Advisory Board and Editors Biodiversity

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I told my colleagues that PeerJ is a journal where they need to publish if they want their paper to be published quickly and with the strict peer review expected from a good journal.
Sohath Vanegas,
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Daniel F Hughes

Dr. Daniel Hughes is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Coe College, where he studies how organisms, species, and entire communities respond to change, both in the past and present. His research begins with natural history observations and then leverages comparative approaches from diverse fields to study ecological and evolutionary processes, mostly in reptiles and amphibians. Dr. Hughes' work stems from the interrelated aims of tracking the impacts of global changes and improving the conservation of species.

Izwandy Idris

Dr. Izwandy Idris is Head of the South China Sea Repository and Reference Centre (RRC) within the Institute of Oceanography and Environment at the Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.

His research interests include the systematics (taxonomy), biology, and ecology of marine invertebrates, with in-depth works on the marine worm (Annelida: Polychaeta). Dr. Idris' research group works on several aspects including small-scale biogeography in coastal and estuary, biofouling ecology, biology, and ecology of commercially related species for sustainable application. His group also has started taking an interest in deep-sea polychaetes.

The overarching objectives of Dr. Idris' research group is to systematically catalogue the marine invertebrate diversity in Malaysia and to apply the knowledge on the ecological and biological requirements of the species for the betterment of people through economic empowerment, health, and the environment in a sustainable manner.

Rodolfo Jaffé

I`m interested in inter-disciplinary approaches, comprising population and community ecology, genomics and spatial statistics, to understand how the alteration of natural habitats influences biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services.

Michael A Jenkins

I am a Professor of Forest Ecology in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources at Purdue University. Previously, I was a vegetation ecologist with the National Park Service for ten years. My research focuses on the effects of disturbance and invasive species on forests ecosystems. My scale of focus ranges from the population to the landscape scale and I work with data from both long-term plot networks and field experiments.

Michela M Johnson

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the State Natural History Museum in Stuttgart. I completed my PhD at the University of Edinburgh in 2019. My work focuses on teleosauroids, a group of semi-marine Jurassic crocodylomorphs, and aspects of their morphology, phylogenetics, taxonomy and ecology. For my postdoc I am studying their ontogeny and body size distribution during the Early Jurassic.

Sanket J. Joshi

Sanket Joshi is currently serving as a Professor and Deputy Director, at Amity Institute of Microbial Technology, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India. He served as Deputy Director, Oil & Gas Research Center (2018-2023), and an Application Specialist, at Central Analytical and Applied Research Unit, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman (2013-2023). He holds BSc and MSc degrees from Sardar Patel University, India, and a PhD degree from M. S. University of Baroda, India – all in Microbiology. Dr. Joshi has 18 years of academic teaching and research experience, and 4 years of industrial R&D experience, in India and Oman. While working in Indian pharma companies, he undertook several turnkey projects (both upstream and downstream) on antibiotics (β-lactams, macrolides, glycopeptides), antidiabetic drug (for type II diabetes), and Co-enzyme Q10. His current research interests encompass: Energy (In-situ/ex-situ microbial enhanced light/heavy oil recovery; chemical enhanced oil Recovery; biofuels); Microbial products (biosurfactants, biopolymers, R&D and scale-up); and Environmental bioremediation (crude oil pollution; analysis, mitigation, and control of souring by Sulfate reducing bacteria; HPAM contaminated sites). Those research projects are multidisciplinary, involving both biotechnology and engineering disciplines. Since he joined SQU, his research team has received over 5.44 million USD in research grants and service contracts and established bioproducts for petroleum and environmental applications. He has 198 scientific publications as papers in international journals (95), book chapters (23), conference proceedings (67), international books (12), and one Australian Innovation Patent to his credit. Dr. Joshi serves as an Academic/Associate Editor for some of the highly reputed journals: Frontiers in Microbiology, PeerJ, BMC Biotechnology, Ecotoxicology, Petroleum Science and Technology, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, and Heliyon. He is book series editor of ‘Advances in Biotechnology and Bioengineering', Elsevier INC.; Guest editor for Frontiers in Microbiology, Energies, Sustainability, Scientifica, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Environmental Quality Management, and Open Biotechnology Journal; and a recognized reviewer for different journals (Elsevier, Springer Nature, T&F, Wiley/AOCS, RSC, ACS, Hindawi, DE Gruyter, MDPI and others). He served as an intermediate guide for 30 undergrad/grad students and 3 PhD students, in India and in Oman; an active member of MEOR research team at SQU since 2009 and established a state of art research and service laboratory at SQU. He was awarded as “NRI Senior Scientist Award”, from Microbiologists Society, India, during academic year, 2019-2020. He has 4329 citations, h-index of 31, and i10 index of 61 (Google Scholar), and was listed among the 2% of the "Stanford University – Elsevier” list of the highly cited scientists in the world for - 2022 and 2023, for excellence in scientific research in ‘Energy’ and ‘Biotechnology’ disciplines.

