Advisory Board and Editors Soil Science

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Alban Kuriqi

Interested in interdisciplinary research, scientific writing, science communication, teaching, and offering consultancy for the industry. My core research interests and expertise include renewable energy—focusing on hydropower and complementarity resources, hydropower impacts, river restoration and management, e-flows, floods, droughts, climate change, fluvial hydraulics, sediment transport in open-channel flows; embankment structures; hydraulic structures; Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), long-term meteorological and hydrologic trends and variability analysis, ecohydraulics, ecohydrology, and artificial intelligence applications in the field hydraulics and hydrology.

Michael G LaMontagne

Ph.D. Biology, Boston University. NATO Advanced Study Institute: Molecular Ecology of Aquatic Microbes. NASA Planetary Biology Intern at the Center for Microbial Ecology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Marine Biological Laboratory, Summer Course in Microbial Diversity, Woods Hole, MA

Research Projects include: Microbial Ecology; Plant-Microbe Interactions; Metagenomics; Microbial Discovery; Biogeochemistry.

Blanca B. Landa


Ph.D. Agricultural Engineer, Institute of Sustainable Agriculture, CSIC, and University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain. July, 1999.


Population biology and biogeography of soilborne pathogens and biocontrol angents in the rhizosphere. Integrated control of plant pathogens; Rhizosphere microbial ecology; Biocontrol; Molecular diagnosis; Metagenomic analysis of microbial populations.

Xavier Le Roux

Senior scientist (DRex) INRAE ; Microbial and ecosystem ecologist . Deputy Director of the Microbial ecology centre of Lyon-Villeurbanne (France)

Director of the Research Federation BioEEnViS

Research topics include : response of microbial communities involved in N dynamics (nitrification, denitrification...) to global change factors and disturbances ; and microbial biodiversity-ecosystem functioning/services relationships.

* over 140 articles in peer-reviewed journals; h=54 (WoS) or 64 (GoogleScholar)
* Member of the Academy of Europe
* See my profile:
* Former Chair & Coordinator of the European network BiodivERsA

Kyoung Jae Lim

Professor of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Kangwon National University in Korea.

Vice President of Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers from 2018 - 2019

Anja Linstädter

Anja Linstädter is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Cologne and head of the Range Ecology and Management Group. Her research focuses on global change impacts on managed terrestrial ecosystems. She is particularly interested in the interactive effects of global change agents - such as grazing and drought - on the functioning of African drylands, and in consequences for ecosystem service delivery. Ultimately, her research aims at designing ecosystem-based management strategies.

Stephen J Livesley

Stephen investigates soil-plant-atmosphere interactions in natural and managed ecosystems. Stephen studied in the UK gaining a PhD in Soil Science and Agroforestry from The University of Reading.

At the University of Melbourne, Stephen has led research to quantify the carbon and greenhouse gas implications of landscape management and land-use change events in forest, woodlands and now the urban landscape. Stephen’s urban ecosystem research and teaching interests relate to the role of trees, soil and other vegetation systems in providing environmental and social benefits, such as microclimate cooling, energy saving, carbon sequestration, biodiversity habitat and improved nutrient / water cycling.

Brendan P Malone

My research focus is in using quantitative methods to precisely understand how soils function and change- spatially, and through time.

I research methods for comprehensive digital soil mapping aiming to characterize soil both in the lateral and vertical dimensions.

I research methods for quantifying (and validating) measures of uncertainty for these comprehensive soil information systems.

I investigate innovative systems for soil measurement, which includes that associated with remote and proximal and soil sensing instrumentation. I have particular interest in infrared and x-ray spectroscopy.

Chiyuan Miao

Chiyuan Miao is a full professor in the Faculty of Geographical Science,Beijing Normal University, China. His researches mainly focus on the soil erosion (slope scale), Eco-hydrology (watershed scale) and climate change (continent/global scale).

Kevin Mueller

I'm an assistant professor at Cleveland State University. My primary area of research is the ecology and biogeochemistry of temperate forests and grasslands, with an emphasis on plant-environment interactions. For example, I've studied the impacts of climate change, land management, and diversity loss on ecosystem functions of North American grasslands. I frequently use measures of plant functional traits or stable isotope ratios to better understand a variety of ecological concepts and biogeochemical processes, including how plants respond to the environment and interact with cycles of water, nutrients, and carbon.

Franco Nigro

Full Professor of Plant Pathology at the Department of Soil, Plant and Food Sciences of the University of Bari - Aldo Moro. He holds the courses "Biotechnology for the Health and Safety of Vegetable Production integrated with the Certification of Agri-food Production" (Master's Degree in Biotechnology for Food Quality and Safety), and the module of Phytopathological Bacteriology (Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Science and Technology). The research activity focus on some relevant diseases of olive trees (quick decline syndrome, verticillium wilt, anthracnose, cercosporiosis), citrus fruits (Phytophthora root rot, and “mal secco” diseases), stone fruit (white root rot). Recently, he also reported the occurrence of Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium, a quarantine pathogen of the almond tree, in Apulia.

Ali Noman

Dr. Ali Noman received his PhD from Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, China. His research and teaching interests include plant-environment Interaction, plant immune responses, and plant survival tactics under changing environments. Currently He serves as an Assistant Professor of Botany at the Government College University, Faisalabad.

He has published many papers in peer reviewed and world renowned journals, such as Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Pollution, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Chemosphere, Environmental Research and many international conferences. Dr. Noman also serves as member of editorial boards and editor for different journals.