Barley yield and malt quality affected by fall and spring planting under rainfed conditions

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Plant Biology


Barley grain is the most preferred source of malt due to its hulls covering the grain, high starch content and good levels of starch-digesting enzymes. Economic return of malting barley is higher than feed barley (Windes et al., 2019). Malting barley should be produced in appropriate ecologies using superior cultivars. Identifying higher performance for special ecologies and appropriate practices would contribute to the production of good quality malting barley.

Barley can be planted in late fall (October-November) or in late winter-early spring (February-March) (hereafter fall and spring plantings, respectively). The winter cultivars that can be planted in late fall should have vernalization requirement along with short-day (<12 h) photoperiod response and winter hardiness (Locatelli et al., 2022). The facultative cultivars that can be planted both before and after the winter have no need for vernalization requirement, but should have short-day photoperiod sensitivity and winter hardiness (Munoz-Amatriain et al., 2020). Fall plantings generally have higher yield potential than spring plantings (Windes et al., 2019) because of longer growing periods and more water availability under rainfed conditions. Although yield potential of fall plantings is high, spring planting could be necessary when the planting could not be realized in fall and in regions where winter are too harsh for barley or in regions which do not receive enough rain for soil preparation in fall. Therefore, performance of winter and facultative malt barley cultivars should be evaluated in spring and fall plantings for malting barley production.

Malt is a product obtained by breaking down the starch by enzymes in the germinated and roasted grain. The most commonly used grain for malt production is barley. The primary indicator of malt quality in barley is the malt extract (Hoyle et al., 2020). Another indicator of malt quality is diastatic power. Diastatic power refers to the total activity of enzymes (alpha and beta amylase and limit dextrinase) that convert starch into simple sugars (Charmier, McLoughlin & McCleary, 2021). Test weight and thousand-seed weight are also important characters for malt quality. They give indirect information about starch and protein contents of grain (Kumar et al., 2022). Although higher test weight and thousand-seed weight are preferred in malting barley, malt extract is the major determinant of malting quality. There is no information about important malt quality traits (malt extract, diastatic power and alpha amylase) of winter and facultative cultivars in fall and spring plantings.

The quantity and quality of the malt obtained from the barley grain is determined by the cultivars used. They are also affected by the growing conditions. Therefore, the quality of the malt is shaped by the interaction of genotype and environment. Various methods are used to determine suitable genotypes and environments. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) and genotype plus genotype environment interaction (GGE) biplot analysis are widely preferred (Bilate Daemo et al., 2023). Using the GGE biplot analysis, Ghazvini et al. (2022) examined 20 barley genotypes and identified superior genotypes and their stability. Yan et al. (2007) stated that genotype and genotype environment interaction should be used together for the evaluation of a genotype in terms of a trait, and reported that GGE biplot analysis is more advantageous than AMMI for both genotype and genotype environment interaction. Therefore, the use of GGE biplot analysis for the evaluation of genotype and genotype by environment interaction is more useful for better presentation and evaluation of data.

In semi-arid regions, planting time is highly dependent on rains in growing periods. Fall planting would allow better grain fill resulting in plumper grain with lower protein, which is favorable for malt barley. But planting after winter could also be necessary. The aim of the present study was to determine the quality characteristics of malting barley cultivars in fall and spring plantings.

Material and Methods

Plant materials

Field trials were carried out in the experimental fields of Tokat Agricultural Application and Research Center of Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University (40°33′N, 36°47′ E, 539 m a.s.l) in 2015/16 and 2016/17 in Tokat province of Turkey (Fig. 1) under rainfed conditions. Seven winter, eight facultative and a spring malting barley cultivar Harrington were examined (Table 1).

Map of the experimental sites.

Figure 1: Map of the experimental sites.

