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Sohath Vanegas,
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Xiangqin Cui

Xiangqin Cui is an associate professor in the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Department at Emory University. She received her Ph.D in Genetics at Iowa State University in 2001 and a three-year postdoctoral training in statistical genetics at the Jackson Laboratory afterwards. She spent 13 years at UAB before moving to Emory in 2017. Her current research is on observational studies using electronics health records and clinical trials.

Martin Daumer

Dr Martin Daumer: Director of the SLCMSR e.v. - The Human Motion Institute in Munich and managing director of the IT company, Trium Analysis Online GmbH. He is also visiting lecturer for Telemedicine and Clinical Applications of Computational Medicine at the Technical University Munich.

Dr Daumer received a diploma in Physics in 1990 and a Ph.D. in mathematics from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich in 1995, after having worked at CERN, Switzerland, and Rutgers University, USA.

Charlotte M. Deane

Professor of Structural Biology and Director of the Systems Approaches to Biomedical Sciences Industrial Doctoral Centre at Oxford University.

Lisa DeBruine

Lisa DeBruine leads the Face Research Lab (, which investigates the social perception of faces, voices and bodies. Her meta-scientific interests include team science (especially the Psychological Science Accelerator), open documentation, data simulation, web-based tools for data collection and stimulus generation, and teaching computational reproducibility. Her projects and tutorials are available at

Ibrahim Elsohaby

Dr. Ibrahim Elsohaby is Assistant Professor in the Department of Infectious Diseases and Public Health and City University of Hong Kong. His current research investigates the One Health epidemiology of infectious and zoonotic diseases, including antimicrobial resistance. The aim of this research is to use epidemiologic and quantitative methods to develop realistic antimicrobial stewardship strategies based on a One Health approach and to reduce the risk of zoonotic diseases transmission to human contacts and general public.

Barbara E. Engelhardt

Senior Investigator at Gladstone Institutes, Professor of Biomedical Data Science at Stanford University. My group develops statistical models and methods for high-dimensional genomic data, modeling human genetic variation and its impact on gene expression and splicing, with the goal of identifying mechanisms of human disorders and diseases.

Rui Feng

I have been developing and applying statistical models and algorithms in genetics and genomics for more than 10 years. I have contributed both methodological and applied work in family-base studies, copy number variation analysis, genome-wide association studies, and next generation sequence data analysis.

I joined Penn’s biostatistics in August 2009 after receiving my PhD in biostatistics from Yale University and working as a faculty in the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. My research interests focus on methodologies and applications in clinical and genetic studies.

Daniel Fischer

I studied Statistics and Computer Sciences at the Technical University of Dortmund, Germany. During that time, my interest was particularly in mathematical statistics with a focus on high-dimensional extensions of the univariate median. After graduating, I moved to Tampere, Finland and completed my PhD in at the University of Tampere in Biostatistics with minor Bioinformatics.

While still being enrolled as PhD student at the University I started to work as a researcher in Bioinformatics at the MTT, Jokioinen, Finland. Since 2015 I am working at the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) where I finalized my PhD.

My published articles in peer-reviewed journals cover a wide range of applications as well as statistical theory. My areas of expertise are target gene detection, biomarker identification and novel gene detection with a special focus on long non-coding RNAs. Further, I have experiences in the development of statistical methods for DE testing as well as deriving novel non-parametrical tests for (e)QTL analyses. I published and maintain currently six R-packages, i.e. for (e)QTL testing, cross-species ortholog detection and dimension reduction methods.

Lasse Folkersen

PhD in genetics from Karolinska Institute, Sweden. Research according to an overarching theme of my research is the use of high-throughput omics to bridge the gap between research and medicine. My initial interest was in expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL), and their possibilities for translating genetics to medical use. This followed a further step into actual industrial drug and pharmacogenetics development from the technique, performed at Novo Nordisk, Denmark. Current interests focus on further translation of main genetics results into actual use both in the clinical context of response stratification and in the industrial context of drug development.

Simon DW Frost

Reader in Pathogen Dynamics at the University of Cambridge; formerly Adjunct Associate Professor in the Dept. of Pathology, University of California San Diego (UCSD). Graduated with a BA in Natural Sciences (1st class), Trinity College, Cambridge (1992), DPhil in Mathematical Biology, Merton College, Oxford (1996). Postdoctoral positions at Princeton University, Oxford University, University of Edinburgh and UCSD. Awards include: NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship (1996), MRC Nonclinical Training Fellowship (1997-2000), a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award (2008-2013), and Thomson-Reuters Highly Cited Researcher awards in 2014, 2015, and 2016.

Atsushi Fukushima

I am a professor at Kyoto Prefectural University. My current research interests focus on characterization of metabolic regulatory networks and integrated analysis of multi-omics data in plants. I am a member of the editorial board for BMC Genomics, Plant Methods, Frontiers in Plant Science, Plants, BioTech, and PeerJ.

Liang Gao

Dr. Liang Gao currently works as a senior Research Fellow at the Center of Experimental Orthopaedics, Saarland University, Germany. His clinical interests include sports medicine, arthroplasty, and traumatology. His research focuses on joint preservation and orthobiologics.

Dr. Gao studied Medicine in China and Germany with intensive fellowship training in both Asia and Europe. He completed the Musculoskeletal Surgical Oncology residency training at Peking University Medical Center, China. Moreover, he obtained his master of science degree (Radiation Oncology) from Heidelberg University, Germany and his doctorate (Biological Therapy) summa cum laude from Saarland University, Germany.

Dr. Gao is the Member of the Basic Science Committee of International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society (ICRS), the Member of the Early Career Investigator Committee of Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI), and the Founding Member of the Sino Euro Orthopaedics Society (SEOS).