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Dorothy VM Bishop
Dorothy Bishop is a Principal Research Fellow funded by the Wellcome Trust. She is a neuropsychologist with a special interest in children's communication disorders, which she has investigated from multiple perspectives: aetiology, neurobiology and psychology. As well as her academic publications, she writes a popular blog (Bishopblog) that covers a wide range of topics, including academic life as well as specific scientific issues.
Dorothy is a Fellow of Royal Society, a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and a Fellow of the British Academy, and has Honorary Doctorates from the Universities of Newcastle upon Tyne, Western Australia and Lund, Sweden. She holds a supernumerary fellowship at St John’s College, Oxford.
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It's been pointed out we have not defined the acronym CATALISE. It stands for: Criteria and Terminology Applied to Language Impairments: Synthesising the Evidence
The published version of this Commentary is now available here: