PeerJ Editor & Reviewer
835 Points
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Alessandro Tavano
PeerJ Editor & Reviewer
Researcher at at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. My work focuses on prediction in audition, the sensing of time and the precision of neural encoding.
Editorial Board Member
PeerJ - the Journal of Life & Environmental Sciences
Work details
Max Planck Institute
Department of Neuroscience
Main research areas: 1) Oscillatory mechanisms of waiting time ; 2) Oscillatory hierarchy in language perception ; 3) Sensory prediction and response preparation processes ; 4) Top-down modulation of perceived stimulus statistics ; 5) The distinction between sensation (stimulus processing) and perception (contextual modelling)
PeerJ Contributions
Academic Editor on
April 29, 2024
Marco Tullio Liuzza, Eva Tolomeo, Giuseppe Occhiuto, Martina Cilurzo, Iolanda Martino, Antonio Cerasa
April 3, 2024
Augusto J. Mendes, Alberto Lema, Sandra Carvalho, Jorge Leite
July 14, 2015
Andre Santos Ribeiro, Luis Miguel Lacerda, Hugo Alexandre Ferreira
March 24, 2015
Meike Ramon
August 7, 2014
Dorothy V.M. Bishop, Georgina Holt, Andrew J.O. Whitehouse, Margriet Groen
Signed reviews submitted for articles published in PeerJ Note that some articles may not have the review itself made public unless authors have made them open as well.
November 4, 2014
Hsinjen Julie Hsu, Dorothy V.M. Bishop