Advisory Board and Editors Natural Resource Management

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I told my colleagues that PeerJ is a journal where they need to publish if they want their paper to be published quickly and with the strict peer review expected from a good journal.
Sohath Vanegas,
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Hugo G Hidalgo

Professor and researcher in surface water hydrology, with a special interest in hydroclimatology. Dr. Hidalgo obtained a BS in Civil Engineering at the University of Costa Rica (1992) and an MS (1998) and a PhD (2001) in Civil and Environmental Engineering with a specialization in Water Resources at the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Hidalgo is currently a professor of the School of Physics at the University of Costa Rica. He is the coordinator of the Master’s Degree Program in Hydrology, the Focal Point for the Inter-American Network of Academies of Sciences Water Program and Director of the Geophysical Research Center at the University of Costa Rica. He has authored over 30 publications and participated in more than 100 conferences, seminars and workshops.

Dezene PW Huber

In our lab we work on bark beetle functional genomics, understanding tree defenses against herbivores and pathogens, insect chemical ecology, and insect biodiversity.

We conduct our research across multiple scales and we use available tools – established and cutting-edge – to search for answers to complex entomological and ecological questions.

Falk Huettmann

Falk grew up in Germany, got a M.Sc. in Forestry from Universities, Goettingen, Freiburg and Munich with a thesis at NISK/Norway on digital image processing of trees affected by acid rain. He then worked at the EU with a Robert Schuman Scholarship of the European Parliament in Luxemburg, and with a NGO in Bruxelles. In 2001 he got a PhD from the ACWERN at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) in Eastern Canada on pelagic seabirds, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and data. His postdoc was with the Center of Wildlife Ecology at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver about Marbled Murrelets. He then got a Killam Scholarship with the University of Calgary working on Grizzly Bear habitat future models in the Rocky Mountains.

In 2002 he became a Professor of Wildlife Ecology in his EWHALE lab with the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. Falk works with his students world-wide on landscapes, oceans and the atmosphere focusing on the conservation of biodiversity and habitats. He has over 350 publications, including 9 books and many Open Access datasets and metadata on over 2000 species

Sabir Hussain

Dr. Sabir Hussain is serving as a Professor at the Government College University Faisalabad. He is an environmental scientist with a PhD (Specialization in Environmental Microbiology) from University of Burgundy, Dijon, France.

His research is primarily focused on devising the strategies for biological wastewater treatment. He has conducted several studies on the isolation and characterization of novel microbial strains involved in biodegradation and biotransformation of different organic compounds including pesticides and synthetic dyes existing in soil and water resources.

Karin Ingold

Karin Ingold is Professor of Policy Analysis and Environmental Govenrance. Her main area of Research is climate Change Adaptation and mitigation as well as politics dealing with question of water Quality and quantity. She applies social Network Analysis and other quantitative and qualitative methods in her Research.

Marcello Iriti

Dr. Marcello Iriti is an Associate Professor of Plant Biology and Pathology within the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Milan.

He has been studying nutraceuticals, functional foods, phytotherapeutics and essential oils relevant for human and animal health, focusing on their preclinical (in vitro/in vivo) and in human pharmacological activities. He has also been investigating the health-promoting effects of traditional Mediterranean diet as well as the ethnopharmacology of herbal remedies of traditional healing systems.

Dr. Iriti is a Member of the World Academy of Sciences, Asian Council of Science Editors and Society of African Journal Editors. Founding Member of the Italian Society of Environmental Medicine. Member of the Working Group ‘Pharmacognosy, Phytotherapy and Nutraceuticals’ of the Italian Pharmacological Society.

Rodolfo Jaffé

I`m interested in inter-disciplinary approaches, comprising population and community ecology, genomics and spatial statistics, to understand how the alteration of natural habitats influences biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services.

Blanca Jimenez-Cisneros

She holds a degree in Environmental Engineering, (1980), a Masters degree (1982) in Environmental Engineering and a PhD (1985) in Water and Wastewater Treatment. With 31 years of professional experience, some of the positions she has occupied include engineer at Lyonnaise des Eaux, Paris (1985); deputy coordinator of the Water Quality Department (1991-1992) and coordinator of the Human Resources Development Department of the Water Sector at the Mexican Institute of Water Technology (IMTA); coordinator of the Environmental Engineering Department at UNAM (1988-1989); Deputy Director of the Hydraulics and Environmental Department at UNAM (1991-2001), leader of project at the University of Pretoria in South Africa (2005). From 2009 to September 2012, she was a Professor and Head of the Treatment and Reuse Group at UNAM.

