Advisory Board and Editors Conservation Biology

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Federica Costantini

Dr. Federica Costantini is a marine ecologist and associate professor at the University of Bologna, Italy.

Her primary research includes biodiversity conservation and resource management using integrative tools based on morphology and genetics.

Mark John Costello

B.Sc. (NUI Galway); Ph.D. 1987 (NUI Cork). Involved in World Register of Marine Species, International Association for Biological Oceanography, Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Ocean Biodiversity Information System, Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network, Species 2000, IUCN. Worked in Ireland, Plymouth England, Aberdeen and Edinburgh Scotland, St Andrews Canada, and Auckland New Zealand.

Regina L Cunha

I am interested in integrating phylogeographic and molecular approaches to infer evolutionary processes that explain current patterns of genetic diversity in marine organisms, particularly on isolated oceanic islands. I have worked on natural populations of marine snails from Cape Verde to address problems of speciation and geographic variation and to analyse the influence of historical processes, as the effect of sea-level changes on the genetic structure of organisms. Currently, I am interested in the identification of gamete recognition proteins involved in reproductive incompatibilities and their role in the evolution of non-geographic barriers that, ultimately, may generate sympatric divergence.

Curtis Daehler

Professor of Botany and graduate faculty in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Research interests include invasive species, plant-animal interactions, population biology, island biology, conservation and biogeography.

G Matt Davies

I am Assistant Professor of Soil and Plant Community Restoration in OSU's School of Environment and Natural Resources. My research focuses on developing methods for the restoration and management of ecosystem properties and functions including vegetation community composition, habitat structure, fire regimes and carbon and nutrient cycling. Current research sites include temperate, semi-arid and tropical ecosystems.

Kenneth De Baets

I am a paleobiologist. My main research focuses on reproductive strategies and macroevolution, particularly on the contributions of biotic interactions (e.g., parasitism) and abiotic factors (e.g., climate) in controlling evolutionary and diversity patterns. To this end, I work with a variety of approaches that combine research on fossil molluscs, coprolites and fieldwork with large-scale quantitative analyses. Other interests are quantitative methods to study biostratigraphy, intraspecific variability and paleobiology in general. My main taxonomic expertise is on invertebrates, mainly (extinct) cephalopod mollusks and parasitic helminths. The promotion of diversity and young scientists as well as scientific collaboration and reproducibility in paleontology are particularly close to my heart.

Natasha de Vere

Head of Conservation and Research at the National Botanic Garden of Wales and Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) at Aberystwyth University.

Luis E Eguiarte

Professor of the Evolutionary Ecology Department at the Institute of Ecology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Marcial Escudero

Assistant Professor of Plant Biology and Ecology, University of Seville (Spain). Past postdoctoral researcher at Doñana Biological Station (CSIC, Seville, Spain), at the Field Museum of Natural History of Chicago (Illionois, USA) and at The Morton Arboretum (Lisle, Illinois, USA). Past PhD student at University Pablo de Olavide (Seville, Spain).

Giuseppe Fenu

Associate Professor in Systematic Botany at the University of Cagliari. My current research interests focus on the study of plant diversity of the Mediterranean systems, the main drivers that determine the distribution patterns and the conservation status of the endemic plants in these environments, as well as interactions, both at a specific and population levels, with environmental factors related to the anthropic presence including the on-going global change.

Noemi Fernandes

Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics and other disciplines at the Federal University of Itajuba, Brazil. She conducts research in the field of diversity and evolution of unicellular eukaryotes, with a special focus on the phylum Ciliophora. She is experienced in DNA metabarcoding analysis, molecular clock and protist phylogenomics.

Patricia Gandini

Professor of Biological Consevation and Management and Design of protected Áreas, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, investigator of National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, Past President of Argentine National Parks. Recipent of the 2010 Award Leaders for the Living Planet