Advisory Board and Editors Biodiversity

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I told my colleagues that PeerJ is a journal where they need to publish if they want their paper to be published quickly and with the strict peer review expected from a good journal.
Sohath Vanegas,
PeerJ Author
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Barry W Brook

Barry Brook, a conservation biologist and modeller, is an ARC Australian Laureate Professor and Chair of Environmental Sustainability at the University of Tasmania. Leader of the Dynamics of Eco-evolutionary Patterns (DEEP) research group and the UTAS node of CABAH, Barry is a highly cited scientist, having published three books, over 350 refereed papers, and many popular articles. His awards include the 2006 Australian Academy of Science Fenner Medal, the 2010 Community Science Educator of the Year and 2013 Scopus Researcher of the Year. He focuses on global change biology, ecological dynamics, paleoenvironments, energy systems, and statistical-simulation models.

John F Bruno

John Bruno is a marine ecologist and Professor at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research is focused on marine biodiversity, coral reef ecology and conservation and the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems. John earned his Ph.D. from Brown University in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and was a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University in disease ecology. He is currently working primarily in Belize, the Bahamas, Cuba, and the Galapagos Islands.

Viktor V. Brygadyrenko

Dr. Viktor Brygadyrenko is an Associate Professor in the Department of Zoology and Ecology at Oles Honchar Dnipro National University.

His main scientific projects include:
- Effect of heavy metal ions on the development of invertebrates.
- Morphological variability in populations of beetles in conditions of anthropogenically altered ecosystems.
- Trophic relations of species in litter macrofauna of Ukraine.
- Structure of litter macrofauna communities in forest ecosystems of Ukraine.
- Influence of medicinal plants, flavourings and source materials, approved for use in and on foods, on eggs and larvae of nematodes of mammals.
- Ecological niches of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in Ukraine.
- Morphometric variation in ground beetles.

Ornella Calderini

I have a PhD from the University of Vienna, Austria, on plant MAP kinase signalling. Currently I am a staff scientist of the National Research Council at the Institute of Bioscience and Bioresources in Italy. I am curating a mutant collection of the model specie Medicago truncatula. I am using different approaches to understand gene function in several aspects of plant science (e.g development, synthesis of secondary compounds). I have an interest in characterization and valorization of local plant genetic resources.

Anthony Caravaggi

Dr. Anthony Caravaggi is a Lecturer in Conservation Biology and course leader for BSc (Hons) International Wildlife Biology at the The University of South Wales.

His work is broadly focussed on conducting research that increases understanding of species ecologies and informs conservation and management processes.

Gabriele Casazza

My current research interests focus on the study of biogeography and conservation of endemic plants. Research topics include the effects of past and future climate change, the reproductive biology, the phylogeography and the taxonomy.

Karen Chan

Assistant Professor, Biology Department, Swarthmore College. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Division of Life Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Suchana Chavanich

Dr. Suchana Chavanich received her bachelor degree in Marine Science from Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. She then further pursued her master degree in Biology at Central Connecticut State University and her Ph.D. in Zoology at University of New Hampshire, USA. Later on, she was also certified as a scuba diving instructor.

Dr. Chavanich has a broad base of ecological research interests that involve the study of nearshore species from tropical to polar regions. In addition, her research focuses on conservation and restoration of marine ecosystems particular on coral reefs. Currently, Dr. Chavanich is also the Project Leader of Coastal Marine Biodiversity and Conservation in the Western Pacific under the UNESCO/IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific.

In Thailand, additional to her research work, Dr. Chavanich is considered to be Thailand’s first female scientist to go to Antarctica and Thailand’s first female scientist to go diving in Antarctica. Her research work on Antarctica has inspired Thai and young people. Thus, in 2013, she was selected to be one of the 100 Most Inspiring People in Thailand, and in 2015 as one of 17 Asia Power Women of Inspiration, selected by Her World Magazine. Because of her work, Dr. Chavanich has received several awards, for example, UNESCO-IOC/WESTPAC Outstanding Scientist Award and UNESCO-L’OREAL For Women in Science Award in Thailand.

Simon MK Cheung

Dr. Cheung is a Senior Research Associate of the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol. He is a microbial ecologist specialized in using molecular and bioinformatics techniques to examine the dynamics, determinants and roles of microbial communities in natural and host-associated environments.

Brian Child

I work on private and community conservation in Africa, with specialisation in governance and economics. As a scholar practitioner and Associate Professor at University of a Florida my goal is to bridge science, practice and policy, including in training. I combine teaching/research with working in field conservation with TNC and on the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel of GEF

Claudia Colesie

I obtained my Diploma in 2009 in the group of Prof. Burkhard Büdel, at the University of Kaiserslautern. For my doctoral work, I joined an international collaboration within a New Zealand research project under the leadership of Prof. T.G. Allan Green and Prof. Craig Cary; NZTabs; both at University of Waikato. After finishing my PhD thesis I continued working in the group of Burkhard Büdel as a lecturer with the opportunity to additionally join a trans-European BioDiversa project.

As a direct consequence from these experiences I learned that tundra ecosystems, where low temperatures and short growing seasons limit tree growth but water availability is high, are highly productive soil crusts habitats. I, therefore, collaborated in the POLARCRUST project that focused on biological soil crusts from the Antarctic Peninsula and Arctic Svalbard coordinated by Ulf Karsten, University of Rostock, Germany. In addition, I started my project as an Alexander-von Humboldt research fellow within the group of Prof. Vaughan Hurry at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Umeå. Additionally, I am currently involved in a research Project (CRYPTOCOVER), with Prof. Leopoldo Sancho (Universidad Complutense Madrid, Spain.I will start working as a lecturer for plant physiological ecology at the University of Edinburgh with the School of Geosciences in the Climate change Institute from January 2019.

Timothy M Collins

Full Professor and former Chair of the Department of Biological Sciences at Florida International University. Director of FIU DNA Core facility. Past Program Director for NSF Division of Environmental Biology, Systematics and Biodiversity Cluster.

Research interests include: Molecular Systematics, Evolution, Biogeography, and Phylogeography: Rates, patterns, and mechanisms of molecular evolution , including nucleotide sequence evolution and mitochondrial gene order change, and consequences for phylogenetic reconstruction and reconstruction of ancestral states. Integration of molecular data with paleontological and morphological data. Using phylogenies to address biological questions.