She is currently the Director of the Division of Water Sciences at UNESCO and Secretary of the International Hydrological Programme. She was the co-coordinator of leading authors for the freshwater resources chapter under the adaptation group of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for AR5. Dr Jiménez has authored more than 460 publications (books and book chapters, papers in journals, norms, standards and patents). Her fields of expertise include: water and wastewater treatment and reuse technologies and urban water, Dr Jiménez is the recipient of several prestigious honours and awards.

Magnus L Johnson

I am a marine scientist with eclectic interests including crustacean biology and fisheries, fisheries management generally, krill swimming behaviour, cleaner fish, coral reef systems, the relationship of marine commensals and their hosts and the eyes of shrimps. I work in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of Hull where I am the Director of the MSc in Environmental Change Management and Monitoring. I am a fellow of the Marine Biological Association and a board member of the Science-Art foundation "Invisible Dust".

David W Johnston

Dave Johnston is a biological oceanographer and marine conservation ecologist whose research focuses on the habitat needs of marine vertebrates in relation to pressing conservation issues.

Roger N Jones

Roger Jones is a Professorial Research Fellow at the Victoria Institute for Strategic Economic Studies (VISES) at Victoria University, Melbourne. He leads a small team who work on climate-related risk, ecological and institutional economics and research into practice. The group applies a transdisciplinary approach to understanding and managing risk that bridges science, economics and policy. Roger previously worked for Australia’s CSIRO for 13 years, developing methods for climate risk assessment. Qualified in earth science, he has worked on urban ecology, been a museum curator and technical essayist, public radio host and researcher working on past, present and future climates and their impacts. He was Coordinating Lead Author on the chapter Foundations of Decision Making in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Working Group II Fifth Assessment Report. He was also Coordinating Lead Author on the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report and a lead author on the Third Assessment Report.

Sanket J. Joshi

Sanket Joshi is currently serving as a Professor and Deputy Director, at Amity Institute of Microbial Technology, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India. He served as Deputy Director, Oil & Gas Research Center (2018-2023), and an Application Specialist, at Central Analytical and Applied Research Unit, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman (2013-2023). He holds BSc and MSc degrees from Sardar Patel University, India, and a PhD degree from M. S. University of Baroda, India – all in Microbiology. Dr. Joshi has 18 years of academic teaching and research experience, and 4 years of industrial R&D experience, in India and Oman. While working in Indian pharma companies, he undertook several turnkey projects (both upstream and downstream) on antibiotics (β-lactams, macrolides, glycopeptides), antidiabetic drug (for type II diabetes), and Co-enzyme Q10. His current research interests encompass: Energy (In-situ/ex-situ microbial enhanced light/heavy oil recovery; chemical enhanced oil Recovery; biofuels); Microbial products (biosurfactants, biopolymers, R&D and scale-up); and Environmental bioremediation (crude oil pollution; analysis, mitigation, and control of souring by Sulfate reducing bacteria; HPAM contaminated sites). Those research projects are multidisciplinary, involving both biotechnology and engineering disciplines. Since he joined SQU, his research team has received over 5.44 million USD in research grants and service contracts and established bioproducts for petroleum and environmental applications. He has 198 scientific publications as papers in international journals (95), book chapters (23), conference proceedings (67), international books (12), and one Australian Innovation Patent to his credit. Dr. Joshi serves as an Academic/Associate Editor for some of the highly reputed journals: Frontiers in Microbiology, PeerJ, BMC Biotechnology, Ecotoxicology, Petroleum Science and Technology, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, and Heliyon. He is book series editor of ‘Advances in Biotechnology and Bioengineering', Elsevier INC.; Guest editor for Frontiers in Microbiology, Energies, Sustainability, Scientifica, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Environmental Quality Management, and Open Biotechnology Journal; and a recognized reviewer for different journals (Elsevier, Springer Nature, T&F, Wiley/AOCS, RSC, ACS, Hindawi, DE Gruyter, MDPI and others). He served as an intermediate guide for 30 undergrad/grad students and 3 PhD students, in India and in Oman; an active member of MEOR research team at SQU since 2009 and established a state of art research and service laboratory at SQU. He was awarded as “NRI Senior Scientist Award”, from Microbiologists Society, India, during academic year, 2019-2020. He has 4329 citations, h-index of 31, and i10 index of 61 (Google Scholar), and was listed among the 2% of the "Stanford University – Elsevier” list of the highly cited scientists in the world for - 2022 and 2023, for excellence in scientific research in ‘Energy’ and ‘Biotechnology’ disciplines.