PeerJ in Review 2019: Top cited papers of the year

by | Dec 19, 2019 | Community

As the year winds down, we thought we would take the opportunity to look back at some of the especially noteworthy papers we published this year across our journals. More and more researchers are choosing to publish their work Open Access and we are proud to provide the high-quality, efficient peer-review and publishing services that today’s researchers require.

In 2019, we published over 2000 peer-reviewed articles and have now published over 8000 Open Access publications since we first began publishing in 2013. As we look to provide even more researchers with affordable Open Access options, we launched five new journals in chemistry subject areas. It has been a busy year at PeerJ and we want to especially thank our engaged community of editors and reviewers for making this all possible. And we look forward to even more groundbreaking, high-quality science in 2020!

Here is a look at some of the Top Cited papers of the year. As there tends to be a bit of a citation lag, we looked at papers published in the last two years to give a clearer picture of what has been cited more recently. Over the next few weeks, we will also be looking at other metrics including Top Viewed, Most Discussed and Most Press Mentions. Stay tuned!

PeerJ – the Journal of Life and Environmental Sciences

Aquatic Biology

Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology

Biodiversity and Conservation

Bioinformatics and Genomics

Brain and Cognition


Environmental Science


Paleontology and Evolutionary Science

Plant Biology

Zoological Science

PeerJ Computer Science

PeerJ Chemistry Journals

We launched five new chemistry journals just a few months ago and they have already received thousands of views and downloads. We are looking forward to sharing more about the excellent chemistry content in the new year! Here is a snapshot of what we have already published:

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