The map was created at
Table 1:
Origin, pedigree, and growth habits of the barley cultivars used.
Cultivar Origin Institute Pedigree Growth Habit
Aydanhanim Turkey FCCRI GK Omega/Tarm 92 Winter
Basgul Turkey AEBM Severa/Tokak//Ad. Gerste/Clipper Facultative
Bolayir Turkey TARI Osk 4.197/12-84//HB854/Astrix/3/Alpha/Durra Winter
Catalhoyuk Turkey AEBM S 8602/Kaya Winter
Cumra-2001 Turkey AEBM Tokak selection/Beka Winter
Durusu Turkey AEBM W9013/Kaya//Severa Winter
Efes-98 Turkey AEBM Tercan selection/Tipper Facultative
Erciyes Turkey AEBM Severa/Tokak//Ad. Gerste/Clipper Facultative
Harrington Canada MSUS Klages/3/Gazelle/Betzes//Centenial Spring
Ince-04 Turkey AARI 4671/Tokak//4648/p12-119/3/WBCB-4 Facultative
Kalayci-97 Turkey AARI Erginel 90//364 TH/Tokak Facultative
Ozdemir-05 Turkey AARI CUM/4060//P12-62/P169-2 Facultative
Sladoran Croatia TARI Introduction from Croatia (Alpha/Mursa) Winter
Tokak 157/37 Turkey FCCRI Selection from Turkish landraces Facultative
Yildiz Turkey AEBM Angore//S8602/Clarine Winter
Zeynelaga Turkey FCCRI Anteres/KY63-1249//Lignee131 Facultative
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15802/table-1



Field Crops Central Research Institute


Thrace Agricultural Research Institute


Anadolu Efes Bira and Malt Co.


Anatolian Agricultural Research Institute


Montana State University, University of Saskatchewan

Field trials

Experimental soils had clayed loam texture, slight levels of salt (0.041 and 0.042%), mild alkaline reaction (pH: 7.77 and 7.80), moderate amounts of lime (10.2 and 7.7%), high and low amounts of P2O5 (111 and 58 kg/ha), high levels of K2O (1108 and 1015 kg/ha) and low levels of organic matter (1.45 and 1.22%) in 2015/16 and 2016/17 years, respectively (Table 2) (Soil analyses were carried out by soil laboratory of the Middle Black Sea Transitional Zone Agricultural Research Institute, Tokat-Turkey). The average temperature and monthly total precipitation of November-June period for long term (48 years) and experimental years are given in Fig. 2. The average long-term precipitation was 359 mm, and the precipitation in 2016 (315 mm) was slightly less than the long term while the precipitation in 2017 (229 mm) was considerably less than the long-term average. The average precipitation of the spring-planting trials was 195 mm in long term (March–June). In 2016, the precipitation (211 mm) was similar to that in long term while the precipitation in 2017 (139 mm) was considerably less. According to these data, it would not be wrong to consider 2016 as a high rainfall environment and 2017 as a low rainfall environment. The trials were carried out in randomized complete block design with four replications. Each plot consisted of five rows of 4 m long. Row spacing was 20 cm. The seeding rate was 500 plants m2. Fertilizers were applied to plots as 80 kg/ha P2O5 (triple super phosphate) and 80 kg/ha N (Ammonium nitrate).

Table 2:
Soil characteristics and planting dates of the field trials.
Year Soil texture Total salt % pH CaCO3 % P2O5 kg/ha K2O kg/ha Organic matter % Planting dates in fall Planting dates in spring
2015/16 Clayed-loam 0.041 7.77 10.2 111 1108 1.45 10 Nov 2015 14 Mar 2016
2016/17 Clayed-loam 0.042 7.80 7.7 58 1015 1.22 16 Nov 2016 27 Feb 2017
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15802/table-2
Temperature and precipitation values in the region for long term and experimental years.

Figure 2: Temperature and precipitation values in the region for long term and experimental years.

Measured traits

Time to heading was the period from sowing to first awn occurrence in 50% of the plants in the plot (Saygili & Kandemir, 2021). Plant height was the distance between the ground and the top spikelet in spike except for awn in 15 random plants, and lodging is a visual estimation of the plants lodged in the plot (Kandemir et al., 2000). Maturity was the period from sowing to the time when all leaves turned to yellow (Kandemir et al., 2022). Number of spikes per square meter was calculated by dividing the grain yield (g/m2) by number of grains per spikes and thousand-seed weight (Saygili & Kandemir, 2021). Number of grains per spikes, grain yield, test weight and thousand-seed weight were determined according to Aisawi et al. (2015). Spike length and number of grains per spikes were determined in 30 randomly selected spikes from the plots. Grain yield was determined by converting the grain product obtained from 4 m2 plots to t/ha. Thousand-seed weight was determined by counting and weighing 400 random grains. Test weight was determined by weighing the free-falling grains into an exact volume of 250 ml and converting them to hectoliters. Moisture content of grain was determined by drying for 48 h at 75  °C. Grain yield, test weight and thousand-seed weight were calculated on 12% moisture content basis (Kandemir et al., 2022).

