Advisory Board and Editors Developmental Biology

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Diaa Abd El-Moneim

Diaa Abd El Moneim received his Ph.D. in plant molecular genetics from Complutense University of Madrid- Spain, in 2012. Between 2012 and 2014, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the national biotechnology center – in Madrid –Spain. He joined the Deanship of preparatory year –at Jouf University – K.S.A. as an Assistant professor of Biology. Since 2020 he has served as an Associate professor of genetics at Arish University, which is responsible for Lecturing about advanced applications for plant molecular genetics; Organizing meetings and building relationships with national and international institutes; Supervising graduate/undergraduate researchers; and leading research projects in assessing cereals crops under the different abiotic stress. During his Ph.D. and postdoctoral studies, he was skilled with advanced molecular genetics techniques, which helped him study molecular breeding of cereals crops, particularly for abiotic stress tolerance. Generally, his research interests focused on the isolation and characterization of abiotic stress-responsive genes and proteins, physiological and molecular mechanisms of the abiotic stress response, and tolerance. Also, study intracellular signaling pathways required for plants to coordinate stress responses under various abiotic stresses.

Daniel Adesse

Has a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences from the Universidade Santa Úrsula (2004), a Master's degree (2007) and PhD (2010) in Cellular and Molecular Biology from Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, with two periods as visiting scientist at the Departments of Pathology and Neuroscience of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Yeshiva University, New York, NY) With a post-doctoral degree from the Biophysics Institute (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro), under supervision of Prof. Rafael Linden (2010-2013).

Currently is Associate Researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, where is investigating mechanisms of changes in embryonic development during congenital toxoplasmosis, with focus on the skeletal muscle system and Central Nervous System. In a model of mouse infection with Toxoplasma gondii investigates the effect that such infection causes to cerebral microcirculation and in the Blood-Brain Barrier, as a result of neuroinflammation. Has experience in Morphology, acting on the following subjects: parasite-host cell interaction, primary cell culture, cellular junctions, 2D and 3D cell culture models, Confocal and Transmission Electron Microscopy.

Maria Almuedo-Castillo

I obtained the Biology degree from the University of Sevilla in June 2008. For my PhD, I then joined Drs. Saló and Adell lab at the Genetics Department of the UB. Using the planarian S. mediterranea due to its amazing regenerative abilities, I demonstrated the role of specific signaling pathways in processes that allow regeneration of a proportioned body plan. I graduated with honors in Genetics in July 2014 and for my postdoctorate I decided to join Dr. Müller laboratory at the Max Planck Institute of Tübingen (Germany) in October 2014, to get an interdisciplinary training in Systems Biology and learn about Biophysics and computer modeling. In June 2015 I was awarded with an EMBO long-term postdoctoral fellowship. I studied how tissue patterns scale with embryo size using a quantitative biophysical in vivo approach. We described how embryos adjust tissue proportions to the changing size of their bodies. In June 2018 I decided to come back home and develop my independent research career in Sevilla (Spain), where I am currently working as an associate researcher at CABD (CSIC/UPO/JA). In February 2019 I obtained a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship and in June 2019, a Junior Leader grant from Fundación Social La Caixa. Here I want to implement all my interdisciplinary acquired knowledge to study the complex formation of organs from a mechanical and patterning comprehensive perspective, using as an experimental paradigm the formation of the vertebrate eye.

Juan Alpuche

Juan José Alpuche Osorno is a Biochemistry Professor with experience in bachelor's and postgraduate courses. He is also a life science researcher with management skills and experience at the executive level in Mexican health services and medical faculties. He is looking for a challenging permanent position in a world-class University.

Laboral Experience:
- Vice director 2022- To date. Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Autonoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Planning, directing, and managing the activities of management and technical personnel and ensuring consistency of goals, policies, and procedures.
- Coordinator of a Doctorate Program in Health. 2019-2022. Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad Autonoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Planning, directing, and managing the activities of management of the program to ensure the achievement of academic and research goals.
- Head of the Laboratory of Biochemistry. 2019-To date. Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Autonoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Planning, directing, and managing the activities of the laboratory. With a team of 20 people, they attended +750 students on biochemistry academic and research practices at the bachelor level.
- Professor 2014-2018. National Council of Science and Technology, Mexico. Founding of the Laboratory of Multidisciplinary Studies at the Faculty of Medicine- Universidad Autonoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Developing basic and applied research on biochemistry, leading a research team, and getting external funds for three research projects.
- Deputy Director Laboratory of Epidemiological Reference of Yucatan State, Mexico. 2011-2014. Health Secretary and Health Services of the State of Yucatan, Mexico. Planning, directing, and managing the activities of management and technical personnel and ensuring consistency of the laboratory's goals, policies, and procedures with a team of more than 50 people. Positioning the state laboratory in the 13/27th place, starting from 27th in two years in the National Bulletin of Excellence.

