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James Baxter-Gilbert

I am a Lecturer at Mount Allison University in Sackville, NB, Canada, where I teach a variety of biology and science communication courses. The central core of my research examines how anthropogenic landscapes and actions impact wildlife. Commonly my research examines how phenotypic change, triggered by urbanisation or biological invasion, may allow reptiles and amphibians the ability to meet the challenges of a human-dominated world.

I completed my BSc (Biology), GDip (Science Communication), and MSc (Biology) at Laurentian University. My MSc research examined: (1) the effectiveness of mitigation structures at reducing reptile road mortality while maintaining population connectivity and (2) developing techniques for evaluating chronic stress in reptiles relating to roads and traffic. I completed my PhD at Macquarie University, which examined how Australian Water Dragons were responding to anthropogenic habitats through urban-derived divergent phenotypes; testing behavioural, morphological, and physiology traits between urbanise and natural-living populations. I then when on to conduct postdoctoral research at Stellenbosch University in the Centre for Invasion Biology examining how biological invasion were impacting the behavioural, morphological, and physiology traits of Guttural Toads as they transition from native to invasive, and urban to natural habitats.

Alison G Boyer

Research scientist in the Environmental Sciences Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Chief Scientist of the ORNL Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) since 2016. The ORNL DAAC provides data management, curation, and data disimmenation for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Terrestrial Ecology Program.

Joint Faculty Assistant Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

General research interests: global change ecology, biogeography, and biodiversity. Her research uses remote sensing data, machine learning, and other data science tools to understand the past and present interactions between human societies and ecological communities.

Robert Costanza

Professor of Ecological Economics, University College London, Institute for Global Prosperity, Senior Fellow, Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholm, Sweden; Affiliate Fellow, Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, University of Vermont; deTao Master of Ecological Economics, deTao Masters Academy, Shanghai China

Rex Victor Cruz

Rex Victor O. Cruz, PhD is a full professor and UP Scientist III at the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). He obtained his bachelor and masteral degrees in forestry at UPLB and his doctoral degree at the University of Arizona.

His specialization include forestry, watershed management, environmental management, ecosystem and landscape management, upland development and climate change.

He is a former dean of the CFNR (2007-2011) and Chancellor of UPLB (2011-2014). He was also a member of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1992-1995; 1997-2000; and 2004-2007. Currently he is a member of the Asia Pacific Forestry Network Board of Directors and on the Editorial Board of several journals. He is also the Program and Project Leader of MODECERA (Monitoring and Detection of Ecosystem Changes for Resiliency and Adaptation), INWARD (Integrated Watershed Research and Development Project), and National Conservation Farming Village (CFV) Program.

G Matt Davies

I am Assistant Professor of Soil and Plant Community Restoration in OSU's School of Environment and Natural Resources. My research focuses on developing methods for the restoration and management of ecosystem properties and functions including vegetation community composition, habitat structure, fire regimes and carbon and nutrient cycling. Current research sites include temperate, semi-arid and tropical ecosystems.

David De Roure

David De Roure is Professor of e-Research at University of Oxford and Director of the Oxford e-Research Centre. He is a Strategic Advisor to the Economic and Social Research Council in the area of Social Media Data. Working on the intersection of humanities, social science, and computer science, David conducts research on social machines, computational musicology, large scale sociotechnical systems, cyber security and social computing.

Andrea Ghermandi

I am an Associate Professor and Head at the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, and the director of the Natural Resources and Environmental Research Center at the University of Haifa in Israel. I am an alumnus of the Global Young Academy. I received a PhD in Analysis and Governance of Sustainable Development from the University of Venice (Italy) in 2008. An environmental engineer by training, my research spans over a range of fields including the valuation and mapping of ecosystem services and the passive crowdsourcing of social media data in environmental research. I have published >50 peer-reviewed scientific articles and contributed to high-profile international initiatives such as TEEB-The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, the UNEP/GEF Project for Ecosystem Services (ProEcoServ), and the Ecosystem Service Partnership.

Andrew P Grieshop

Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State University.

Research interests include the sources and evolution of atmospheric aerosols, characterization of in-use emissions from mobile and stationary combustion sources, linkages between air pollution emissions and climate change, air pollution exposure assessment, technical policy analysis of the environmental impacts of energy systems, and energy and environment in developing countries.

Hugo G Hidalgo

Professor and researcher in surface water hydrology, with a special interest in hydroclimatology. Dr. Hidalgo obtained a BS in Civil Engineering at the University of Costa Rica (1992) and an MS (1998) and a PhD (2001) in Civil and Environmental Engineering with a specialization in Water Resources at the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Hidalgo is currently a professor of the School of Physics at the University of Costa Rica. He is the coordinator of the Master’s Degree Program in Hydrology, the Focal Point for the Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences Water Program and Director of the Geophysical Research Center at the University of Costa Rica. He has authored over 30 publications and participated in more than 100 conferences, seminars and workshops.

Robert J Hijmans

Robert Hijmans is a professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy at the University of California, Davis. Prior to joining UC Davis, he held positions at the International Potato Center (Peru), the International Rice Research Institute (Philippines) and at the UC Berkeley Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. His research focuses on spatial data analysis in biodiversity, agriculture, and health, and he has developed widely used software and databases to support such work. He has a PhD in Production Ecology from Wageningen University (Netherlands).

Gang Huang

I mainly investigate climate dynamics, especially, the mechanism of variability of atmosphere circulation and monsoon systems in East Asia. I have performed a large number of original studies on the observation and simulation of the impacts of Indian Ocean long-term variability on Asia Monsoons, as well as the dynamics of extreme climate, ENSO dynamics and associated decadal climate variability.

Karin Ingold

Karin Ingold is Professor of Policy Analysis and Environmental Govenrance. Her main area of Research is climate Change Adaptation and mitigation as well as politics dealing with question of water Quality and quantity. She applies social Network Analysis and other quantitative and qualitative methods in her Research.