Young Researchers Day at Marine Station of Roscoff will offer PeerJ Award

by | Nov 12, 2018 | Awards, Conferences

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We are pleased to announce an upcoming award at a very suitable venue for supporting early career researchers: The 10th Annual Young Researchers Day (JJC) at Roscoff Marine Station, France. A PeerJ Award for Best Contribution will be offered at the event being held December 7, 2018. The winner will receive a complimentary PeerJ paper (upon submission and acceptance through our normal peer review system – a $1095 value) and an interview on the PeerJ site about his or her research.

The PeerJ Awards program aims to support students and early career researchers as well as bring continued awareness to the benefits that open access and open communication have in keeping the scientific record open and available to all. PeerJ publishes rapid, peer-reviewed research in biology, life sciences and environmental sciences. We are excited to support the Young Researchers Day and research in marine sciences.

Photo credit: Lubov Petrova, Primorsky Aquarium

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Founded in 1872, the Marine Station of Roscoff is a centre for research and higher education in marine biology and ecology. It is jointly run by the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Sorbonne University (Paris). The Marine Station has set its focus on basic biology with the study of original evolutionary lineages, and marine biodiversity and ecosystems. Research in these fields makes use of the latest methods in molecular and cell biology, in particular, genomics and its derivatives, and interfaces them with environmental sciences, chemistry and mathematics. The goal of this research is to better understand the evolution of life, as well as the ecosystem functioning and the adaptation of marine organisms in response to global change. The Station is scientifically dynamic, but it is also deeply involved in teaching, through courses given to all degrees of higher education.

About: PeerJ publishes two Open Access, peer-reviewed publications: PeerJ serving the Life and Environmental Sciences and PeerJ Computer Science. Additionally we publish PeerJ Preprints which is an innovative ‘preprint server’ covering Biology, Medical, Environmental and Computer Science. PeerJ’s mission is to efficiently publish the world’s knowledge. We aim to drive the costs of publishing down for the academic community, while improving the overall publishing experience and providing authors with a publication venue suitable for the 21st Century.

If you would like to offer a PeerJ Award at your conference, do get in touch! Questions about PeerJ Awards may be directed to Sierra Williams, Community Manager at

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