A Profile Hidden Markov Model to investigate the distribution and frequency of LanB-encoding lantibiotic modification genes in the human oral and gut microbiome

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Data collection

Building and validating the new profile hidden Markov model

Target sequence translation

Metagenomic screen

Manual examination of randomly selected gene neighbourhoods

Genomic screen

Taxonomic classification of LanB-encoding contigs

Statistical analysis


Validation of the profile hidden Markov model

Metagenomic screen

Manual examination of selected gene neighbourhoods

Genomic screen

Taxonomic classification of LanB-encoding contigs



Supplemental Information

RefSeq protein ID of all protein sequences used to build our profile HMM

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3254/supp-1

UniProtKB AC/ID and RefSeq protein ID (where available) of all protein sequences used to build PF04738 profile HMM

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3254/supp-2

Comparison of lanthionine dehydratase proteins identified by each method and their density based on metagenome size

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3254/supp-3

Sample and contig identifiers of all randomly selected hits that underwent manual annotation. The table also states whether the hit was identified by Pfam and BlastP approaches

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3254/supp-4

Manual annotation of the putative BlastP-identified biosynthetic gene cluster on scaffold 39304 from stool metagenome SRS014923

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3254/supp-5

Detailed information for each LanB protein identified by our profile HMM in the stool metagenomes screened

Included are Sample identifier, contig identifier, and taxonomy of producer as assigned by Kaiju. Also detailed is whether this hit was also identified by the Pfam and BlastP approaches.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3254/supp-6

Flowchart depicting the step involved in building and validation of, and screening using, a profile HMM

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3254/supp-7

Graphical representation of stool hits randomly selected for manual examination

The full contig was analysed in each instance but only the area immediately surrounding the predicted LanB protein is illustrated.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3254/supp-8

Graphical representation of oral hits randomly selected for manual examination

The full contig was analysed in each instance but only the area immediately surrounding the predicted LanB protein is illustrated.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3254/supp-9

Proportion of hits identified in metagenomic stool samples by our model that were also identified by other methods

Illustrates that the proportion also identified by (A) Pfam and (B) BlastP approaches varies by producing genus. The black line shows the overall proportion of hits identified by each method.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.3254/supp-10

Additional Information and Declarations

Competing Interests

The authors declare there are no competing interests.

Author Contributions

Calum J. Walsh performed the experiments, analyzed the data, wrote the paper, prepared figures and/or tables.

Caitriona M. Guinane conceived and designed the experiments, reviewed drafts of the paper.

Paul W. O’Toole reviewed drafts of the paper.

Paul D. Cotter conceived and designed the experiments, wrote the paper, prepared figures and/or tables, reviewed drafts of the paper.

Data Availability

The following information was supplied regarding data availability:

The sequencing data screened in this paper is available from the Human Microbiome Project’s Data Analysis a Coordination Centre (http://hmpdacc.org/).

Walsh, Calum (2017): LanB HMM PeerJ. figshare.



CJW, CMG and PDC are supported by a SFI PI award to PDC “Obesibiotics” (11/PI/1137). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

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