Malt production was performed as described by Saygili et al. (2021). Grain was immersed in two cycles soaking, nine hours each, in water and 16 h of draining. Grains were germinated at 14 °C for 110 h. Moisture level was maintained at 45% of the starting grain weight. When the plumula grew to 75% of the grain length, germination was ended. Kilning was performed in consecutive steps of eight hours at 60 °C, six hours at 70 °C and five hours at 80 °C. The rootlets were manually removed. Malt extract was determined using the method described by Fox & Henry (1993) with some modifications. A total of 12 ml (approach by weighing) of distilled water at 65 °C was added to 3 g of ground malt passed through a 0.5 mm sieve. The mixture was incubated in a 65 °C water bath for 60 min and was centrifuged for 5 min at 3000 g. The supernatant was measured with a refractometer. Malt extract was determined according to the formula: Malt extract % = sample 3 g + amount of water refractometer measurement 100 % dry matter .

Diastatic power was measured using the method described by Fox et al. (1999). A total of 10 ml of extraction solution (0.5% NaCl) was added to 1 g of malt and vortexed. The mixture was incubated in a water bath at 25 °C for 30 min. It was centrifuged for 5 min at 2,000 g. A total of 5 ml of buffered starch solution (2% starch, 2 mM glacial acetic acid and 0.05 M sodium acetate, pH: 4.6) was pre-incubated at 25 °C for 5 min. The enzyme extraction supernatant (100 µl) was added to the buffered starch solution and incubated exactly for 10 min at 25 °C and then 1 ml of 0.5 M sodium hydroxide was added to stop the reaction. Five ml of PAHBAH (p-hydroxy benzoic acid hydrazide (5 g/l) dissolved in alkaline diluent, 0.05 M trisodium citrate, 0.01 M calcium chloride, 0.5 M sodium hydroxide) was pre-incubated in a boiling water bath for at least five min. One hundred µl of hydrolysed sample was added to incubated PAHBAH solution and was kept in boiling water for exactly four min. Content is rapidly cooled to room temperature in slurry ice. It was diluted 10-fold and measured at absorbance at 415 nm. Maltose equivalents are determined according to maltose standards curve absorbances (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 mg/l) at 415 nm. Diastatic power was determined as Windisch-Kolbach unit (°WK) with the following formula. °WK= (87.5 × maltose equivalent) − 16.

Alpha amylase activity was analyzed using a commercial kit (Megazyme International Ireland Limited, Product code: K-CERA, Wicklow, Ireland) based on manufacturer’s instructions. Alpha amylase activity was expressed as Ceralpha units (CU). CU could be converted to dextrinizing unit ASBC method (DU) and AACC method (SKB) with the following formulas: DU = 0.23 × Ceralpha units + 0.61 and SKB units = 0.42 × Ceralpha units − 0.34, respectively.

Statistical analyses

Since variances of years and planting date were not homogeneous based on Barlett’s homogeneity test (p > 0.05), variance analyses of years and planting date were performed separately (Saygili et al., 2021; Bilate Daemo et al., 2023) using JMP Pro 14 software (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Differences between means were grouped by Tukey multiple comparison test (p < 0.05). GGE biplot and stability analysis were conducted using the GEA-R software (Pacheco et al., 2015) according to Kandemir et al. (2022) and Kandemir (2022) respectively. To compare cultivars for two traits, a scatter plot graphic was drawn using Minitab (ver.17). PCA-Biplot was used for trait-based scaling of cultivars separately for fall and spring trials.


