Advisory Board and Editors Bioinorganic Chemistry

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Hani Nasser Abdelhamid

2013-2017: PhD from Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Stockholm University, Sweden. Title ʺLanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks and Hierarchical Porous Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks: Synthesis, Properties, and Applicationsʺ
2011-2013: M.Sc in Nanobiomedicine, National Sun-Yat Sen University, China (ROC)
2009-2010: Pre-Master–Physical Organic Chemistry-Assuit University, Egypt, Grade: 3.4 (87.71%).
2003-2007: B.Sc Chemistry Department–Assuit University- Egypt, Grade: 3.32 (84.059%)
Research Experience & interest
The research interest of Hani Abdelhamid is focused broadly on science and technology at the nanoscale and for material science to push scientific boundaries in diverse areas of biochemistry, biology, biomedicine biotechnology, nanocatalysis and laser based analytical. The main thrusts are concentrated on the topics as below:
1) Nanotechnology: synthesis, characterization, and applications.
2) Material Chemistry, synthesis, characterization, and applications.
3) Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), synthesis, characterization, and applications.
4) Inorganic and structural chemistry.
5) Analytical Chemistry.
6) Solar cells and Nanocatalysis.
7) Nano-Biomedicine and Nano-Biotechnology.
8) Biochemistry and Biochemical research methods.
9) Metallodrug-protein interactions using Nanomaterials based- laser analytical tools.
10) Biosensor based on nanomaterials for pathogenic bacteria and biomolecules.

Jorge Gonzalez Garcia

I obtained my PhD from the University of Valencia (Spain) focused on Supramolecular & Bioinorganic Chemistry, in which I worked in metalloenzymes mimetics and anion receptors. Upon completing my PhD in 2013, I performed several postdoctoral research positions in the University of Kansas (USA) and Institute Curie (France), in which I specialized in the development of drugs for non-canonical nucleic acids such as G-quadruplexes, triplexes or i-motifs. Then, I joined the Department of Chemistry at Imperial College London as Newton Fellow to develop new tools to target and visualize G-quadruplexes in cells. I continued my projects as IdEx Fellow in the European Institute of Chemistry and Biology in Bordeaux (France). Actually, I’ve started my team in the Institute of Molecular Science in the University of Valencia, where I’ve developed novel systems and methodologies to target non-canonical DNA structures and unravel their biological roles.

Rachel Ann Hauser-Davis

Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) Public Health and Environment researcher. Biologist and Master and PhD in Sciences - Analytical Chemistry. Her lines of research include Science Education, Environmental Chemistry, Ecotoxicology, Oxidative Stress and Proteomics and Metalloproteomics applying Bioanalytical techniques.

Daniel H. Murgida

Daniel H. Murgida, PhD, is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, and Principal Investigator of the National Research Council, CONICET, Argentina. His laboratory investigates structural, dynamics and mechanistic aspects of natural and chimeric electron transferring proteins and redox enzymes, with basic and applied purposes. This includes a variety of heme and copper metalloproteins that are investigated using spectroscopic, electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical methods in combination with protein engineering and computational simulations.

Adrián Ochoa-Terán

Adrián Ochoa-Terán is a Professor of Chemistry and Engineering at the Tecnológico Nacional de Mexico campus Tijuana (TECNM-Tijuana). Trained as a Biochemical Engineer, Adrián received a BS degree from Tecnológico Nacional de México in 2000 and a PhD degree in Chemical Sciences from the same institution in 2004. He began his academic career at TECNM-Tijuana as Associate Professor in 2006, then he was promoted to Full Professor in 2008. He has supervised 38 undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral students at TECNM-Tijuana. He has published 61 peer-reviewed papers and 1 book chapter. Dr. Ochoa-Terán reaseach is focused in organic and bioorganic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, as well as the chemical modificaction of (bio)materials for environmental and biological purposes. He is member and co-founder of the Mexican Supramolecular Chemistry Thematic Network.

Maura Pellei

Maura Pellei is Associate Professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Camerino. In 1993 she graduated in biological science at the University of l′Aquila. She obtained her degree in chemistry in 2003 and her Ph.D. in chemical sciences in 2010 at the University of Camerino. Her research interests are in coordination
chemistry, bioinorganic systems, and metal-based drugs.

Carlo Santini

Carlo Santini is Associate Professor of General and Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Camerino and in 2013 he received the qualification of Full Professor in Fundamentals of Chemical Sciences and Inorganic Systems. He coordinated the Doctoral Area in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Biotechnologies of the School of Advanced Studies and since 2015 he has been the head of the Chemistry Division of the School of Science and Technology of the University of Camerino. His research interests are in coordination and organometallic chemistry, in functional metal
complexes and metal-based drugs.

Hans Martin Senn

Hans Martin Senn obtained his undergraduate and PhD degrees in Chemistry from ETH Zürich. For his undergraduate thesis project in 1996/97, he went to Imperial College, London, where he was supervised by Mike Mingos, who got him into (EHT and DFT) calculations. Back in Switzerland, he did his PhD with Antonio Togni at ETH and Peter Blöchl at the IBM Zürich Research Centre. After a first postdoc with Tom Ziegler in Calgary, he worked in Walter Thiel's group at the Max Planck Institute for Coal Research in Mülheim an der Ruhr (Germany). Since 2007, he has been a lecturer in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry at the University of Glasgow (UK).

Rogerio R Sotelo-Mundo

Prof. Sotelo-Mundo contributes as an academic editor in PeerJ, PeerJ Inorganic. Chemistry and PeerJ Materials Science. He holds a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from The University of Arizona (USA) with Prof. William Montfort. Back in Mexico in 1999 at Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo (, Dr. Sotelo-Mundo has contributed to the biochemistry and structural biology of proteins from marine invertebrates. Being at a food science institute has applied biochemistry to food science and technology. Also, he collaborates in the materials science graduate program at Universidad de Sonora as a visiting professor, participating in research about macrocyclic biomimetic molecules. His research focuses on the structure and function of proteins related to disease, and the chemical structure of natural and synthetic molecules related to biomedical applications. The experimental approach is the crystallography of proteins and small molecules, along with biochemical and biophysical techniques. Our group collaborates with a range of groups from disciplines from genomics and metagenomics, biochemistry, supramolecular chemistry, and material sciences. PubMed ResearchGate and Publons

M. Eugenio Vazquez

I graduated in Chemistry from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela in 1996 (with honors), and from 1996 to 2001 worked on my PhD under the supervision of Prof. José Luis Mascareñas developing new synthetic DNA-binding peptides. In 2001 I received the Human Frontier Science Program long-term fellowship and joined the group of Prof. Barbara Imperiali at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where I worked for three years (2001-2004) on the development of caged compounds and fluorescent probes as tools to understand complex phosphorylation pathways involved in cell motility.
I returned to Santiago with a Ramón y Cajal contract in 2004, and was habilitated three years after in 2007. Since 2010 I am enjoying an Associate Professor position at the Organic Chemistry Department, and in 2011 I became a member of the Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials (CiQUS).