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Numerical study of Valence Band states evolution in AlxGa1-xAs [111] QDs systems
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic,
Nano and Microstructured Materials,
Quantum Dots,
Zero-valent iron nanoparticles for Environmental Hg (II) removal: A review
Materials Science (other),
Nano and Microstructured Materials
Current situation and future perspectives for the use of fungi in the biomaterial industry and proposal for a new classification of fungal-derived materials
Bioinspired Materials,
Durability and physical characterization of anti-fogging solution for 3D-printed clear masks and face shields
Materials Science (other),
Thin Films,
Additive Manufacturing
A study on demagnetization heat treatment of waste NdFeB magnets by using computer simulation
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic,
Materials Science (other)
2D hexagonal boron nitride for solar energy conversions
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic,
Energy Materials,
Nano and Microstructured Materials
Microwave assisted synthesis of bismuth titanate nanosheets and its photocatalytic effects
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic,
Nano and Microstructured Materials
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