Time to heading

A total of four trials, two fall-planted and two spring-planted, were conducted to determine the performance of the malting barley cultivars. Since cultivar Cumra-2001 produced very few spikes in spring-planted trials, its data in the spring-planted trials were not included in the analyses. The heading time of the cultivars ranged from 163.5 to 178.3 days and from 69.9 to 88.8 days in fall- and spring-planted trials, respectively (Table 3). In fall-planted trials, Cumra-2001 (184.7 and 166.0 days in 2016 and 2017, respectively) and Aydanhanim (187.3 and 171.0 days in 2016 and 2017, respectively) were the latest in heading, while Zeynelaga (173.7 and 155.5 in 2016 and 2017, respectively) and Bolayir (174.3 and 157.5 days in 2016 and 2017, respectively) were the earliest (p < 0.05). In spring-planted trials, Aydanhanim (82.7 and 104.8 days in 2016 and 2017, respectively) reached to heading in significantly longer periods than other cultivars. Unlike the fall-planted trials, Sladoran had late heading in spring-planted trials (78.6 and 106.5 days in 2016 and 2017, respectively). Although Durusu, Yildiz, Bolayir and Sladoran reached to heading early in fall-planted trials, their headings were late in spring-planted trials.

Table 3:
Effect of cultivar and planting date on heading time, maturity and plant height.
Cultivars Heading time (day) Maturity (day) Plant height (cm)
Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
Aydanhanim 187.3a 171.0a 82.7a 104.8ab 231.7a 210.8a 116.0a 129.3a 94.3a 121.8a 98.8a 81.9def
Basgul 176.7def 164.8bcd 65.0ef 77.5h 227.7b-e 189.5e 112.7b 103.5g 93.4a 114.8abc 94.4b 93.9ab
Bolayir 174.3fg 157.5fg 78.3b 101.0c 224.3efg 203.0bcd 111.7b 119.3c 67.4f 112.1b-e 79.6f 71.0hi
Catalhoyuk 179.0bcd 165.8bc 66.3c-f 79.0h 223.0g 192.5e 105.7f 106.5f 93.2a 113.3bcd 94.1b 91.2abc
Cumra-2001 184.7a 166.0b 232.3a 211.5a 94.5a 114.9abc
Durusu 179.7bc 164.5bcd 78.0b 103.8b 230.0abc 210.5a 115.0a 123.5b 82.2c 104.0ef 90.6bcd 72.7ghi
Efes-98 177.7b-e 165.8bc 66.0def 77.5h 223.0g 191.5e 108.0de 105.5fg 92.7a 116.1ab 93.8b 90.3a-d
Erciyes 177.3cde 165.3bc 65.7ef 79.0h 225.0d-g 192.5e 108.0de 106.5f 90.0ab 109.3b-e 88.3cde 84.1c-f
Harrington 180.3b 164.3bcd 68.0cd 87.8d 227.3c-f 199.8d 114.7a 113.5d 75.5de 97.3f 93.0b 80.7efg
Ince-04 177.3cde 165.8bc 67.0cde 85.8e 228.0bcd 200.5cd 113.0b 113.5d 89.8ab 110.4b-e 90.6bcd 88.3a-e
Kalayci-97 179.0bcd 163.8cd 68.0cd 82.9f 224.0fg 199.8d 107.7e 112.8d 84.2c 109.2b-e 91.2bc 86.3b-f
Ozdemir-05 176.3efg 164.5bcd 64.7f 81.0g 225.0d-g 193.3e 109.3cd 107.3f 85.9bc 105.8de 84.4e 82.2def
Sladoran 176.0efg 158.0f 78.7b 106.5a 230.8abc 205.5b 115.7a 121.3c 68.0f 88.1g 76.9fg 65.2i
Tokak 157/37 179.3bcd 162.8de 66.0def 84.3ef 225.0d-g 201.3bcd 109.7c 110.3e 93.8a 113.2bcd 91.2bc 95.6a
Yildiz 174.7fg 161.3e 68.3c 101.5c 231.0ab 204.6bc 115.3a 119.6c 80.6cd 110.3b-e 86.8de 73.3ghi
Zeynelaga 173.7g 155.5g 65.0ef 79.3gh 230.3abc 189.5e 115.3a 103.5g 71.9ef 106.7cde 74.0g 79.3fgh
Mean 178.3 163.5 69.9 88.8 227.4 199.7 111.9 113.1 84.9 109.2 88.6 84.2
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15802/table-3


data could not be obtained. Means followed by a common letter are not significantly different by the Tukey test at the 5% level of significance.

