Taxonomic revision of the Malagasy members of the Nesomyrmex angulatus species group using the automated morphological species delineation protocol NC-PART-clustering

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Material and Methods

Statistical framework—hypothesis formation and testing

Data preparation and cleaning

Generating prior species hypotheses via the combined application of NC clustering and PART

Arriving at final species hypothesis using confirmatory Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and LDA ratio extractor

Results and Discussion

Synopsis of Species of Nesomyrmex angulatus Group

Key to workers of Malagasy Nesomyrmex angulatus group

  1. Median clypeal notch present (Fig. 4A): Cdep (µm) = 19 [15, 23]… clypeatus

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      Median clypeal notch absent, anterior edge of clypeus intact and convex (Fig. 4B)...2

  2. Anterolateral corner of pronotum angulate in dorsal wiew (Fig. 4C). Frontal carina narrow, scape longer: FRS/SL < 0.5 (100%)… angulatus

    • -

      Anterolateral corner of pronotum rounded in dorsal view (Fig. 4D). Frontal carina wide, scape shorter: FRS/SL > 0.5 (100%)… 3

  3. Propodel spines short: SPST/CS = 0.286 [0.220, 0.356] (94.9%). In lateral view dorsal contour line of propodeal spine or tubercle continues in a flat transition into metasomal dorsum (Figs. 4E4F). Postpetiole narrower, mesosoma longer: PPW/ML < 0.38 [0.317, 0.386] (96.8%). Combination of best ratios (PPW/ML and MPST/SPST) yields 99.7% of correct classification (see Fig. 5A)...4 (bidentatus complex)

    • -

      Propodeal spines longer and acute: SPST/CS = 0.378 [0.301, 0.446], (94.9%). In lateral view dorsal contour line of propodeal spine continues in bent transition to metasomal dorsum (Fig. 4G). Postpetiole wider, mesosoma shorter: PPW/ML > 0.36 [0.369, 0.440] (96.8%). Combination of best ratios (PPW/ML and CW/SPST) yields 99.4% of correct classification (see Fig. 5A)... 5 (devius complex)

  4. Propodeal spine very short: SPST CS = 0.264 [0.220, 0.335] (84.2%), forming blunt tubercle (Fig. 4E). Postocular distance longer, apical spine distance shorter: PoOC/SPTI = 1.396 [1.233, 1.658] (93.1%). Combination of best ratios (PoOC/SPTI and ML/PEH) yields 97.1% of correct classification (see Fig. 5B)... bidentatus

    • -

      Propodeal spine moderately long: SPST CS = 0.307 [0.257, 0.356] (84.2%) and acute (Fig. 4F). Postocular distance longer, apical spine distance shorter: PoOC/SPTI = 1.185 [1.044, 1.341] (93.1%). Combination of best ratios (PoOC/SPTI and ML/PEH) yields 97.1% of correct classification (see Fig. 5B)... fragilis

  5. North Madagascar only, north of −15° latitude… 6

    • -

      The middle and southern part of Madagascar, south of −15° latitude… 7

  6. In profile, petiolar node rounded, leaning backward (Fig. 4H). Postocular distance longer, apical spine distance shorter: PoOC/SPTI = 1.029 [0.929, 1.179] (94.5%). Combination of best ratios (PoOC/SPTI and CWb/ML) yields 100% of classification success (see Fig. 5C)... exiguus

    • -

      In profile, petiolar node rectangular (Fig. 4I). Postocular distance shorter, apical spine distance longer: PoOC/SPTI = 0.866 [0.773, 0.965] (94.5%). Combination of best ratios (PoOC/SPTI and CWb/ML) yields 100% of classification success (see Fig. 5C)... gracilis

  7. Postocular distance longer, apical spine distance shorter: PoOC/SPST = 1.261 [1.163, 1.382] (92.2%). Combination of best ratios (PoOC/SPST and MW/PPH) yields 100% of classification success (see Fig. 5D)... devius

    • -

      Postocular distance shorter, apical spine distance longer: PoOC/SPST = 1.122 [0.991, 1.250] (92.2%). Combination of best ratios (PoOC/SPST and MW/PPH) yields 100% of classification success (see Fig. 5D)... hirtellus

Description and redefinition of species


Supplemental Information

List of morphometrically investigated samples

Unique CASENT number for pinned samples, locality, geographic coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) in decimal format, altitude (Elevation) in meters a.s.l., collector’s name, date and number of specimens investigated bearing the given CASENT number are provided. HT, Holotype; PT, paratype(s).

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1796/supp-1

URI table for morphometric characters

Hymenoptera-specific terminology of morphological statements used in descriptions, identification key, and diagnoses are mapped to classes in phenotype-relevant ontologies.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1796/supp-2

Morphometric data for samples of the angulatus species group

Morphometric data of 21 continuous morphometric traits of 378 individuals, plus two others applied to a small fragment of samples, is given in µm. CASENT code (casent), final species hypothesis (species), geographic coordinates (long, lat) and the name format as samples appear on the dendrogram (dendro-name) are also provided in the table. HT, Holotype; PT, paratype(s).

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1796/supp-3

R script of NC-PART clustering including mark.dendrogram

R script of NC clustering and method PART implementing cluster methods “hclust” and “kmeans”. Mark dendrogram function mapping the results of partitioning algorithm PART on the dendrogram is also added.

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1796/supp-4

Additional Information and Declarations

Competing Interests

The authors declare there are no competing interests.

Author Contributions

Sándor Csősz conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments, analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, wrote the paper, prepared figures and/or tables, reviewed drafts of the paper.

Brian L. Fisher contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, wrote the paper, reviewed drafts of the paper.

Field Study Permissions

The following information was supplied relating to field study approvals (i.e., approving body and any reference numbers):

Ant samples used in this study comply with the regulations for export and exchange of research samples outlined in the Convention of Biology Diversity and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. For field work conducted in Madagascar, permits to research, collect and export ants were obtained from the Ministry of Environment and Forest as part of an ongoing collaboration between the California Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Madagascar National Parks and Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza. Authorization for export was provided by the Director of Natural Resources.

Approval Numbers:

No. 0142N/EA03/MG02,

No. 340N-EV10/MG04,

No. 69 du 07/04/06,

No. 065N-EA05/MG11,

No. 047N-EA05/MG11,

No. 083N-A03/MG05,


No. 0324N/EA12/MG03,


No. 0379N/EA11/MG02,

No. 200N/EA05/MG02.

Data Availability

The following information was supplied regarding data availability:

The raw data is supplied as a Supplemental Information.

New Species Registration

The following information was supplied regarding the registration of a newly described species:

Nesomyrmex bidentatus sp. nov.;

Nesomyrmex clypeatus sp. nov.;

Nesomyrmex devius sp. nov.;

Nesomyrmex exiguus sp. nov.;

Nesomyrmex fragilis sp. nov.;

Nesomyrmex gracilis sp. nov.;

Nesomyrmex hirtellus sp. nov.


This study was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DEB-0072713, DEB-0344731, and DEB-0842395. Finally, SC was supported by the Schlinger Fellowship at the California Academy of Sciences and an Ernst Mayr Travel Grants to the MCZ. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

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