Announcing the PeerJ Collection for SMBE 2017

Announcing the PeerJ Collection for SMBE 2017

We are pleased to announce that we will be publishing a PeerJ Collection for the upcoming Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE 2017) in Austin, TX. The meeting will take place from July 2–6, 2017. All speakers and poster presenters...

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Guest Post – The SAVE-SD 2015 Collection

Guest blog post from Silvio Peroni, Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Bologna. The first "International Workshop on Semantics, Analytics, Visualisation: Enhancing Scholarly Data" (SAVE-SD 2015) was a great success, as demonstrated by...

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The HSCBB Collection at PeerJ

The Hellenic Society for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (HSCBB) just had their annual meeting, and we are pleased to say that they will be submitting papers from that meeting to PeerJ for peer-review and possible inclusion in a PeerJ Collection. We asked...

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Abram Hindle on his PrePrint Experiences at PeerJ

PrePrints continue to increase in popularity among academics, with a number of recent blog posts highlighting their utility (from ourselves, Stephen Curry, Liz Martin-Silverstone, Tim Gowers and Mike Taylor (twice)). Given this level of interest, we thought it would...

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