Time to maturity

Time to maturity varied between 199.7 and 227.4 days in fall-planted trials and between 111.9 and 113.1 days in spring-planted ones in 2016 and 2017, respectively (Table 3). In both fall-planted trials, Aydanhanim (210.8 and 231.7 days), Cumra-2001 (211.5 and 232.3 days) and Durusu (210.5 and 230.0 days) matured latest, while Catalhoyuk (192.5 and 223.0 days), Efes-98 (191.5 and 223.0 days), Erciyes (192.5 and 225.0 days) and Ozdemir-05 (193.3 and 225.0 days) matured earliest (p < 0.05 days). In spring-planted trials, Aydanhanim matured late in both years. While Durusu, Harrington, Sladoran and Yildiz were among the cultivars that matured late in the 2016 trial, in 2017 they matured somewhat early. In spring-planted trials, Catalhoyuk was earliest in 2016S (105.7 days), while in 2017S Basgul (103.5 days), Efes-98 (105.5 days) and Zeynelaga (103.5 days) matured relatively earlier than other cultivars. Sladoran, Yildiz and Zeynelaga matured consistently late in 2016S trial and early in 2017S trial.

Plant height

In fall-planted trials, there was a difference of 24 cm in average plant height between 2016 and 2017 trials (84.9 and 109.2 cm, respectively) while in spring-planted trials the difference was only 4.2 cm. In fall-planted trials, Aydanhanim, Basgul, Cumra-2001 and Efes-98 had consistently taller plants (Table 3, p < 0.05). Catalhoyuk, Erciyes, Ince-04 and Tokak 157/37 had taller plants in 2016F trial but relatively moderate plant heights in 2017F trial. Sladoran had consistently low plant heights (68.0 and 88.1 cm) in the two fall-planted trials. In 2016S, Aydanhanim had the tallest plants (98.8 cm), while in 2017S, Basgul, Catalhoyuk, Efes-98, Ince-04 and Tokak 157/37 had taller plants (88.3–95.6 cm). Sladoran and Zeynelaga had shorter plants in the two spring-planted trials.


In fall-planted trials, lodging was 46.5 and 67.7% in 2016 and 2017, while in spring-planted it was 47.2 and 8.5% in 2016 and 2017, respectively (Table 4). In fall- and spring-planted trials, Basgul, Catalhoyuk, Efes-98, Erciyes, Kalayci-97, Ozdemir-05 and Tokak 157/37 had consistently higher lodging values (p < 0.05). On the other hand, Bolayir, Cumra-2001, Durusu, Sladoran, Yildiz and Zeynelaga had the lowest lodging values.

