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Section Highlights View all Biodiversity and Conservation articles

Pristimantis achupalla sp. n., a new minute species of direct-developing frog (Amphibia, Anura, Strabomantidae) inhabiting bromeliads of the montane forest of the Amazonian Andes of Puno, Peru
"This paper describes a new species of rain frog and provides fresh insights into the biodiversity of the Carabaya range (Peru)."
Mark Young, Handling Editor
Sponges of Western Mediterranean seamounts: new genera, new species and new records
"Seamounts are comparatively little researched, but they are home to an important part of the marine biodiversity. The present work expands our knowledge of the sponge diversity in these interesting habitats and additionally describes some new species."
Jörg Oehlmann, Handling Editor
A new species of Phrynoglossus Peters, 1867; Dicroglossidae) from southeastern Bangladesh, with comments on the genera Occidozyga and Phrynoglossus
"Adds more knowledge to the anuranfaina of SE Asia"
Diogo Provete, Section Editor
Herbivory and misidentification of target habitat constrain region-wide restoration success of spekboom (Portulacaria afra) in South African subtropical succulent thicket
"This study examined data from a region-wide vegetation restoration and public works program to identify factors associated with outplanting survival and growth, while also highlighting challenges that to be addressed in implementing similar programs in the future."
Curtis Daehler, Handling Editor
Taxonomic revision of the Temnothorax salvini clade (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with a key to the clades of New World Temnothorax
"The article describes new species and provide an identification key that could be use as a model in other groups"
Patricia Gandini, Section Editor
Using an integrative taxonomic approach to delimit a sibling species, Mycetomoellerius mikromelanos sp. nov. (Formicidae: Attini: Attina)
"Cardenas and colleagues illustrate the importance of taxonomy when characterizing complex ecological interactions, particularly for speciose and poorly characterized systems."
Joseph Gillespie, Handling Editor
Shifting cultivation and hunting across the savanna-forest mosaic in the Gran Sabana, Venezuela: facing changes
"The study analyzed camera trap surveys and spatially explicit interview dataset on indigenous hunting in a mosaic of savanna and forest in the Venezuelan Amazon to evaluate the Garden Hunting hypothesis. It reports mixed evidence supporting the Garden Hunting hypothesis predictions, and bring base-line data to monitor temporal and spatial changes in hunting patterns in this region."
Rodolfo Jaffé, Handling Editor
Description of three new species of Geometridae (Lepidoptera) using species delimitation in an integrative taxonomy approach for a cryptic species complex
"A contribution that highlights the contribution of taxonomy to the knowledge of the biodiversity of our planet"
Patricia Gandini, Section Editor
Local patterns of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity and community structure in a natural Toona ciliata var. pubescens forest in South Central China
"This article brings important results for the conservation of an endangered tree species, concerning Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)."
Aristóteles Góes-Neto, Handling Editor
Evolutionary genomics of endangered Hawaiian tree snails (Achatinellidae: Achatinellinae) for conservation of adaptive capacity
"This study uses genomic approaches to resolve evolutionary relationships and inform conservation planning for declining Hawaiian tree snails."
Rodolfo Jaffé, Handling Editor

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