Journal Factsheet
A one-page PDF to help when considering journal options with co-authors
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Broad audience

PeerJ guarantees the widest access and impact for your work

Global readership

PeerJ articles are viewed and downloaded by millions of readers in hundreds of countries
  • 85.5M views and downloads.
  • 1M monthly readers.
  • Read more on why a broad audience is a step towards tangible impact.

Publishing open access means a paywall will never block access to your work. This is the best way to do science: inclusive of all academics wherever they are working, however well they are funded.

Read by top-tier academics

Broaden your CV

Publishing in PeerJ opens up your research to a wider readership and broadens your CV
  • Publishing in 228 subject areas so a great fit for multi and interdisciplinary research.
  • Expose your research to a broader range of academics.
  • Reach your specific field audience through our subject pages.

Some researchers prefer to rotate between publishing in narrow field journals, and broad subject journals. PeerJ is an excellent broad subject publishing option.

Regular press coverage

PeerJ is a trusted and respected media source
  • Publishing in PeerJ improves the likelihood that your research will be covered by, and linked to in the press.
  • Use our press release service to get your article picked up in newspapers, magazines, broadcast tv and online channels.
  • Read all our previously published press releases.

Some of the media outlets in which PeerJ has been covered:

Engaged community

Use our social media community to help disseminate your published research
  • Your published article will be tweeted by our official journal X (Formerly Twitter) accounts (@PeerJLife, @PeerJCompSci, @PeerJChemistry and @thePeerJ).
  • We actively engage with discussions on research published in PeerJ, and regularly tweet author interviews and editorial content.
  • Over 44,000 receive our regular 'new article' content alert emails.
  • Use our one-click tweet actions throughout your publication journey to help share your progress with your peers and other followers.

PeerJ is a modern journal that understands how to use social media - and particularly the most popular academic network, X (Formerly Twitter) - for sharing the latest research.

We take the lead distributing articles and actively engage with our community of readers, authors, editors and reviewers.