Table 4:
Effect of cultivar and planting on lodging, number of grains per spike and spikes per square meter.
Cultivars Lodging (%) Number of grains per spike Number of spikes per square meter
Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
Aydanhanim 16.7c 71.3abc 6.3d 0.0b 30.3a 30.5a 29.5a 28.9a 423.4fgh 381.7fi 277.3g 303.0bcd
Basgul 93.3a 97.5a 100.0a 20.0ab 21.3f 27.0bc 22.1de 21.7de 507.7bcd 344.7hi 440.6cde 287.0cd
Bolayir 0.0d 42.5cd 0.0d 0.0b 21.0f 26.6bc 25.4bc 24.9b 567.5ab 390.8e-i 494.6bc 311.4bcd
Catalhoyuk 100.0a 100.0a 100.0a 35.0a 22.7def 25.7b-e 21.6de 22.0de 482.2c-f 359.7ghi 383.2ef 304.7bcd
Cumra-2001 2.0d 43.8cd 29.5a 30.8a 373.3gh 373.5f-i
Durusu 0.0d 42.5cd 0.0d 0.0b 25.3bc 25.9b-e 25.3bc 22.5cd 435.2efg 497.3abc 461.0bcd 296.0cd
Efes-98 100.0a 100.0a 100.0a 12.5ab 22.7def 24.6cde 21.9de 23.2bcd 494.4cde 327.8i 288.1g 276.3d
Erciyes 100.0a 100.0a 100.0a 15.0ab 22.9def 26.0b-e 21.3de 20.1e 459.7def 389.3e-i 518.5b 350.1ab
Harrington 10.0c 47.5cd 0.0d 0.0b 26.4b 26.5bcd 27.4ab 28.0a 537.7abc 475.9abc 498.2bc 272.4d
Ince-04 26.7b 46.3cd 13.8c 0.0b 22.8def 25.3b-e 22.5de 22.1de 532.6abc 499.9ab 531.5b 305.6bcd
Kalayci-97 96.7a 77.5ab 100.0a 10.0ab 22.2ef 25.0c-e 21.6de 21.2de 489.4cde 509.8a 409.5de 304.2bcd
Ozdemir-05 100.0a 97.5a 100.0a 0.0b 21.0f 23.9e 21.0de 22.6cd 593.3a 429.2c-g 477.5bcd 363.7a
Sladoran 0.0d 48.8bcd 1.3d 0.0b 23.7cde 25.3b-e 23.4cd 23.4bcd 493.8cde 454.9a-e 407.9de 329.7abc
Tokak 157/37 98.7a 100.0a 90.0b 35.0a 21.8ef 23.7e 21.1de 22.4d 366.7h 402.0d-h 381.0ef 291.3cd
Yildiz 0.0d 25.0d 0.0d 0.0b 24.5bcd 27.6b 27.3ab 24.7bc 429.1e-h 434.6b-f 327.1fg 207.8e
Zeynelaga 0.0d 25.5cd 0.0d 0.0b 21.8ef 24.1de 20.5e 21.9de 547.5abc 470.5a-d 610.9a 331.5abc
Mean 46.5 67.7 47.4 8.5 23.7 26.2 23.5 23.3 483.3 421.4 433.8 302.3
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15802/table-4


data could not be obtained. Means followed by a common letter are not significantly different by the Tukey test at the 5% level of significance.

Number of grains per spike

Number of grains per spike was similar in all trials except for 2017F. The highest numbers of grains in fall-planted trials were obtained from Aydanhanim (30.3 and 30.5) and Cumra-2001 (29.5 and 30.8) (Table 4, p < 0.05). All cultivars other than Basgul, Bolayir, Durusu, Harrington, Sladoran and Yildiz had the lowest number of grains per spike in fall-planted trials. In spring-planted trials, the highest number of grains per spike was obtained from Aydanhanim (29.5 and 28.9) and Harrington (27.4 and 28.0) in the two years. All cultivars except for Yildiz (27.3 and 24.7) had less seeds per spike (20.5–25.4) in spring-planted trials.

Number of spikes per square meter

The number of spikes per square meter ranged from 421.4 to 483.3 in fall-planted trials and from 302.3 to 433.8 in spring-planted trials (Table 4). In fall-planted trials, the highest number of spikes per square meter was obtained from Harrington as 537.7 and 475.9, from Ince-04 as 532.6 and 499.9 and from Zeynelaga as 547.5 and 470.5 in 2016 and 2017, respectively (p < 0.05). In addition, Bolayir and Ozdemir-05 produced more spikes per square meter in 2016F trial and Durusu, Kalayci-97 and Sladoran produced more spikes in 2017F trial. Cumra-2001 had the lowest number of spikes per square meter in both years. Zeynelaga produced more spikes per area in the two spring-planted trials, while Erciyes, Ozdemir-05 and Sladoran produced more spikes than other cultivars in 2017S trial only. Yildiz had the lowest number of spikes per square meter in the two spring-planted trials, while Aydanhanim and Efes-98 in the 2016S trial only.

Thousand-seed weight

The thousand-seed weight of cultivars varied between 39.7 and 50.6 g in fall-planted trials and between 44.7 and 49.0 in spring-planted trials (Table 5). Durusu had higher thousand-seed weights in the two fall-planted trials (57.7 and 45.1 g in 2016 and 2017, respectively), while Tokak 157/37 had higher values in 2016F trial (59.3 g), and Zeynelaga (46.1 g) and Yildiz (44.6 g) had higher values in 2017F trial (p < 0.05). In the two spring-planted trials, Durusu (52.0 and 48.5 g), Ince-04 (52.0 and 50.7 g) and Tokak 157/3 (53.6 and 50.4 g) had larger seeds while Basgul (50.4 g) and Zeynelaga (49.4 g) produced higher thousand-seed weights in the 2017S trial.

