Advisory Board and Editors Oncology

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Supreet Agarwal

I am a cancer biologist with 13+ years of experience and diverse background in clinical pharmaceutical sciences, cancer stem cells, cancer therapeutics, and data analytics. My research has focused on using innovative 3D organoid models for the understanding of cancer cell signaling pathways to facilitate cancer biomarker discovery and drug discovery for metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer. I have successfully completed multiple preclinical trials of which two drugs are currently in clinical trials. Some of the methodologies I have gained expertise in include high-throughput drug screening, preclinical trials, flow cytometry, confocal microscopy, CRISPR screens, patient-derived xenografts, 3D organoid cultures, bioinformatics tools, and statistical analysis.

Irina U Agoulnik

Associate Professor at FIU College of Medicine. Director of Histopathology Core. Academic Editor of PLoS ONE.

Ludmil B Alexandrov

I am an enthusiastic early career scientist with an interdisciplinary training and a strong computational background. My interests lie in leveraging the information hidden in large-scale omics data for better understanding of the mutational processes causing human cancer, for identifying potential cancer prevention strategies, and for developing novel approaches for targeted cancer treatment.

Ruth Arnon

President of the Israel Academy of Sciences & Humanities. Former VP of the Weizmann Institute of Science. Significant contributions to vaccine development, cancer research & parasitic diseases. Has served as President of EFIS and Secretary-General of the IUIS. Awards include the Robert Koch Prize in Medical Sciences, Spain’s Diaz Memorial Prize, France's Legion of Honor, the Hadassah World Organization's Women of Distinction Award, the Wolf Prize for Medicine, the Rothschild Prize for Biology.

Alice Avancini

Dr. Alice Avincini is a Professor at the University of Verona.

Her research is focused on the study of lifestyle in the context of cancer. In particular, Dr. Avincini investigates the development of evidence-based and theoretically-driven physical activity interventions for cancer patients.

Riadh Badraoui

Dr. Riadh Badraoui is a Professor of Histology-Cytology in the Medicine Faculty of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar. He got his Ph.D. degree in the Department of Medicine-University of Angers, France. He published 150+ articles in impacted, indexed and peer reviewed journals.

His areas of expertise include Bone metastases, Oxidative injury, Histopathology, Histomorphometry, Apoptosis, Endocrine Disruption, Toxicology, SOD, Osteoporosis, Molecular Interactions, and Pharmacokinetics

Oluwaseun Adebayo Bamodu

Dr. Oluwaseun Adebayo Bamodu is a Medical Research Fellow in the Department of Urology at Tapein Medical University - Shuang Ho Hospital. His research interests include: Precision Medicine, Breast Cancer, Cancer Research, Cancer Stem Cells, Immuno-oncology, Cancer Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Prognosis, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Functional Urology, and Genitourinary Malignancies.

Debmalya Barh

I have worked 15+ years in various industries (molecular diagnostics, healthcare, personal genomics, bioinformatics) and along with that I have continued my academic researches for last 15+ years. My field of research includes human disease genetics and genomics; biomarker and molecular diagnostics, targets and drug discovery; precision medicine, and bioinformatics. In various industries, I have extensively worked in developing genetic tests for various human diseases and traits, geotype-phenotype correlations, bioinformatics tools and database design and several personal genomics and bioinformatics product development. I have published 140+ articles, 35+ book chapters, 25 books, several complete bacterial genomes and bio-software.

Barbara Bartolini

I have a degree in Biological Sciences with specialization in biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Pavia, Italy, where I got also my Ph.D. degree in biochemistry with a thesis on fibrillar collagens, proteoglycans, and integrins and their role in the extracellular matrix organization.

My main scientific interest is glycobiology, as I have worked on hyaluronan, dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate, oxidation specific epitopes and atherosclerosis.
I have also a strong background in cell biology and especially in cell migration and motility.

Anaïs Baudot

I'm a Systems Biologist with a background in Biology, Genetics and Bioinformatics. I hold a PhD from the Aix-Marseille University. After a Post-Doc in the CNIO (Madrid, Spain), I got a CNRS Researcher position in 2010. I've working since then in the Marseille Institute of Mathematics (CNRS-AMU). I'm interested in -omics studies (interactomes), Networks (partitioning, boolean modelling), and questions related to human diseases, in particular complex diseases, cancers and comorbidities.

Søren M Bentzen

Professor, Director of the Division of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Maryland - Baltimore. Adjunct professor University of Copenhagen, Denmark. 20+ awards and honors incl. ESTRO Gold Medal, MD Anderson Distinguished Alumnus Award, Honorary Life member Assoc. of Radiation Oncologists of India & Belgian Soc. for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 370+ publications, H-index 62 Web of Science.

Fabrizio Bianchi

I graduated at the University of Milan and obtained my PhD (Molecular and Cell Biology) degree while working at the FIRC Institute for Molecular Oncology (Milan, Italy) and then at Oxford University (Oxford, UK). I worked as postdoctoral fellow in Pier Paolo Di Fiore’s lab at IFOM, Milan, and then at the Program of Molecular Medicine of the European Institute of Oncology (Milan, Italy). Since 2016, I am the Head of the Cancer Biomarkers Unit at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine (ISBReMIT) at Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza-IRCCS. I have several years of research experience in the field of cancer genomics and biomarkers development, particularly in the field of circulating miRNAs, cancer gene expression profile and computational biology. I have contributed to the identification of a serum circulating miRNA-signature for early detection of lung cancer, which was patented and transferred to a SME. I am an inventor in international patents regarding diagnostic and prognostic tools for lung cancer screening (US8747867B2; US20150057159A1; US20160068913A1). I am an active member of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR), the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) and the Italian Society for Cancer Research (SIC) where I hold the position of secretary and member of director board.