Jean-Lou Justine

Professor of parasitology at the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.

A specialist of systematics of monogeneans and certain parasitic nematodes, also interested in parasite biodiversity in coral reef fish, phylogeny of Platyhelminthes and Nematodes, and land planarians. Curator of the collections of parasitic worms of the MNHN.

Former Editor of “Zoosystema” and “Mémoires du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle”. Currently Editor of “Parasite”, an open-access journal.

See my Publons profile for more information on peer-review activity.

Ruslan Kalendar

Ruslan Kalendar has been working at Nazarbayev University since 2020.
His interests are in molecular genetics, with a particular focus on the evolution of the genome and, in particular, mobile genetic elements. He is interested in the evolutionary processes underlying the spread and diversification of mobile genetic elements and their inactive descendants in eukaryotic genomes. The application of gene- and retrotransposon-based variation in mapping, diversity analysis, and development of breeding tools. He is interested in using DNA technology in diagnostic research, software development, genomics, and comparative bioinformatics (a search of repeats, DNA alignment and assembly, PCR primer design). He has extensive experience on numerous editorial boards (Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers in Genetics, BMC Biology, BMC Plant Biology, BMC Genomic Data). His other work in assessment includes grant reviewing for numerous funding bodies in the EU and internationally.

Bishoy Kamel

I am currently a scientist at the Joint Genome Institute at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Working on a diversity of topics, including evolution, genomics, metabolic modeling, host-parasite interactions, and biosurveillance.

Hironori Kaminaka

Associate Professor of Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University, Japan; Past Postdoctoral Fellow of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA; Past postdoctoral Fellow of National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Japan; Ph. D. obtained in Kyoto Prefectural University, Japan.

Mykola Karabiniuk

I am the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Geography for educational and methodological work of Uzhhorod National University. I work as an Associate professor of the Department of Physical Geography and Efficient Environmental Management. The scientific degree PhD (Geography) with a specialty in physical geography, geophysics and geochemistry of landscapes was awarded for the defense of a dissertation at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, which is devoted to the features of landscape organization and the efficiency of using the highlands of the Chornogora massif of the Ukrainian Carpathians.
I specialize in landscape diversity and evolutionary development of mountain systems, mapping and geoinformation analysis of the structure and properties of geocomplexes to determine the geoecological situation, as well as the problems of anthroposis of landscapes and efficient use of nature. For scientific achievements in the field of geoecology and the applied significance of the results of the study of the highlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians to solve environmental problems of the Danube region in 2021 I was awarded the Danubius Young Scientist Award. I am also a full member of the Ukrainian Geographical Society.

Linda W Kelly

I received my doctorate in 2013 from the SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Cell and Molecular Biology. I joined the Dept of Biology at San Diego State University as an Adjunct Research Professor in 2014. My research focuses on understanding changes in coastal marine microbial communities in response to environmental perturbations. Most of my research thus far has focused on coral associated microbes. Specifically, I use metagenomics to identify the taxonomic distribution and functional capacity of microbial communities in marine ecosystems that are subjected to varying nutrient availability, anthropogenic stressors, and comprising different benthic compositions.