Advisory Board and Editors Biological Oceanography

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Cindy J Smith

Professor of Environmental Microbiology, Infrastructure and Environment, University of Glasgow. Royal Academy of Engineering-Scottish Water Research Chair Fellow on Biofiltration by Biological Design 2018-2023. 2012-2017 Science Foundation Ireland Starting Investigator and Lecturer National University of Ireland, Galway. 2010-2011 University Fellow, National University of Ireland, Galway. 2003-2010 postdoctoral researcher and research co-investigator at the University of Essex and then the University of Sheffield (Molecular ecology of the nitrogen cycle in temperate and tropical estuaries). PhD in Environmental Microbiology and a BSc Environmental Biology, University College Dublin, Ireland.

Joseph M Smoak

Joseph M. Smoak is a professor of biogeochemistry at the University of South Florida in St. Petersburg. His research focus is on how coastal wetlands respond to climate change and sea-level rise. Specifically, his work examines carbon burial in coastal wetlands, and how burial might change and influence global climate.

Jacyra Soares

Degree in Meteorology from University of São Paulo (1983), Master in Oceanography (Physical Oceanography) from University of São Paulo (1989) and PhD from University of Southampton, England (1994). In 1995 held postdoctoral activities in the Oceanographic Institute at USP. Experience in Physical Oceanography and Meteorology, with emphasis on numerical modelling and in situ observations of air-sea interaction (oceanic and atmospheric turbulence) and micrometeorology (Planetary boundary layer, turbulence, radiation and energy balances, turbulent fluxes). Study of the atmosphere and ocean in Equatorial and Antarctic regions.

Linsheng Song

Professor of Marine Biology and Vice President of Dalian Ocean University. Member of council of the Chinese Society of Malacology, fellow of the Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology. Editorial Board Member of Fish & Shellfish Immnology, Developmental and Comparative Immunology, Scientific Report.

John J. Stegeman

Sr. Scientist and former Head of Biology and Watson Chair, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Director, NSF/NIH Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health. Editorial Boards of several journals, former Editor-in-Chief, Aquatic Toxicology. Honorary Doctorate from Goteborg University.

Marcelino T Suzuki

I am from Brazil, where I obtained a degree in Oceanography from the Univ. do Rio Grande. I then finished a Masters and a PhD in Oceanography at Oregon State Univ under the co-supervision of Ev and Barry Sherr and Steve Giovannoni working on the effects of protist bacterivory on bacterioplankton community structure. Next I worked at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Inst. supervised by Ed DeLong on topics including the analysis of bacterioplankton (BP) diversity, the development of real-time PCR for genes and mRNAs, and BP metagenomics, and the biology of photoheterotrophs in the Ocean. I was hired as an Assistant Professor at the Chesapeake Biological Lab where I led research on the diversity, phylogeny and activity of BP, measurements of PB gene expression in situ biology and microbial processes leading to methylmercury production by bacteria.

Since May 2009, I am a Professor At the Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls and the head of the Microbial Biodiversity and Biotechnology Unit and the Scientific advisor of the Bio2Mar platform of the OOB. I lead research on the biology of photoheterotrophs in the Ocean, and the ecology and genomics of, and the exploitation of, marine microorganisms for biotechnological purposes. My main interests are the connection betweem specific bacterioplankton activity and marine biogeochemical cycles, microbial biotechnology, the biology of photoheterotrophy, and chemical interactions of microbes in symbiosis.

Fredolin Tangang

Professor of Climatology and Oceanography in the School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, National University of Malaysia. Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia. Past IPCC WG1 Vice-Chair (AR5 cycle, 2008-2015). Obtained his PhD from University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Fabiano Thompson

Oceanographer and Professor of Marine Biology of the Institute of Biology and SAGE-COPPE of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Our research group focuses mainly on marine microbiology.

Robert J Toonen

Research professor of Marine Biology at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology in the School of Ocean & Earth Sciences & Technology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.

Georg Umgiesser

Georg Umgiesser has two masters degrees in oceanography and physics and a PhD in biomedical sciences. He is working at the CNR as a senior scientist.

Principal fields of investigation are hydrodynamic modeling, circulation and sediment transport. He has developed a series of finite element models for shallow water bodies (SHYFEM) for the study of hydrodynamic processes, water quality and transport phenomena. He has participated in various EU projects dealing with the North Sea and the Mediterranean, turbulence studies and application of 3D models. He was a visiting professor at the Kyushu University, Japan. He is also lead researcher at the Open Access Center of Klaipeda University. He is the Italian coordinator of the ESFRI project Danubius-RI dealing with study on river-sea systems.

Claudio Vasapollo

I am a marine biologist working as a fishery and benthic researcher at the Institute for Marine Resources and Biotechnologies (IRBIM) of the National Researche Council (CNR) in Ancona, Italy. I held my PhD in 2010 at the The Open University (Milton Keynes, UK) working at the Stazione Zoologica A. Dohrn of Naples (Italy) where I conducted a study on the spatial and temporal distribution of macro benthic assemblages associated to Posidonia oceanica seagrass and on several features of the plant itself. I got a Master degree in 2005 at the Polytechnic University of Marche after the Bachelor's degree in Marine Biology at the same university in 2004. I participated in several surveys at sea in the last years as well as to several diving expeditions in the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.

Scott Veirs

Oceanographer and bioacoustician facilitating the recovery of endangered regional icons of the Pacific Northwest (U.S.), particularly southern resident killer whales and Pacific salmon. I helped design and was the first major in the Earth Systems program at Stanford University, then earned a M.S. and PhD in Oceanography at the University of Washington. In 2003 I founded Beam Reach and taught ~50 undergraduates and recent graduates to ask and answer their own marine field science questions during 10-week field courses from 2005-2012. During the same period I helped create the Salish Sea Hydrophone Network -- -- which I continue to administer.