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I told my colleagues that PeerJ is a journal where they need to publish if they want their paper to be published quickly and with the strict peer review expected from a good journal.
Sohath Vanegas,
PeerJ Author
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Shibiao Wan

Dr. Shibiao Wan is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy at University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). He is also the Assistant Director for Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Core at UNMC.

With more than 14 years of experience in machine learning, bioinformatics, and computational biology, Dr. Wan has published >50 articles in top-tiered journals such as Genome Research, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Circulation Research, Briefings in Bioinformatics, and Bioinformatics. Dr. Wan is the Editor-in-Chief for Current Proteomics, and an Editorial Board Member for a series of prestigious journals such as Briefings in Functional Genomics, Heliyon, BMC Bioinformatics, International Journal of Microbiology, PeerJ Computer Science, BioMed Research International, and Computational and Mathematical Methods, and a guest associate editor for multiple high-impact journals including Frontiers in Immunology, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Biology, Frontiers in Genetics, and Genes.

Dr Wan is a TPC member for >20 machine learning related international conferences including IEEE ICTAI. Dr. Wan is also a reviewer for >50 prestigious journals including Nature Methods, Nature Communications, Nature Computational Science, Nucleic Acids Research, Cancer Research, Genome Medicine, and Briefings in Bioinformatics. Dr. Wan has received a number of accolades including the New Investigator Award in 2024 by UNMC, the FIRST Award in 2023 by Nebraska EPSCoR, the Outstanding Young Alumni Award in 2022 by HK PolyU as well as the Global Peer Review Awards (top 1%) in “Cross-Field” and “Biology and Biochemistry” in 2019 awarded by Clarivate. Dr. Wan is a member of AACR, ISCB and ACM and an IEEE Senior Member.

Fusheng Wang

I am a Professor at Department of Biomedical Informatics and Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of California, Los Angeles, and M.S. and B.S. in Engineering Physics from Tsinghua University, China. Prior to joining Stony Brook University, I was an assistant professor at Emory University. I was a research scientist at Siemens Corporate Research (Princeton, NJ) before joining Emory University.

My research goal on big data management and analytics is to address the research challenges for delivering effective, scalable and high performance software systems for managing, querying and mining complex big data at multiple dimensions, including 2D and 3D spatial and imaging data, temporal data, spatial-temporal data, and sequencing data. My research goal on biomedical informatics is to develop novel methods and software systems to optimize the acquisition, extraction, management, and mining of biomedical data with much improved efficiency, interoperability, accuracy, and usability to support biomedical research and the healthcare enterprise.

Adam A Witney

Adam's research interests span the fields of computational analysis of complex datasets, such as microarray data, next generation sequencing (NGS) and genomics data, and the design and implementation of biological databases.

Since 2001 Adam has been the lead bioinformatics scientist in the Wellcome Trust funded bacterial microarray group (BµG@S) in the Institute of Infection and Immunity. There, he was responsible for designing multiple pan genome pathogen microarrays.

Currently, he plays a central role in multiple collaborative projects and activities across several research centres and institutes within St George's, University of London and St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust, as well as externally.

Specifically, Adam is developing computational pipelines for the implementation of NGS analysis within the context of clinical microbiology, and has applied these to various pathogens. such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. He is also involved in various research projects investigating the genomics of Neisseria gonorrhoea and Klebsiella pneumoniae in clinical samples.

He is also the lead architect and software developer on several database systems currently implemented within St George’s NHS Trust Infection Control and within research projects in the university.

Pierre Wolper

Pierre Wolper obtained an electrical engineering degree from thebv University of Liege in 1978. In 1982, he obtained a Ph.D. in computer science from Stanford University. From 1982 to 1986, he was a member of of the technical staff of Bell Laboratories (Murray Hill, NJ). In 1986 he was appointed to the faculty of the University of Liege and promoted to full professor in 1989. From 2001 to 2009 he was the Chair of the EECS department, and from 2009 to 2014 Vice-Rector for research.

Kentaro Yano

Past; Associate Professor of Bioinformatics lab, Department of Life Sciences,
School of Agriculture, Meiji University.

Past; Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo.
Kazusa DNA Research Institute.

Plent Breeding, Kyoto University.

Wenbing Zhao

My primary expertise is in the field of dependable distributed system where I have published extensively on blockchain, Byzantine fault tolerance, intrusion tolerance, replication, and distributed consensus. My secondary expertise, which is also what I find extremely exciting currently, is in the field of smart and connected healthcare with particular interest in human motion recognition, human computer interface, computer vision, machine learning, and fuzzy Inference.