Advisory Board and Editors Infectious Diseases

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Sohath Vanegas,
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Aldo Croquer

Dr. Aldo Croquer graduated from Universidad Central De Venezuela in 1998. His PhD is in Biological Sciences and has been a Postdoctoral Fellow 3 times, a Senior Professor at Simon Bolivar University and currently Coral Program Manager of The Nature Conservancy in the Dominican Republic. I am interested in coral reef ecology, benthic ecology and coral biology ecology, including life history traits, coral disease-health dynamics and ecological restoration.

Krystyna Dąbrowska

Affiliation: Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław, Poland (Bacteriophage Laboratory).Position: professor.

Current field of interest: non-bactericidal effects of phages in mammals; i.e. phage molecular biology tools for studies of phage impact on immunological system and other physiological aspects in mammals.

Anissa Daliry

Dr. Anissa Daliry is a biologist at the Federal College of Pernambuco (UFPE) and holds a master's degree and a PhD in cellular and molecular biology from FIOCRUZ and a postdoctoral degree from Biophysics/UFRJ. Dr. Anissa is a permanent professor of Cell and Molecular Biology program, IOC/FIOCRUZ (level 7/ CAPES) and young scientist of our state/FAPERJ (2021-2024). Her main research focus is to study molecular, physiological pathways and mechanisms involved in the development of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and Chagas disease. She performs pre-clinical and clinical studies. She coordinates the postgraduate course "Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases: from bench to the bedside." She is a reviewer for 13 indexed international journals. Since 2020, she has collaborated in the Longitudinal Study of Brazilian Health, ELSA-BRASIL. She is also a member of the Liver Center and the Brazilian Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (SBFte). She develops projects in technological innovation with the development of a medical device for the quantification of hepatic steatosis. Dr. Anissa is a member of the research directory group entitled: Longitudinal Study of Adult Health - RJ/Fiocruz Research Center, coordinated by Dr. Rosane Griep/IOC and leader of the CNPq research group entitled: Study group on pathophysiology and therapy of chronic non-communicable and infectious diseases.

Joshua S Davis

Josh is a clinician researcher, and divides his time between clinical work as an Infectious Diseases physician in Newcastle, and research work as a principal research fellow based at Menzies.

He completed his clinical infectious diseases training in 2004, and then worked on a PhD from 2007-2010 on the epidemiology, pathophysiology and adjunctive treatment of sepsis in the Top End of the Northern Territory (NT).

His main clinical interests are general infectious diseases, viral hepatitis, refugee health and infections in the critical care setting. His main research interests are clinical trials in the management of severe infections and epidemiology of severe bacterial infections.

Josh is the past president of the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) and is a career development fellow of Australia's National Health and Medical Research Council. In the 10 years since completing his PhD, he has over 140 peer-reviewed publications and an h-index of 31.

Carlos de Noronha

Dr. Carlos de Noronha is Associate Professor within the Department of Immunology and Microbial Disease at Albany Medical College, USA.

His research focus is in the field of Microbiology, more specifically HIV, Molecular Virology, Viral Infection, Virus Diseases, Viral Immunology, Immunology of Infectious Diseases and Emerging Infectious Diseases.

Donatella de Pascale

Mainly involved in the discovery of new bioactive compounds from Antarctic and Arctic bacteria. Also working on on Antarctic psychrophilic microorganisms with potential biotechnological applications, and the dissection of the virulence determinants of some human pathogens by the use of non-vertebrate host model, like Caenorhabtidis elegans.

Robson F de Souza

Assistant Professor at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil; Past Visiting Fellow Researcher at the National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH, MD/USA; Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Sao Paulo.

Timothy P Driscoll

Associate Professor at West Virginia University Department of Biology. PhD in Genomics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology from Virginia Tech. Our research centers on the distribution, evolution, and design of interventions for zoonotic and vector-borne infectious diseases. I focus on Rickettsiales and other intracellular pathogens, using phylogenomics and related approaches to understand virulence and pathogenicity.

Jonathan A Eisen

Full Professor, University of California, Davis (Depts. of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and Evolution and Ecology) and Adjunct Scientist DOE Joint Genome Institute.

Obsessed with microbes, the Redsox, open science, and STEM diversity.

Ibrahim Elsohaby

Dr. Ibrahim Elsohaby is Assistant Professor in the Department of Infectious Diseases and Public Health and City University of Hong Kong. His current research investigates the One Health epidemiology of infectious and zoonotic diseases, including antimicrobial resistance. The aim of this research is to use epidemiologic and quantitative methods to develop realistic antimicrobial stewardship strategies based on a One Health approach and to reduce the risk of zoonotic diseases transmission to human contacts and general public.

Alda Maria Ferreira

I have a master's degree in microbiology and PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology. I am an Associate Professor of Immunology at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. I have already supervised six master's and one doctoral students in the areas of biochemistry and infectious diseases.

My main area of interest is cellular and molecular biology of pathogens, infectious diseases and biological assays. So far I have published several papers involving studies in these areas.

I am the leader of a research group certified by the CNpQ (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) on biological assays with >Trypanosoma cruzi<, which is the etiologic agent of Chagas disease.

Marcelo U. Ferreira

Prof. Marcelo Ferreira is a medical parasitologist with over 20-year experience in field-oriented and laboratory research. He graduated in Medicine from the University of São Paulo, Brazil (1988), where he was trained in Internal Medicine (1999-2004) and obtained his MSc (1993) and PhD (1997) degrees. Further research training was obtained in Japan (Nagoya University, 1995-97) and the United States (Harvard University, 2005-06). He teaches medical parasitology at the University of São Paulo since 1990 and currently serves as a member of the Technical Advisory Committee on Malaria of the Pan-American Health Organization.