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Arindam Mitra

Dr. Arindam Mitra is a Professor of Microbiology with a specialization in Molecular Biology and Microbiology. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA. After his doctoral studies, Dr. Mitra also worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Arizona State University, Tempe, USA.

Dr. Mitra's research area includes microbial pathogenesis, biofilms, and vaccine development. Currently, he examines the development and regulation of biofilms in natural, industrial, and clinical settings.

He serves as a reviewer for several peer-reviewed scientific journals such as Food Research International, Access Microbiology, Journal of Medical Microbiology, Frontiers in Immunology, Frontiers in Microbiology, and many others. Dr. Mitra also serves as an editor for Access Microbiology, Microbiology Today, Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, and Peer J Life and Environment.

Ipsita Mohanty

Dr. Ipsita Mohanty is a Research Associate II at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute

Her current research focuses on investigating the molecular mechanisms of nitric oxide signaling pathway at the proteome levels using multipronged approach of mouse genetics, ex vivo mechanistic functional study as well as high throughput mass spectroscopy techniques.

Dr. Mohanty has expertise in pharmacology, physiology, and proteomics with emphasis in intracellular signal transduction and GPCR signaling directed towards designing therapeutic strategies for cardiovascular disorders. Technical cognizance encompasses fields of Smooth Muscle pharmacology, Integrative Physiology, Contraction Physiology, Proteomics, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatic Data Analysis (and related softwares) for Mass Spectrometry data and In-Vivo skills.

Héctor Manuel Mora-Montes

In 2010, I established the Laboratory of Fungal Glycobiology at Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico, with the main goal to understand the synthesis mechanisms of the fungal cell wall and the interaction of medically relevant fungal pathogens with the host. This laboratory is characterized by its facilities to perform chemical, immunological, genetic, molecular, and cellular analyses of human fungal pathogens. Therefore, it is among a handful of research facilities within Mexico and Latin America offering a multidisciplinary and integral approach to understand the host-fungus interaction. Our group has a solid international reputation in the molecular and immunological studies of organisms belonging to the genus Candida and Sporothrix.

Daniel C Moreira

My research interests lie in the area of redox processes in biology and medicine. My main line of work investigates the role and underlying mechanisms of redox metabolism (i.e., reactive species and endogenous antioxidants) in animals during the depression of metabolic rate induced by environmental stresses, including projects that examine the modulation of antioxidant systems in animals exposed to oxygen deprivation and during other situations of metabolic depression. More recently and concurrently, I am also involved in the prospection of bioactive natural compounds (e.g., peptides from amphibians, plant extracts and phytochemicals) for health applications, with emphasis on antioxidant molecules.

Ludmilla A Morozova-Roche

Professor of Medical Biophysics, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Umea University, Sweden. Editor of journal "“Diseases"”.

Prof. Hamid Mukhtar

Dr. Hamid Mukhtar is Professor of Biotechnology and former Director at Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, GC University, Lahore. He has been actively contributing in teaching and research since 1996 in different areas of Biotechnology including He obtained his doctoral degree in 2006 from GC University, Lahore and then proceeded for Post-doctoral research from Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, USA in 2010. He did his Ph.D. in the field of Bioprocess Technology and his Post-Doc in the field of Stem Cell Technology and Genetics.
Dr. Mukhtar is one of the active scientists of Pakistan who has published more than 200 research papers in peer reviewed national and international scientific journals. He has authored/co-authored 06 books and 05 book chapters. He has supervised 39 B.Sc., 10 M.Sc., 60 M.Phil. and 5 Ph.D. students. He won Fulbright Scholar Award in 2010 to carry out Post-doctoral research in USA and has been conferred upon with a Best University Teacher Award in 2014 by HEC, Pakistan. He is on the Editorial/Review board of a large number of International & national research journals. He is also fellow of few national & international scientific organizations/societies.

Kirankumar S. Mysore

Professor of Plant Biology at the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Ardmore, OK, USA. Adjunct professor at the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.

Sushma Naithani

Sushma Naithani is an Associate Professor Senior Research in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Oregon State University, USA. The current focus of her research is on understanding information flow in living systems and how evolution shapes this flow using systems-level pathway modeling supported by high-quality biocuration, gene-orthology based predictions, and analysis of omics data. She serves as a senior curator for Plant Reactome knowledgebase. Sushma has authored 31 peer-reviewed refereed research articles in high impact journals including Nature, Nature Biotech, PNAS, etc. One of her research papers has been selected by the 'Faculty of 1000 Biology'. In addition, she has authored six book chapters and one Open Textbook (S. Naithani (2021):History and Science of Cultivated Plants published by Oregon State University Open Educational Resources, EBOOK ISBN: 978-1-955101-08-0, available at She is also an Associate Editor for Frontiers in Plant Science-Plant Biotechnology and serves as the Editor-in-chief of the Current Plant Biology.

Shobana Navaneethabalakrishnan

I received my PhD in Reproductive Endocrinology from University of Madras, India where I studied the molecular mechanism underlying the repression of follicle stimulating hormone receptor and androgen receptor in Sertoli cells of F1 progeny rats with gestational exposure to hexavalent chromium. I have successfully attained inter-laboratory collaboration to study the effect of gestational exposure to excess hexavalent chromium on insulin signaling molecules and glucose homeostasis in F1 progeny rats. Currently, my research focus is to understand the role of gonadal macrophage polarization in reproductive dysfunction associated with hypertension in both men and women.

Sarwat Naz

Dr. Naz obtained her PhD degree in 2013 from Indian Institute of Science, India. She then moved to USA to conduct her postdoctoral training. She is currently a Scientist at National Cancer Institute at NIH, USA where she conducts clinical and translational research in the field of cancer. Her primary research focus is identification of means to modify the radiation response of tumors without causing damage to surrounding normal tissues. Her research utilizes testing novel agents that target specific molecular pathways important in radiation responses to probe the radio sensitivity of cells/tissues. In her current role at NCI she manages translational research initiatives involving radiation modification, the influence of tumor microenvironment on cancer immunotherapy, and novel molecular imaging platforms to assess tissue metabolism.

KoonGee Neoh

Professor of Chemical Engineering at the National University of Singapore. Recipient of the 1996 National Science Award of Singapore.

Korakot Nganvongpanit

Korakot Nganvongpanit, B.Sc., D.V.M., Ph.D., D.T.B.V.S. is Professor of Veterinary Medicine at the Chiang Mai University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Thailand. He is the head of Animal Bone and Joint Research Laboratory, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Chiang Mai University over 15 years, and head of Excellence Center in Veterinary Bioscience, Chiang Mai University.

His research experience focusing on osteology and related areas includes molecular biology/genetic, chondrocyte culture, small animals orthopedic, and rehabilitation. Past projects involved multi-disciplinary research in the areas of animal osteology including; osteoarthritis (in vivo and in vitro), molecular biology/genetic, forensic anthropology, and population genetics.