Academic Editors

The following people constitute the Editorial Board of Academic Editors for PeerJ Computer Science. These active academics are the Editors who seek peer reviewers, evaluate their responses, and make editorial decisions on each submission to the journal. Learn more about becoming an Editor.

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I told my colleagues that PeerJ is a journal where they need to publish if they want their paper to be published quickly and with the strict peer review expected from a good journal.
Sohath Vanegas,
PeerJ Author
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Yue Zhang

Yue Zhang is an assistant professor at Drexel University’s Computer Science department. His research primarily focuses on system security, specifically in the areas of IoT Security and mobile security. He has published more than 40 papers in security conferences (e.g., USENIX Security, ACM CCS, and NDSS) and journals (e.g., TDSC, TPDS). He received a Best Paper Honorable Mention Award at ACM CCS 2022, and the Best Paper Award at 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Internet. He has also served on the organization committees of the conferences (e.g., general chair of EAI ICECI, track chair for IEEE MSN and IEEE MASS) and technical program committee of the conferences (e.g., USENIX Security, NDSS, ACM CCS, RAID). He serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE T-IFS, HCC and Editor Member of the Blockchain Journal, Electronics Journal, and CMC. His research had led to the discovery of many vendor-acknowledged vulnerabilities, such as by Bluetooth SIG, Apple, Google, and Texas Instruments, and had attracted intense media attention such as Hacker News, and Mirage News.

Varun Gupta

Varun Gupta received his Doctorate (cum laude) in Organizational Engineering, Doctorate (International/European Doctorate, Cum Lade) in Economics and Business Management, as well as in Computer Science and Engineering. He also earned his MBA (General), Máster en Dirección Internacional de Empresas, Master of Technology (By Research) in Computer Science & Engineering, and Bachelor of Technology (Hons.) in Computer Science & Engineering.
He is a Professor of Digital Innovation and Head of the Multidisciplinary Research Centre for Innovations in SMEs (MrciS) at Gisma University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam, Germany. Previously, he was associated with University of Toronto (Canada), Leicester University (United Kingdom), Universidad de Alcalá (Spain), Software Engineering Research Group (SERG), Lund University (Sweden), Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy), Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (Italy), University of South-Eastern Norway (Norway), Poznań University of Technology (Poland), Uniwersytet Szczeciński (Poland).
Prof. Gupta is an Associate Editor of IEEE Access (an SCIE Indexed publication of IEEE), PeerJ Computer Science (an SCIE-indexed publication of PeerJ), PLOS One (an SCIE-indexed publication of PLOS), International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering & Technology (Scopus-indexed publication of Inderscience Publishers), IEEE Software blog, and Journal of Cases on Information Technology (ESCI & Scopus Indexed publication of IGI Global), and is a former editorial team member of the British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) (an SCIE indexed publication of Wiley). Prof. Gupta has worked on multiple projects that have been supported by various agencies such as the European Union and the Spanish National Programme. His area of interest is evidence-based software engineering, innovation management, Digital Transformations and Innovation, Technology Adoptions in SMEs, entrepreneurship, and international business management.

José Alberto Benítez-Andrades

Jose Alberto Benítez-Andrades received the B.S. degree in Computer Engineering and PhD in Production Engineering and Computing from the University of León, Spain, in 2010 and 2017 respectively. He is Associate Professor at the University of León. His research is related to the application of artificial intelligence techniques, knowledge engineering and social network analysis applied mainly to problems related to the field of health. He has more than 40 publications indexed in JCR, 30 communications in international conferences, is associate editor of the journal BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, has organized several international conferences since 2018 and is an evaluator of international projects for the government of Spain and Peru.

Luciano Fadiga

M.D., Ph.D. He has a deep knowledge of and experience in electrophysiology in monkeys (single neurons recordings) and humans (transcranial magnetic stimulation, study of spinal excitability and brain imaging). His current research include the study of the relationships between action and language and the realization of brain-computer interfaces specifically designed for human use.

Anwitaman Datta

Anwitaman did his Phd from EPFL Switzerland. Currently, he works in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at NTU Singapore.

Massimiliano Zanin

Principal Researcher at Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos (IFISC), Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

My interest is mainly focus on the application of modelling tools (and especially complex networks theory and data mining) to a wide range of problems, from the air transport to the interactions within cells.

Yu-Dong Zhang

From 2010 to 2012, Dr. Yudong (Eugene) Zhang worked at Columbia University as a postdoc. From 2012 to 2013, he worked as an assistant research scientist at Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute. From 2013 to 2017, he is a full professor and doctoral advisor at School of Computer Science and Technology at Nanjing Normal University. He also serves as the academic leader of the“Jiangsu key laboratory of 3D printing equipment and manufacturing”. At present, he is a Professor in Knowledge Discovery and Machine Learning, in Department of Informatics, University of Leicester, United Kingdom. His research interests focus on computer-aided medical diagnosis and biomedical image processing.

