Current situation and future perspectives for the use of fungi in the biomaterial industry and proposal for a new classification of fungal-derived materials
Luz Alba Ballen Sierra,
Thairine Mendes-Pereira,
Glen Jasper Yupanqui García,
Carla Queiroga Werkhaizer,
Juliana B. de Rezende,
Thiago Augusto Borges Rodrigues,
Fernanda Badotti,
Emanuelle Santos de Carvalho Cardoso,
Andréa Miura da Costa,
Ana Paula Uetanabaro,
Maria Teresa Aguilar,
Aristóteles Góes-Neto
2,268 views · 476 downloads
Antimicrobial properties, cytotoxicity, colour and mechanical behavior of light-cured resin composites containing modified Novaron
Zhihui Han,
Wenjuan Liu,
Yang Sun,
Qianrong Zhou,
Yue Zhao,
Jian Sun,
Bangshang Zhu,
Youcheng Yu
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Characterization and evaluation of the photocatalytic activity of oxides based on TiO2 synthesized by hydrolysis controlled by the use of water/acetone mixtures
Werick A. Machado,
Antonio Eduardo da Hora Machado
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Effects of alkali treatment on the mechanical and thermal properties of sisal/cattail polyester commingled composites
Silas Mogaka Mbeche,
Timothy Omara
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