Advisory Board and Editors Toxicology

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Stefano Lorenzetti

Dr. Stefano Lorenzetti is a Senior Scientist within the Department of Food Safety, Nutrition and Veterinary Public Health at the Italian National Institute of Health.

His current main interests are on the development of both in vitro tools and functional biomarkers to screen the endocrine disrupting effects of environmental and dietary contaminants.

Grant B McClelland

Professor of Biology at McMaster University, President of the Canadian Society of Zoologists (2019-2020).

My research focuses on the ontogeny, phenotypic plasticity and evolution of muscle metabolism - important for locomotion, thermogenesis, and whole-body metabolic homeostasis. I use mechanistic and evolutionary physiology approaches, and take advantage of "experiments in nature" by studying species that thrive in extreme environments such as high altitude. I do applied research on the impacts of changing temperature, low oxygen, and pollution on the physiology of fishes.

Paula I. Moreira

Paula I. Moreira is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Principal Investigator at the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra. Moreira published more than 100 scientific peer-reviewed articles and she is on the editorial board of over 10 journals. Paula Moreira won the Stimulus to Research prize, in 2003, supported by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and, the L’Oreal for Women in Science, in 2008, supported by L'Oreal Portugal/UNESCO/ FCT.

Daniel C Moreira

My research interests lie in the area of redox processes in biology and medicine. My main line of work investigates the role and underlying mechanisms of redox metabolism (i.e., reactive species and endogenous antioxidants) in animals during the depression of metabolic rate induced by environmental stresses, including projects that examine the modulation of antioxidant systems in animals exposed to oxygen deprivation and during other situations of metabolic depression. More recently and concurrently, I am also involved in the prospection of bioactive natural compounds (e.g., peptides from amphibians, plant extracts and phytochemicals) for health applications, with emphasis on antioxidant molecules.

Shobana Navaneethabalakrishnan

I received my PhD in Reproductive Endocrinology from University of Madras, India where I studied the molecular mechanism underlying the repression of follicle stimulating hormone receptor and androgen receptor in Sertoli cells of F1 progeny rats with gestational exposure to hexavalent chromium. I have successfully attained inter-laboratory collaboration to study the effect of gestational exposure to excess hexavalent chromium on insulin signaling molecules and glucose homeostasis in F1 progeny rats. Currently, my research focus is to understand the role of gonadal macrophage polarization in reproductive dysfunction associated with hypertension in both men and women.

Sarwat Naz

Dr. Naz obtained her PhD degree in 2013 from Indian Institute of Science, India. She then moved to USA to conduct her postdoctoral training. She is currently a Scientist at National Cancer Institute at NIH, USA where she conducts clinical and translational research in the field of cancer. Her primary research focus is identification of means to modify the radiation response of tumors without causing damage to surrounding normal tissues. Her research utilizes testing novel agents that target specific molecular pathways important in radiation responses to probe the radio sensitivity of cells/tissues. In her current role at NCI she manages translational research initiatives involving radiation modification, the influence of tumor microenvironment on cancer immunotherapy, and novel molecular imaging platforms to assess tissue metabolism.

Cristina W Nogueira

Associate professor at Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil. My current research interests center around the pharmacology and toxicology of organochalcogen compounds. Scopus researcher award/2010.

Jörg Oehlmann

Graduated as Dr. rer. nat. at University Münster in 1994. Habilitation at the International Graduate School Zittau in 1998. 2001-2004: Full professor (C3) for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Goethe University Frankfurt. Since 2004 full professor (C4) for Aquatic Ecotoxicology at Goethe University Frankfurt.

Head of the Department Aquatic Ecotoxicology and the Master's Programme in Environmental Sciences at Goethe University.

Primary research interests: Biological effects monitoring, endocrine active chemicals, pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the environment, effects of microplastics on aquatic organisms, development of an integrated water resource management.

Sonia MR Oliveira

Doctor Sonia Oliveira holds a Licenciatura in Biology (pre-Bologna) and a Master in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Aveiro, where she also specialized in medicinal plants, toxicology, murine models, and spermatogenesis. In 2011 she moved to Australia to work in Reproductive Biological Sciences. She later explored the nerve-cancer connection in Cancer, namely in female cancers, and completed her Ph.D. in Human Physiology ( with a significant component in Medical Biochemistry and Neurophysiology) from the University of Newcastle (Australia) in 2018. She then worked with biomimetic systems and nanotechnology in diabetes and stem cells. She explored multiple methods for primary and secondary cell culture, always with a keen interest in histopathology, cell biology, and rare disorders. Participated in >40 event(s). (Co-)Supervised MSc dissertation(s) and final projects for course completion of LSc/BSc. And works mostly in the area(s) of Natural sciences with emphasis on Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Medical and Health Sciences with emphasis on Neurosciences, Cancer, Reproduction, Toxicology, Biotechnology, and Stem cells. Also has collaborations in Microbiology, Biomaterials, and Communication and Information technologies.

Timothy Omara

Dr. Timothy Omara is a researcher with the Institute of Chemistry of Renewable Resources, Department of Chemistry, BOKU University, Austria. He is also an Assistant Lecturer of Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University, Uganda.

He was previously with the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, School of Sciences and Aerospace Studies, Moi University, Kenya, and affiliated with the Centre of Excellence II in Phytochemicals, Textile and Renewable Energy (PTRE) hosted at the same University.

Dr. Omara holds research assiduity and proven track record of publications and refereeing across international peer-reviewed journals, with research interests including-but not limited to- food toxicology, analytical, natural products and environmental chemistry employing advanced analytical techniques.

He has published over 75 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters as of July 2024, and currently serves as an Academic Editor in PLOS ONE, PeerJ Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Food Quality (Wiley) and VEGETOS (Springer)

Thiago Parente

Scientist in Public Health at the Laboratory of Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (IOC, Fiocruz), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Scientific coordinator of the Institutional Bioinformatics Platform. CNPq Level 2 Research Productivity Scholar (Genetics). Permanent professor at the Graduate program on Systems and Computational Biology IOC, Fiocruz. Graduated in Biological Sciences - Genetics major - from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2006), with a Master's degree in Cell and Molecular Biology from the IOC (2008) and PhD in Biophysics from UFRJ (2012). Through high performance technologies for DNA sequencing and computational data analysis, I investigate the effects of pollution on fauna, using fish as model organisms, and their responses and genetic adaptations to pollutants, especially those involved in the xenobiotic biotransformation system.

Worradorn Phairuang

Dr. Worradorn Phairuang is a Lecturer at Chiang Mai University, Thailand. His main research focuses on the chemical and physical characteristics of airborne nanoparticles. His interests cover all the natural and anthropogenic sources, particularly biomass burning including forest fire and agricultural residue burning. He is very interested in emission inventory from biomass burning in Thailand and Asian countries.