Siddhartha Bhattacharyya

Dr. Siddhartha Bhattacharyya is currently serving as a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Christ University, Bangalore. He is a co-author of 5 books and the co-editor of 60 books and has more than 300 research publications in international journals and conference proceedings to his credit. He has got two PCTs to his credit. He has been a member of the organizing and technical program committees of several national and international conferences.

His research interests include hybrid intelligence, pattern recognition, multimedia data processing, social networks and quantum computing.

Tzung-Pei Hong

Tzung-Pei Hong received his Ph.D. degree in computer science and information engineering from National Chiao-Tung University in Taiwan in 1992. He was an associate professor in Chung-Hua Polytechnic Institute and in I-Shou University. He served as the director of library and computer center, the dean of academic affairs, the vice president, and is currently a distinguished professor at the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering in National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Nageswara Rao Moparthi

Dr. M. Nageswara Rao is a Professor within the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, K L University, India. He has over 19 years of experience in the S/W industry and academia. Dr. M. Nageswara Rao has published over 20 articles in reputed international journals, written 2 books and filed 2 Indian patents. He is a reviewer for a number of SCI/SCIE journals, including IEEE Access and Journal of Big Data(JBD) Journal of Database Management, Cluster Computing , NHIB and Information Sciences; and Scopus journals, such as IJAIP, IJDS, CIT and IJECE. Dr. M. Nageswara Rao is also an associate TPC member for the following International conferences: ICACII-2019-Springer (India), ICCET-2020-IEEE/WOS (New Zealand), ITIoT/ICCCS 2020-Shanghai (China), JCICE-Sydney (Australia), BDET-2020-ACM Digital Library (Singapore) and ICCMA 2019-IEEE (TU Delft, Netherlands).

Dr. M. Nageswara Rao's research areas are listed below:

1.Data Mining
2. Data Analytics
3.Machine Learning
4. Software Engineering
5. Artificial Intelligence

Stefano Cirillo

Stefano Cirillo is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Salerno, Italy.

His research interests include Data Profiling, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Data Privacy, and Social Networks, in which he has published several articles in international journals, books, and conference proceedings.

He graduated in Computer Science (cum laude) in 2018, at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Salerno. In 2022 he received the Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Salerno, with a Ph.D. course funded by the Programma Operativo Nazionale (PON) 2014-2020.

In 2018 he worked at the Centro Regionale Information Communication Technology (CeRICT) scrl based in Benevento, Italy, for designing, implementing, and developing an intelligent search engine for call-for-tenders in the e-procurement domain. In 2019 he was a visiting researcher at the Datonix SpA in Naples (NA), aimed at the design and development of algorithms for the extraction of profiling metadata from relational and non-relational databases. In 2020 he spent a research period at the Information Systems group of the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) affiliated with the University of Potsdam, Germany.

From 2022 to 2023 he was a Research Fellow at the University of Salerno for the research activity within the project "Profiling Data Streams for Anomaly Detection And Online Learning".

In 2022 he was an adjunct professor for the course of Databases, II year, for the Degree course in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Salerno.

Since 2023 he is an Assistant Professor at the University of Salerno for the project "Security and Rights in the CyberSpace (SERICS)".

He was Program Co-Chair of the International DMS Conference on Visualization and Visual Languages (2021) and Conference Co-Chair of the International DMS Conference on Visualization and Visual Languages (2022).

He is the Local Arrangements Chair of the international EDBT/ICDT 2024 Joint Conference and is a member of the program committee of several national and international conferences, including the International Conference On Computer, Software And Modeling (ICCSM), International Conference on Computing Science, Communication and Security (COMS2), International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Machine (BIGDATASERVICE), International Conference on Advanced Information Science and System (AISS), International Conference on Applications and Systems of Visual Paradigms (VISUAL), International Conference on Networks, Communications and Information Technology (CNCIT), and International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (ICBDAI).

He is an Associate Editor of the Journal Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer) and of the Journal of Visual Language and Computing (JVLC). He is an Editorial Board Member of several international journals, including journal Data Science and Management (DSM), International Journal of Computer Science and Management, and Research Reports on Computer Science (RRCS). He was Lead Guest Editor for the Special Issue "Sentient Multimedia Systems and Universal Visual Languages" [1225] on Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer) and Guest Editor of several Special Issues published in international journals.

He is a reviewer of several international journals, including Intelligent Systems (IEEE), Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier), Information and Processing Management (Elsevier), Journal of Data and Information Quality (ACM), and Neural Computing and Applications (Elsevier).