljković got his bachelor degree at the Faculty of the physical chemistry of the Belgrade University in 1984, and since then he has been employed in the Institute of nuclear sciences Vinča in Belgrade. Dr. Nedeljković obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1991 at the Clarkson University, Potsdam, USA. After that Dr. Nedeljković returned to the Institute of nuclear sciences Vinča, and in 1999 he was appointed as researcher professor. Dr. Nedeljković is the principal investigator in the field of nanomaterials. He has extensive international collaboration, and he worked in Argonne National Laboratories, and National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Under his supervision, 12 Ph.D. students graduated. Dr. Jovan Nedeljković published more than 170 scientific papers. Papers published by Dr. Nedeljković have been cited more than 6000 times, and his h-index is 40. Dr. Nedeljković is a referee for many journals. Dr. Nedeljković main research interest includes the development of colloidal methods for synthesis of nanoparticles of different type of materials. His research goal is to obtain nanoparticles with high uniformity and controllable shape (spheres, rods, wires, tubes), as well as to understand the size- and shape-dependent properties of materials at nano-scale. Also, the research interest of Dr. Nedeljković is a synthesis of nanocomposite materials using nanoparticles as building blocks (polymer-based nanocomposites, functionalized textile fibers, thin films, etc.).

Antonio Pereira Gonçalves

Dr. António Pereira Gonçalves is a Coordinator Researcher of the Department of Engineering and Nuclear Sciences of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon University. He obtained his PhD in Chemistry in 1996 at IST, on intermetallic uranium compounds. His research interests are in the fields of Solid State Chemistry, Materials Science, Exploratory synthesis, Phase diagram studies, Crystal growth, Design of new materials, Nanostructured materials, Actinide and Rare Earth Intermetallics, Oxides, Pnictide and Chalcogenide compounds, Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems, Thermoelectric materials and Nuclear materials for peaceful applications. Currently, he is working on uranium compounds for fundamental and applied studies and on compounds and thermoelectric systems for waste heat recovery. Dr. António Pereira Gonçalves has authored or co-authored more than 250 publications in peer review journals, having more than 350 conference presentations (22 invited). Since 2017 he is the President of the Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (C2TN), a Research Unit of IST.

Lubna Rasheed

Dr. Lubna Rasheed studied Chemistry and earned a Ph.D degree in 2011 jointly from Rennes1 University, France and Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. She has two years of Postdoctorate experience at the CSM Laboratory at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) South Korea. Presently she is serving as Assistant Professor at Department of Chemistry, University of Education, Lahore (2017-till date) .

She has been invited speaker at many national and international Conferences. She is working as Editorial board member of prestigious international journals. Her publications has been included in Nature Index for the year 2019 and ranked among the World’s top publications for the year 2019. Her research interests include the development of fluorescent probes as sensors for biomolecular and ionic detection, Medicinal chemistry, Nano composites for HER, OER, Semiconduction, environmental, water treatment and energy-related applications.