Advisory Board and Editors Animal Behavior

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Eduardo J Fernandez

Dr. Eduardo J. Fernandez is a Senior Lecturer of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare in the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at the University of Adelaide (Australia). He received his Ph.D. in Psychology (minors in Neuroscience and Animal Behavior) from Indiana University and his M.S. in Behavior Analysis from the University of North Texas.

Most of his past and current work involves behavioral research applied to the welfare and training of zoo, aquarium, and companion animals. He runs the Operant Welfare Lab (OWL), which is dedicated to the use of learning principles to improve the lives of animals across many settings, including exotic animals in zoos and aquariums and companion animals in homes and shelters. OWL is also part of the larger Animal Behaviour, Welfare, and Anthrozoology Lab (ABWAL;

Dany Garant

Professor of Ecology in the Department of Biology at Université de Sherbrooke.

Research in my lab aims to understand the processes that generate and maintain biodiversity, mainly through the establishment of evolutionary related parameters in their ecological context. Current research projects in our laboratory involve molecular ecology, quantitative genetics and population dynamics to study wild animal populations.

Stephanie S Godfrey

Lecturer in the Department of Zoology at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Research interests include animal behaviour (and specifically animal social networks), host-parasite ecology, and conservation biology.

Nicanor González-Morales

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at Dalhousie University. My research group studies muscle biology using Drosophila fruit flies, where we like to combine fancy microscopes with precise genetic manipulations.

Patricia A. Gowaty

Distinguished Prof. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Inst. of the Environment and Sustainability, UCLA; Research Assoc, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Fellow of the AAAS, the Animal Behavior Society, the American Ornithologists' Union, the Soc.of Biology. Previous President of the Animal Behavior Society & Vice-President of the American Ornithologists’ Union. Awards include 3 NIH career awards, the Quest Award from the Animal Behavior Society & the Lamar Dodd Award.

Simon C Griffith

I work on a number of evolutionary and ecological questions with a number of species of birds in both the field and laboratory. Captive model systems such as the Gouldian finch and zebra finch provide excellent opportunities to understand diversity in questions relating to speciation, sociality, sexual selection, and signalling. We are also interested in how Australia's extreme and highly stochastic climate influences behaviour and life history evolution.

Peng He

Dr. He is Associated Professor of Entomology of Center for Research and Development of Fine Chemicals of Guizhou University. His lab focuses on Insect Molecular Biology and Pest management, especially on insect olfactory mechanism and insect development. He received his PhD in 2012 from Nanjing Agricultural University.

Brandon P Hedrick

Assistant Professor of Biomedical Sciences, Cornell University

An evolutionary biologist, paleobiologist, and ecologist primarily interested in comparative morphology. I work across the vertebrate tree including reptiles, amphibians, and birds, but specialize on bats and dinosaurs.

David WE Hone

I'm a Reader in Zoology at Queen Mary University of London. I've previously worked at University College Dublin and the University of Bristol and had postdoctoral positions at the Institute for Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing and the Bayerische Staatsammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie in Munich. My work focuses on the (non-avian) dinosaurs as a whole and especially the carnivorous theropods, and also on the flying pterosaurs.

Dezene PW Huber

In our lab we work on bark beetle functional genomics, understanding tree defenses against herbivores and pathogens, insect chemical ecology, and insect biodiversity.

We conduct our research across multiple scales and we use available tools – established and cutting-edge – to search for answers to complex entomological and ecological questions.

Manuel Jimenez

Manuel Jiménez López received his Ph.D. in the Department of Human Physiology, Histology, Pathological Anatomy, and Physical and Sports Education of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Malaga (Spain) in 2011. Since 2012 he has been part of the International University of La Rioja (Spain) faculty. He received the "Dr. Fernández Pastor" for the best research in Sports Medicine in 2012 and was a finalist for this same award in 2013. As a researcher, he joined the "Research in Sports Science" group of the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga, and the group research CTS-132 of the University of Malaga. He was the lead researcher in the TECNODEF-UNIR group from 2019 to 2023 and an honorary collaborating researcher in the Department of Basic Psychology and Language Sciences of the University College of London in 2019. Honorary collaborating professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Malaga between 2009 and 2023. He has been invited as Key Speaker at the North American Symposium on Saliva Diagnostics in 2018, 2019, and 2020, at the Saliva Diagnostic Symposium of India in 2021 and 2022. He is an expert in saliva diagnostic techniques applied to performance control in professional sports, working with professional teams in football, cycling, athletics, badminton, judo, hockey, and basketball. He specializes in allostatic load, stress, psychophysical development, social neuroendocrinology, obesity, and affective neuroscience. As a teacher, he has taught classes on research methodology and clinical documentation, psychophysical development at school age, physical education, health, biomedical assessment of athlete performance, and anatomical bases of the human body. Currently, he is investigating salivary proteomics as a diagnostic method in neurodegenerative pathologies and the impact of stress on physical and mental health.