Advisory Board and Editors Ecohydrology

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Sohath Vanegas,
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Abinash Agrawal

Dr. Agrawal is a Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Wright State University. In the past, he served as Director of Graduate Programs, and Associate Chair, in Earth & Environmental Sciences dept., Wright State University.

Dr. Agrawal has been visiting professors/scholars at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (2014); School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (2013); Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (2004); Center for Higher Learning, NASA’s Stennis Space Center, MS (2003). Prior to his appointment at Wright State University in 1995, he worked as a post-doctoral Research Associate at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1995), and a Fellow of the National Science and Engineering Research Council, Canada (1994-95).

Dr. Agrawal has presented invited talks at the numerous national and international academic institutions, which include Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India (2017); Ministry of Human Resource and Development of the Gov’t of India (2016); Harbin Institute of Technology, State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resources and Environment, Harbin, P.R. China (2015); Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India (2014); School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University (2014), etc. In Spring 2016, Dr. Agrawal organized a symposium titled 'Advances in In-situ Pollutant Destruction by Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron & Other Engineered Nanoparticles' at the 251st American Chemical Society Annual Meeting in San Diego.

Douglas A Burns

I study the effects of anthropogenic activities on the cycling of chemical elements in ecosystems. My particular area of interest is on the biogeochemical and hydrological processes that control the cycling of mercury, nitrogen, carbon, and sulfur at the watershed scale. A recent focus is the effects of climate change on streamflow with an emphasis on high flows and implications for water quality.

Joseph M Craine

Craine received his BS from The Ohio State University and his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 2000. He has co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications and a book with Princeton University Press, The Resource Strategies of Wild Plants. He has worked on a variety of topics from plant traits to soil organic matter dynamics to bison performance to nutrient limitation of plant growth. Since 2014 he has helped lead a private company Jonah Ventures.

Janendra M De Costa

Janendra De Costa is the Senior Professor and Chair of Crop Science at the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka. In his research, Prof. De Costa explores the interactions between plants and their environment. In particular, he is interested in unravelling the influence of climate on the functioning (i.e. physiology) of plants, their growth and productivity. His research has spanned across a range of agricultural crops in agro-ecosystems and natural plant species in forest ecosystems, with a special focus on climate change and its impacts on agricultural crops and tropical rainforests, their climate and soils. Prof. De Costa’s research has been predominantly empirical, strongly based on quantitative observations in the field and data analysis to build relationships, with a limited amount of simulation modelling and molecular biology.

As part of his interactions with the wider scientific community at the national level, Prof. De Costa takes an interest in policy formulation and funding for scientific research and development. He has served in national level research funding agencies, policy formulating bodies, editorial boards, governing boards and research monitoring and evaluation committees of national agencies. Currently, he functions as the Chairperson of the Consultative Committee for Research of the Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka and is a member of the governing board of the Sugarcane Research Institute of Sri Lanka. As part of his social responsibility as a scientist, Prof. De Costa writes regularly to national newspapers on topical issues with a view to increasing scientific literacy and awareness among the general public.

Carlos Eduardo de Rezende

Dr. Carlos Eduardo de Rezende is a Full Professor in the Environmental Sciences Laboratory of the Biosciences and Biotechnology Center at the North Fluminense State University (UENF). Prof. Rezende is a senior researcher from the Brazilian National Council for Science and Technology (CNPq) (Level 1B), Scientist of Rio de Janeiro state from Foundation for Science Development (FAPERJ) and coordinator of the Future Earth Coasts in South America. Dr. Rezende has a professional experience including studies on the dynamics in continental aquatic environments (e.g.: rivers, lakes), terrestrial and coastal ecosystems (e.g., estuaries, mangroves and lagoons) and ocean. At UENF, Prof. Rezende held various institutional leadership roles (e.g., Vice-Rector, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Center Director and Head of Environmental Sciences Laboratory), and he has participated in several boards and councils. Actually, Prof. Rezende is conducting studies on Hg and inorganic (e.g.: Al, Fe, Mn, carbonate) and organic geochemical supports (e.g. elemental and isotopic composition) as well as their ecosystem interactions; use of molecular markers (e.g., lignin phenols, carbon black) as geochemical tools to enhance the understanding on the alterations of biogeochemical cycles in the transition between terrestrial and aquatic environments.

Guobin Fu

Dr Guobin Fu is a Senior Research Scientist with more than 25 years of experience researching on climatic change and variability impacts on regional hydrology regimes and water resources in China, USA and Australia. It includes statistical analysing climate variability and change for hydrological applications, statistical downscaling of GCMs to provide climate inputs suitable for regional climate impact assessments, surface hydrological modelling at catchment and basin scales, and field experiments and modelling of pan evaporation and evapotranspiration. Since joining CSIRO in 2006, he has participated several high-profile key projects, such as IOCI, SEACI, Goyder Climate and sustainable yield projects.

Rachel Ann Hauser-Davis

Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) Public Health and Environment researcher. Biologist and Master and PhD in Sciences - Analytical Chemistry. Her lines of research include Science Education, Environmental Chemistry, Ecotoxicology, Oxidative Stress and Proteomics and Metalloproteomics applying Bioanalytical techniques.

Julie A Hope

Research fellow at the University of Auckland, NZ working on the effects of various anthropogenic stressors on soft sediment benthic ecosystem function.

Blanca Jimenez-Cisneros

She holds a degree in Environmental Engineering, (1980), a Masters degree (1982) in Environmental Engineering and a PhD (1985) in Water and Wastewater Treatment. With 31 years of professional experience, some of the positions she has occupied include engineer at Lyonnaise des Eaux, Paris (1985); deputy coordinator of the Water Quality Department (1991-1992) and coordinator of the Human Resources Development Department of the Water Sector at the Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA); coordinator of the Environmental Engineering Department at UNAM (1988-1989); Deputy Director of the Hydraulics and Environmental Department at UNAM (1991-2001), leader of project at the University of Pretoria in South Africa (2005). From 2009 to September 2012, she was a Professor and Head of the Treatment and Reuse Group at UNAM.

She is currently the Director of the Division of Water Sciences at UNESCO and Secretary of the International Hydrological Programme. She was the co-coordinator of leading authors for the freshwater resources chapter under the adaptation group of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for AR5. Dr Jiménez has authored more than 460 publications (books and book chapters, papers in journals, norms, standards and patents). Her fields of expertise include: water and wastewater treatment and reuse technologies and urban water, Dr Jiménez is the recipient of several prestigious honours and awards.

Dr. Gandhiv Kafle

Dr. Gandhiv Kafle is an Ecologist and Associate Professor in the Faculty of Forestry at the Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal.

His research interests include forestry, watershed management and ecology.

Kyoung Jae Lim

Professor of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Kangwon National University in Korea.

Vice President of Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers from 2018 - 2019

Anja Linstädter

Anja Linstädter is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Cologne and head of the Range Ecology and Management Group. Her research focuses on global change impacts on managed terrestrial ecosystems. She is particularly interested in the interactive effects of global change agents - such as grazing and drought - on the functioning of African drylands, and in consequences for ecosystem service delivery. Ultimately, her research aims at designing ecosystem-based management strategies.