- Post-doctorate in Protein Biochemistry 2007 – 2008. Chemical Faculty- Universidad Nacional Autonoma del Estado de Morelos, Mexico.
- Post-doctorate in Molecular Biology 2008 – 2009. Sciences Faculty- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
- Post-doctorate in Comparative Immunology 2009 – 2011. Faculty of Medicine- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico.
- Doctor of Science 2002 – 2007. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
- Fisheries Engineer (Food Specialist) 1997 – 2002. Instituto Tecnologico del Mar, Mexico.

Key Scientific Achievements:
- 34 Scientific Research Articles
- 873 total citations
- H index of 11
- I10 Index of 12
- +50 scientific conferences
- 1st place in Oaxaca State Health Research Award.

Praveen Arany

Training: Dentistry, Biomedical Research, Bioengineering, Pathology
Postdoctoral: TGF-beta, wound healing, regeneration, radiation biology, light biology, stem cells, biomaterial, Lasers.
Current: Clinical translational research and molecular mechanism.
Positions: Past-President, NAALT; President-Elect WALT, Co-Chair SPIE, Chair, ASLMS
Interests: Signal Transduction, Lasers, Biological regulation, Photobiomodulation.

Luisa Azevedo

Researcher at the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS), University of Porto, and collaborator of the Population Genetics and Evolution Group of i3S-Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde. Scientific topics include molecular basis of phenotype-genotype relationships, mechanisms underlying epistatic interactions under the compensatory mutation model, and the dynamics involved in amino acid substitution at the protein structural level.

Brian L Beatty

Dr. Brian Beatty is a comparative anatomist, paleobiologist at New York Institute of Technology. He is especially interested in convergent/unique evolution of aquatic amniotes to similar physiological constraints, as well as surface metrology and its relationship to underlying microstructure of bone, skin, and endothelia.

Gerrit T.S. Beemster

Professor of Biology at the University of Antwerp. Member of the Flemish Science Foundation review board. Editor of the journals Journal of Plant Research, Frontiers in Plant Science and PLOS ONE

Yehezkel Ben-Ari

CEO of neurochlore and B ATherapeutics

° 1973-1979 - Post-doctoral & sabbatical studies: University of Cambridge (UK), University of Oslo (Norway) and McGill University (Canada)
° 1971 - Doctorat ès-sciences, Université de Paris VI (France)
° 1966 - B Sc. Biochemistry-Physiology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)

--- AWARDS ---
° 2014 - Finalist Créa13 -Neurochlore
° 2013 - Award « Tremplins de La Provence » - Neurochlore
° 2012 - Award of the of the FNRS ( Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique de Belgique) of Belgium
° 2010 - Award of the European Society of Epilepsy
° 2009 - Award of the Grand Prix de la Recherche médicale de l'INSERM
° 2009 - Docteur Honoris causae, Liège University (Belgium)
° 2006 - Rotary Brain Research Award
° 2002 - The Health Price (Grand Prix de la Santé) of the Foundation of French Electricity ° 2000 - The American Epilepsy Society Research Award for outstanding research in epilepsies

Mark D. Biggin

1981-1985. Graduate Student, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, U.K.
1985-1989. Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Biochemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
1989-2000. Assistant and Associate Professor, Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT.
2000- Staff Scientist, Genomics Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley CA.

Ton Bisseling

Professor of Developmental Biology in the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Department of Plant Sciences, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.

Mina J. Bissell

Distinguished Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University Calif. Awards include ACS Medal of Honor, Lawrence Prize and Medal, Pezcollar-AACR Prize, Komen Foundation Brinker Award and Mina J. Bissell Award. More than 120 named and distinguished lectures. Past-President: American Soc. Cell Biology and Int. Society of Differentiation. Elected to the US National Academy, the IOM, American Philosophical Society, AAAS and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences