Advisory Board and Editors Energy Materials

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Dilip K Maiti

Dilip K. Maiti was born September 09, 1970, in West Bengal, India. He received his BSc. in chemistry in 1991 and MSc. (organic chemistry major) in 1993, from the University of Calcutta, India. He achieved his Ph.D. on stereoselective synthesis, from Indian Institute of Chemical Biology in 1998. He carried out his postdoctoral research in the School of Medicine, Wayne State University, USA. In 2005, he joined as a Reader faculty at the University of Calcutta and became full Professor in 2011. His major research activity is focused on organic synthesis and fabrication of smart organic nanomaterials, sensors and devices.

Nicholas Marshall

BS, Chemistry/Mathematics, KSU, 2004. PhD, University of Georgia, 2010. (Locklin) NRC Postdoctoral Associate, NOAA, 2011-2013. Visiting Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry, Berea College, 2013-2015. Currently Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry, USC Aiken. Editor of RSC's ChemSpider Synthetic Pages. Our interdisciplinary research group develops new reactions and techniques for modifying materials, solving problems in energy, sensing, and consumer-facing products.

Artem Mishchenko

Artem Mishchenko is a Senior Research Fellow in the School of Physics and Astronomy, the University of Manchester. His research interests are in the fields of condensed matter physics and nanotechnology, with the emphasis on quantum transport in van der Waals materials; in addition, he has strong expertise in electronics, nanoelectromechanical systems, and instrumentation development. The major contributions to these fields have been published in over 70 peer-referred papers, many in Science and Nature journals, leading to more than 12000 citations and h-index of 33. He is regularly invited to present his results on international conferences; he also leads the collaboration between Manchester and High Magnetic Field Facilities in Europe. He has initiated several new research directions, such as a tunnelling and capacitance spectroscopy of van der Waals heterostructures, and nanoelectromechanics in 2D materials; his works led to the development of many new functional devices, including nanoscale transistors and photovoltaic sensors. As a recognition of his achievements, he has received several prestigious awards including SNSF Fellowship, EPSRC Early Career Fellowship, and EMFL Prize 2018. He is also named in 2018 list of Highly Cited Researchers from Clarivate Analytics.

Cecilia Mortalò

Cecilia Mortalò completed her PhD at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy) in 2005. Since 2005 she has been a researcher at the Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Technologies for Energy of the Italian National Research Council. The scientific and technological skills are in the field of chemistry and technology of materials. In particular, she has expertise in the preparation and study of a variety of advanced functional ceramic materials for different applications, i.e. in the energy field (solid oxide fuel cells, energy storage systems (ZEBRA batteries), hydrogen separation and purification, protective coatings (protection against corrosion, anti-dirty and antifreeze treatments), phosphors with luminescent properties and colloidal suspensions (inks and nanofluids).
In these areas, she has competences in different conventional and un-conventional synthetic approaches such as sol gel techniques, solid state synthesis (SSR), microwave-assisted syntheses (sol-gel and hydrothermal) and sintering, classic and reactive sintering, wet-based deposition techniques (spin coating, dip coating, air-spray, drop-casting, solvent-casting, EPD). The most recent research activity focuses on high entropy metal alloy (HEA) materials for extreme conditions applications and corrosion resistance in the marine environment.
She has been involved as participant and senior investigator in several national and international projects focused on development of advanced materials for extreme conditions and energy applications and she has published 37 scientific papers in international peer-reviewed ISI journals. She is referee for various international scientific journals and she has been involved as co-guest editor for some special issues and topics.

Prof. Hamid Mukhtar

Dr. Hamid Mukhtar is Professor of Biotechnology and former Director at Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, GC University, Lahore. He has been actively contributing in teaching and research since 1996 in different areas of Biotechnology including He obtained his doctoral degree in 2006 from GC University, Lahore and then proceeded for Post-doctoral research from Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, USA in 2010. He did his Ph.D. in the field of Bioprocess Technology and his Post-Doc in the field of Stem Cell Technology and Genetics.
Dr. Mukhtar is one of the active scientists of Pakistan who has published more than 200 research papers in peer reviewed national and international scientific journals. He has authored/co-authored 06 books and 05 book chapters. He has supervised 39 B.Sc., 10 M.Sc., 60 M.Phil. and 5 Ph.D. students. He won Fulbright Scholar Award in 2010 to carry out Post-doctoral research in USA and has been conferred upon with a Best University Teacher Award in 2014 by HEC, Pakistan. He is on the Editorial/Review board of a large number of International & national research journals. He is also fellow of few national & international scientific organizations/societies.

Jovan M Nedeljkovic

Dr. Jovan Nedeljković got his bachelor degree at the Faculty of the physical chemistry of the Belgrade University in 1984, and since then he has been employed in the Institute of nuclear sciences Vinča in Belgrade. Dr. Nedeljković obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1991 at the Clarkson University, Potsdam, USA. After that Dr. Nedeljković returned to the Institute of nuclear sciences Vinča, and in 1999 he was appointed as researcher professor. Dr. Nedeljković is the principal investigator in the field of nanomaterials. He has extensive international collaboration, and he worked in Argonne National Laboratories, and National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Under his supervision, 12 Ph.D. students graduated. Dr. Jovan Nedeljković published more than 170 scientific papers. Papers published by Dr. Nedeljković have been cited more than 6000 times, and his h-index is 40. Dr. Nedeljković is a referee for many journals. Dr. Nedeljković main research interest includes the development of colloidal methods for synthesis of nanoparticles of different type of materials. His research goal is to obtain nanoparticles with high uniformity and controllable shape (spheres, rods, wires, tubes), as well as to understand the size- and shape-dependent properties of materials at nano-scale. Also, the research interest of Dr. Nedeljković is a synthesis of nanocomposite materials using nanoparticles as building blocks (polymer-based nanocomposites, functionalized textile fibers, thin films, etc.).

Antonio Pereira Gonçalves

Dr. António Pereira Gonçalves is a Coordinator Researcher of the Department of Engineering and Nuclear Sciences of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon University. He obtained his PhD in Chemistry in 1996 at IST, on intermetallic uranium compounds. His research interests are in the fields of Solid State Chemistry, Materials Science, Exploratory synthesis, Phase diagram studies, Crystal growth, Design of new materials, Nanostructured materials, Actinide and Rare Earth Intermetallics, Oxides, Pnictide and Chalcogenide compounds, Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems, Thermoelectric materials and Nuclear materials for peaceful applications. Currently, he is working on uranium compounds for fundamental and applied studies and on compounds and thermoelectric systems for waste heat recovery. Dr. António Pereira Gonçalves has authored or co-authored more than 250 publications in peer review journals, having more than 350 conference presentations (22 invited). Since 2017 he is the President of the Center for Nuclear Sciences and Technologies (C2TN), a Research Unit of IST.

Alexander M. Puziy

Alexander M. Puziy is Head of Department of Carbon Adsorbents for Medicine and Protection of Environment at Institute for Sorption and Problems of Endoecology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. His research interests include development of new advanced carbon adsorbents and catalysts with enhanced performance for medical and environmental use as well as for energy storage. Alexander M. Puziy is expert in synthesis of highly porous carbon adsorbents using polymer and natural (coal, agricultural by-products) precursors, developing porosity in desired pore size range, functionalization of carbon adsorbents as well as characterization of texture, porous structure and surface chemistry.

Michael T Ruggiero

Michael Ruggiero is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Vermont in the United States. He received undergraduate degrees in chemistry and mathematics from the State University of New York (SUNY) College at Geneseo, and his Master’s and Ph.D. from Syracuse University, both in New York State. His doctoral work, performed under the guidance of Professor Timothy Korter, focused on combining experimental terahertz time-domain spectroscopy with ab initio density functional theory simulations, where he pursued the electronic origins of intermolecular forces in molecular crystals. Following a successful defense, he took up an EPSRC-sponsored postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, working with Professor Axel Zeitler in the Terahertz Applications Group. At Cambridge, his focus shifted to disordered molecular solids, with the goal of understanding the molecular dynamics responsible for solid-state crystallization of amorphous drugs. After almost three years in Cambridge, Ruggiero went back to America to take up a position of Assistant Professor at the University of Vermont, where he is currently combining theoretical simulations with experimental spectroscopy. His work is highly interdisciplinary, sitting at the intersection of chemistry, physics, pharmacy, materials science, and computer science, and as such he is a heavy collaborator with groups from around the world.

Edgardo Saucedo

Dr. Edgardo Saucedo studied Chemical Engineering at the University of the Republic, Montevideo, Uruguay, and received his PhD in Materials Physic at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain in 2007. In 2007, he joined the Institut de Recherche et Développement sur l’Énergie Photovoltaïque IRDEP (Paris, France), with a CNRS associated Researcher fellowship, working in the development and optoelectronic characterization of CIGS low cost based solar cells. In 2009, he joined NEXCIS, a spin-off created from IRDEP, to further pursue their training in photovoltaic technology. Currently, he is the Deputy Head of the Solar Energy Materials and Systems Laboratory at the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) in Barcelona, Spain. He holds four patents and has authored or co-authored more than 180 papers. He has more than 300 contributions to the most important Congresses in Physics, Chemistry and Materials, and more than 30 invited talks around the world. He has been involved in more than 15 European and Spanish Projects (Scalenano, Inducis, Pvicokest, KestPV, Larcis, etc.), and he was the coordinator of the ITN Marie Curie network Kestcell (, and he is currently the coordinator of the research and innovation H2020 project STARCELL (, and the RISE (Marie Curie) project INFINITE-CELL ( He has supervised ten (10) PhD Thesis and is currently supervising five (5) more. He has an h index of 31 (2019).

Corrado Spinella

Corrado Spinella has been Head of the Italian Micro– Nanosystems Technological District, Director of the Institute of Microelectronics and Microsystems, and presently he is Head of the Physics of Matter Department of the National Research Council. His research activity is focused on materials science and technology for microelectronics applications. A common feature characterizing all his scientific work is the investigation of the fundamental properties of materials and the finalization of results to concrete technological advances, through collaborations with the Microelectronics Industry. He is co-author of 250 scientific papers (h-index 34).