How does variation in rate and mode of evolution of different anatomical regions affect phylogenetic analyses of mammals? Author interview with Neil Brocklehurst and Gemma Louise Benevento

How does variation in rate and mode of evolution of different anatomical regions affect phylogenetic analyses of mammals? Author interview with Neil Brocklehurst and Gemma Louise Benevento

Last month we published Dental characters used in phylogenetic analyses of mammals show higher rates of evolution, but not reduced independence by Neil Brocklehurst and Gemma Louise Benevento Here we talk to the authors about their research journey, the issues with...
Modelling Tradescantia fluminensis – Author Interview

Modelling Tradescantia fluminensis – Author Interview

We recently published “Modelling Tradescantia fluminensis to assess long term survival”. In this study, author Michael J. Plank, and his colleagues studied models to control the growth of, Tradescantia fluminensis, an invasive plant species. Michael comments on his...