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Supplemental Information

Supplemental Tables and Methods

DOI: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.1300v2/supp-1

Figure 1

Figure 1. Sampling of bonnethead sharks obtained off North Carolina (NC, blue), Florida Bay (FB, red), Tampa Bay (TB, orange) and Panama City (PC, yellow); with number of individuals sampled at each locality indicated, results of discriminant analysis of principle components for (A) putatively neutral N-SNP loci, (B) outlier O-SNP loci putatively under selection, with prior group membership defined by sample locality, and (C) outlier O-SNP loci putatively under selection, with prior group membership based on k-means clustering. D: Representative allele frequencies of three O-SNP loci (left to right, E66074, E109425, E106435) that contributed ~24% to the distribution of individuals along the X axis. Colours represent sample locations for all figures.

DOI: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.1300v2/supp-2

Additional Information

Competing Interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author Contributions

David S Portnoy conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments, analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, wrote the paper, prepared figures and/or tables, reviewed drafts of the paper.

Jonathan B Puritz conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments, analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, wrote the paper, prepared figures and/or tables, reviewed drafts of the paper.

Christopher M Hollenbeck conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments, analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, wrote the paper, prepared figures and/or tables, reviewed drafts of the paper.

James Gelsleichter conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments, analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, wrote the paper, prepared figures and/or tables, reviewed drafts of the paper.

Demian Chapman conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments, analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, wrote the paper, prepared figures and/or tables, reviewed drafts of the paper.

John R Gold conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments, analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, wrote the paper, prepared figures and/or tables, reviewed drafts of the paper.

Field Study Permissions

The following information was supplied relating to field study approvals (i.e., approving body and any reference numbers):

Florida field sampling was conducted under research permits issued by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to Mote Marine Laboratory.

DNA Deposition

The following information was supplied regarding the deposition of DNA sequences:

These will be provided prior to publication

Data Deposition

The following information was supplied regarding data availability:

Please find data at


Work was supported by funds provided to DSP by the College of Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. Many Florida samples were collected using support from Environmental Protection Agency grant #R826128-01-0 to C.A. Manire. Although the research described in this article has been funded in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, it has not been subjected to the Agency’s required peer and policy review and therefore does not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency and no official endorsement should be inferred. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

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