Advisory Board and Editors Nutrition

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Francesco Savino

Professor at the school of Pediatrics - Univ. Turin. Studying nutrition, metabolism of infancy in particular hormones such as Leptin, IGF-1, Ghrelin, Adiponectin. Takes interest in gastrointestinal and nutritional disorders. He studies in detail some aspects of gut microbiota of colicky infants such low level of lactobacilli and increased concentration of E.Coli. Performed relevant research on the effect of probiotics on colicky infants. Author of more than 120 scientific reports.

Helmut Schroder

Helmut Schröder, PhD in Human Biology, Diploma in Nutritional Sciences, Specialist in Nutritional Epidemiology is Head of the Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Nutrition Research Group,
CIBER Epidemiology and Public Health, and
Senior Investigator of the IMIM- Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute, Barcelona, Spain. His basic research interest is the analysis of lifestyle-disease relationships. This includes studies of the effects of nutrition on obesity and other cardiovascular risk factors. He is involved in several large epidemiological and clinical intervention studies.

Kenichi Shibuya

Professor of Niigata University of Health and Welfare in the Department of Health and Nutrition.

Researching topics such as the Impact of exercise and physical activity on cognitive function, and on vascular health; the Impact of Flavors on taste perceptions; the Impact of Chewing on cerebral activation and Cognition; the Impact of Colors on taste perceptions

Branca M Silva

Branca M. Silva graduated in Food Engineering from the Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Porto, Portugal), since 1997. She also received a Masters degree in Quality Control (Scientific Area Water and Foods) and a Ph.D. in Nutrition and Food Chemistry both from the Faculdade de Farmácia,Universidade do Porto (Porto, Portugal), in 2000 and 2005, respectively.

Currently, she is an Associate Professor (with Habilitation) at the Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade da Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal).

She is (co)author of about 100 scientific papers and book chapters, has about 4000 citations and an h-index of 35.

Her research interests are oriented towards the Medicinal and Food Phytochemistry, and Nutrition areas.

She is an Editorial Board Member and reviewer of several international journals and co-editor of 2 books. She has also been invited speaker and part of the Organizing Committee Boards of several international conferences.

Nicola Traverso

Dr. Nicola Traverso is an Associate Professor within the Department of Experimental Medicine at the University of Genova.

Josep A. Tur

Professor of Physiology, University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). Director, Research Group in Community Nutrition and Oxidative Stress (UIB). Director of nutritional surveys in Spain & Argentina. Head, Department of Fundamental Biology & Health Sciences (UIB). Founding member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Food Science, the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition, and the World's Public Health Nutrition Association. Member, the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition.

David Vauzour

Dr David VAUZOUR received his PhD from the University of Montpellier (France) in 2004. His research, based at the University of Reading (2005-2011), and at the Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, UK (2011- present), has focused on investigating the molecular mechanisms that underlie the accumulating body of epidemiological, and medical evidence, on a positive correlation between the consumption of diets rich in fruits and vegetables and a decreased risk of (neuro)degenerative disorders. In this context, his initial work provided considerable insights into the potential for natural products to promote human vascular function, decrease (neuro)inflammation, enhance memory, learning and neuro-cognitive performances and to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. His recent interests concern how phytochemicals modulate ApoE genotype-induced cardiovascular risk and neurodegenerative disorders and their underlying mechanisms. Dr Vauzour sits on the board committee of “Groupe Polyphenols” and is the Co-Chair of the ILSI Europe “Nutrition and Mental Performance Task Force“.

Julia Warnberg

Dr. Julia Warnberg, with a degree in Nutrition (2001) and a PhD in Medicine (2006), currently serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Nursing at the University of Málaga's School of Health Sciences.
She is the coordinator of the research group EpiPHAAN (Epidemiology, Physical Activity, and Nutrition), which includes three senior researchers, three collaborating senior researchers, three postdoc researchers, and four doctoral candidates. The group also hosts postdoc researchers for research stays.
The group's research focus is primarily on conducting clinical trials related to the Mediterranean Diet and promoting physical activity. Additionally, they study the lifestyles of children and adolescents, particularly in the context of obesity, physical activity, and nutrition. The group is actively involved in developing methods and analyzing motion sensor data (accelerometers) for assessing physical activity.

Pranjal Yadava

Dr. Pranjal Yadava is Senior Scientist at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. He works in the area of agricultural biotechnology.

Janos Zempleni

The Willa Cather Professor of Molecular Nutrition at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Director of the Nebraska Gateway to Nutrigenomics. Funded by NIH and NIFA/USDA. Member of AAAS, American Society for Nutrition, American Society of Physiology, Society for Experiemental Biology and Medicine, Sigma Xi, and Gamma Sigma Delta. Research interest in nutritional epigenetics, gene regulation, cell differentiation, and genome stability.