Reaching for upper bound ROUGE score of extractive summarization methods

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Reaching for upper bound ROUGE Score ETS
Just published in @PeerJCompSci - Reaching for upper bound ROUGE score of extractive summarization methods Read the full article #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #Language #Speech
Just published in @PeerJCompSci - Reaching for upper bound ROUGE score of extractive summarization methods Read the full article #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #Language #Speech
PeerJ Computer Science

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  • (a) Single-document summarization is when we summarize one single document, using only the textual information within and no additional sources.

  • (b) Multi-document summarization produces a summary of a set of documents related to a common subject but varying by the time of appearance, size, and source. Applications of the method cover many areas, including literature review in scientific research, business intelligence, government reports, and legal document processing.

  • (a) Extractive summary contains only original sentences from the source text, without any change or recombination. Such summaries often lack cohesion between consequent sentences as they are extracted from different parts of the text, taking into account solely the statistical significance of the words they contain.

  • (b) Abstractive summary is a completely new text generated relying on the information in the source text put through the prism of the opinion and understanding of the information consumed by the reporter. The method requires more sophisticated natural language generation (NLG) models and approaches than extractive methods.

  • (a) Informative summaries contain all the critical information from the source text and avoid redundancy. Generally, it is achievable at the 20% compression rate (Kupiec & Pedersen, 1995).

  • (b) Indicative summaries aim at teasing the reader to consume the whole article to stimulate the article purchase or spend time on a long read.

Methods and data



Variable neighborhood search (VNS)

  1. Local minima of different neighborhood structures are not necessarily the same.

  2. The global minimum is the same for all existing neighborhood structures.

  3. In many problems, neighborhood structures local minima are close to each other.

Greedy algorithm

Genetic algorithm


where R and C are the set of unique n_grams in reference and candidate summaries, and len() is the number of words in a set.


where Na and Nt - are the respective number of sentences in summary and text.


  1. Initial solution: which is a randomly selected set of sentences x in Nk = (NtNa) possible neighborhood structure space, for which we get the ROUGE-1 (Lin, 2004) score as the initial best solution to improve on.

  2. Shaking: we change the initial solution by replacing a randomly selected sentence with a different one from the source text, increasing the rate of changes k up to kmax if no improvement in the ROUGE-1 score occurs, limiting the magnitude of the changes to a kmax parameter (kmax = 3, three sentence replacements at a time in our case).

  3. Incumbent solution: if the obtained summary ROUGE-1 score is better than the previous best solution, we fix the result and reset the k to one sentence.

  4. Stop condition: we limit the cycle by 60 s, 5,000 iterations, or 700 consecutive iterations without improvement of the ROUGE-1 score.

Greedy algorithm

  1. Compile a vocabulary of words from A as (V).

  2. Create a word occurrence matrix (M), where we treat each item in V as columns, sentences in T as rows, and binary values indicating the presence of a word in a sentence.

  3. Until matrix M is exhausted:

    • Sum the values in rows of M and get the maximum value sentence index, which is the index of the sentence containing the maximum number of words from the “golden” summary A. Store the obtained index in the Index List (IL).

    • Delete the columns in M for which the current maximum row values sum sentence has non-zero values.

  4. To determine the optimal number of summary sentences for maximum ROUGE score:

    • Compute ROUGE score for every top-n sentences combination in IL (1 ≤ nlen(IL)).

    • Select the n corresponding to the maximum ROUGE score.

    • Truncate IL to n top sentences.

  5. To restore the initial sentence order in T, sort items in IL in the ascending order and assemble a summary by picking sentences from T with the respective indices in sorted IL.

  6. Calculate the ROUGE score of the generated summary concerning A.

VNS initialized by the Greedy

Genetic algorithm

  1. Calculate lengths of T and A in number of sentences (len_T and len_A).

  2. Shuffle the sentences in T.

  3. Generate the initial generation of summary candidates by cutting the sentence list in T to chunks of the size len_A.

  4. Set the number of offsprings to half the number of initial candidates (n_offsprings).

  5. Proceed for six generations:

  • (a) Crossover all candidates between each other by mixing the sentences of two candidates, shuffling them, and randomly selecting len_A number of sentences.

  • (b) Calculate the ROUGE-1 score for all the offspring.

  • (c) Select top n_offsprings by ROUGE-1 score and repeat.

Genetic algorithm initialized by the Greedy


Error analysis

where σ is the standard deviation (std) and μ is the mean.

where Z is the Z-value associated with the desired confidence level (for 95% confidence level in our case, Z-score = 1.956), and N is the number of observations.



  1. Determine the optimal number of sentences in summary to maximize the ROUGE score in each case.

  2. Narrowing the sentence search space for heuristic algorithms by excluding presumably unfit sentences (ex., too short sentences, and others).

  3. Test the heuristic algorithms described here on different text summarization datasets.

Additional Information and Declarations

Competing Interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author Contributions

Iskander Akhmetov conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments, performed the computation work, prepared figures and/or tables, authored or reviewed drafts of the article, and approved the final draft.

Rustam Mussabayev performed the experiments, analyzed the data, performed the computation work, prepared figures and/or tables, and approved the final draft.

Alexander Gelbukh conceived and designed the experiments, analyzed the data, prepared figures and/or tables, authored or reviewed drafts of the article, and approved the final draft.

Data Availability

The following information was supplied regarding data availability:

The code is available at GitHub:

The data is available at Mendeley: Akhmetov, Iskander; Gelbukh, Alexander; Mladenovic, Nenad; Mussabayev, Rustam (2021), “The arXive dataset extract with high ROUGE score summaries generated by 5 different methods”, Mendeley Data, V1, DOI 10.17632/nvsxfcbzdk.1.


This research is conducted within the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the grant number AP09058174 in the course of “Development of language-independent unsupervised semantic analysis methods large amounts of text data” project. The work was done with the support from the Mexican Government through the grant A1-S-47854 of CONACYT, Mexico, and grants 20211784, 20211884, and 20211178 of the Secretaria de Investigación y Posgrado of the Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

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