In-vitro comparative thermo-chemical aging and penetration analyses of bioactive glass-based dental resin infiltrates
Syed Zubairuddin Ahmed,
Abdul Samad Khan,
Maram Alshehri,
Fatimah Alsebaa,
Fadak Almutawah,
Moayad Mohammed Aljeshi,
Asma Tufail Shah,
Budi Aslinie Md Sabri,
Sultan Akhtar,
Mohamed Ibrahim Abu Hassan
Antifouling polymeric nanocomposite membrane based on interfacial polymerization of polyamide enhanced with green TiO2 nanoparticles for water desalination
Muna A. Abu-Dalo,
Ayat Bozeya,
Zaid Sawalmeh,
Borhan Albiss,
Nour Alnairat,
Rund Abu-Zurayk
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Synthesis of fluorescent polystyrene nanoparticles: a reproducible and scalable method
Dávid Bartoš,
Lu Wang,
Andy S. Anker,
Morten Rewers,
Olivia Aalling-Frederiksen,
Kirsten M. Ø. Jensen,
Thomas Just Sørensen
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Valorization of discarded industrial fish processing wastes for the extraction of gelatin to use as biodegradable fish bait matrix using RSM
Karunanithi Masilan,
Neethirajan Neethiselvan,
Robinson Jeya shakila,
Balasubramanian Sivaraman,
Thangaraji Ravikumar,
Muralidharan Nagarajan,
Arjunan Karthy,
Durairaj Sukumar
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The influence of thermal treatments on the secondary structure of silk fibroin scaffolds and their interaction with fibroblasts
Tomoko Hashimoto,
Yuka Nakamura,
Yasushi Tamada,
Hiromichi Kurosu,
Tsunenori Kameda
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