28% of submitted articles are accepted for publication
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Generative AI and future education: A review, theoretical validation and authors perspective on challenges and solutions
Human-Computer Interaction,
Artificial Intelligence,
Computer Education,
Emerging Technologies,
Natural Language and Speech
LOGIC: LLM-originated guidance for internal cognitive improvement of small language models in stance detection
Artificial Intelligence,
Data Mining and Machine Learning,
Natural Language and Speech,
Sentiment Analysis,
Neural Networks
Enhancing Task Execution: A Dual-Layer Approach with Multi-Queue Adaptive Priority Scheduling
Algorithms and Analysis of Algorithms,
Operating Systems,
Software Engineering
On the Interpretability of Fuzzy knowledge Base systems
Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems,
Algorithms and Analysis of Algorithms,
Artificial Intelligence,
Data Mining and Machine Learning
MSR-UNet: Enhancing multi-scale and long-range dependencies in medical image segmentation
Artificial Intelligence,
Computer Vision,
Neural Networks
Advisory Board
Chieko Asakawa
IBM Japan
Francine Berman
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Grady Booch
Christine Borgman
Vint Cerf
Krish Chakrabarty
Duke University
Jennifer Chayes
Microsoft Research
Lynn Conway
University of Michigan
Peter Denning
Naval Postgraduate School
Ian Foster
University of Chicago
Martin Fowler
Wendy Hall
University of Southampton
James Hendler
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Lydia Kavraki
Rice University
Pattie Maes
MIT Media Lab
Kurt Mehlhorn
Max Planck Institute for Computer Science
David Patterson
UC Berkeley
Radia Perlman
EMC Corporation
H. Vincent Poor
Steven Salzberg
Johns Hopkins University
Henning Schulzrinne
Columbia University
Margo Seltzer
Harvard University
Mary Shaw
Carnegie Mellon University
Valerie Taylor
Argonne National Laboratory
Jeffrey Vitter
University of Mississippi
Yolanda Gil
University of Southern California
Lynda Hardman
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
Member Institutions
150 institutions have a prepaid publishing arrangement with us, helping reduce publishing costs and making it easier for their researchers to publish Open Access.
University of Cambridge
Stanford University
Delft University of Technology
University of Pennsylvania
University College London
Carnegie Mellon University