Table 5:
Effect of cultivar and planting on thousand seed weight, test weight and grain yield.
Cultivars Thousand seed weight (g) Test weight (kg) Grain yield (t/ha)
Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
Aydanhanim 53.8c 43.1b 51.3bc 35.7e 66.7ab 63.2cde 61.9cd 55.7c 6.88a 5.01bcd 4.19e 3.13abc
Basgul 49.9de 40.0c 51.4bc 50.4a 61.9fg 59.9fgh 62.7bcd 64.9ab 5.40gh 3.72g-h 5.00cd 3.14abc
Bolayir 47.1f 40.0c 43.8f 41.5d 64.4cd 64.4bc 60.4f 61.3b 5.60e-h 4.15fg 5.50bc 3.22abc
Catalhoyuk 47.1f 36.4def 51.0bc 45.6b 60.0hi 57.7hi 61.7de 62.1b 5.14ghi 3.37hi 4.23e 3.05abc
Cumra-2001 55.8b 43.0b 67.5a 61.6def 6.14bcd 4.95b-e
Durusu 57.7a 45.1ab 52.0ab 48.5a 64.8c 63.9cd 63.0bcd 63.1ab 6.36bc 5.79a 6.07ab 3.23abc
Efes-98 49.8de 37.6d 50.8bc 44.0bc 61.6fgh 57.3i 63.0bcd 62.3ab 5.60e-h 3.03i 3.21f 2.82bcd
Erciyes 48.7def 34.9fg 49.7c 44.6bc 59.6i 58.9ghi 62.3bcd 63.9ab 5.12hi 3.52hi 5.46bc 3.15abc
Harrington 42.2g 35.2efg 40.2g 42.9cd 62.8def 60.7efg 63.0bcd 63.3ab 5.99b-e 4.43ef 5.48bc 3.26abc
Ince-04 53.1c 40.5c 52.0ab 50.7a 66.7ab 63.4cd 66.1a 65.3ab 6.42ab 5.10bcd 6.19a 3.42ab
Kalayci-97 50.3d 37.2def 51.5bc 44.4bc 62.7ef 60.3fgh 62.6bcd 64.3ab 5.47fgh 4.74cde 4.56de 2.86bc
Ozdemir-05 43.4g 33.8g 44.8ef 42.9cd 60.8ghi 59.5f-i 62.4bcd 63.5ab 5.40gh 3.47hi 4.50de 3.54a
Sladoran 48.1ef 40.2c 46.8d 35.9e 64.3cd 63.7cd 63.2bc 61.8b 5.62d-g 4.61def 4.46de 2.77cd
Tokak 157/37 59.3a 37.3de 53.6a 50.4a 63.8cde 58.5ghi 63.0bcd 62.5ab 4.73i 3.56hi 4.31e 3.29abc
Yildiz 53.5c 44.6ab 49.8c 44.0bc 64.5c 66.6ab 60.5ef 60.8b 5.61d-g 5.33ab 4.45de 2.26d
Zeynelaga 49.5de 46.1a 45.9de 49.4a 65.3bc 67.3a 63.5b 66.9a 5.90c-f 5.23bc 5.75ab 3.58a
Mean 50.6 39.7 49.0 44.7 63.6 61.7 62.6 62.8 5.71 4.38 4.89 3.12
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15802/table-5


data could not be obtained. Means followed by a common letter are not significantly different by the Tukey test at the 5% level of significance.

Test weights

In fall-planted trials, Aydanhanim (66.7 kg), Cumra-2001 (67.5 kg), Ince-04 (66.7 kg), Yildiz (66.6 kg) and Zeynelaga (67.3 kg) had higher test weights (Table 5, p < 0.05). Ince-04 had higher test weights in the two spring-planted trials (66.1 and 65.3 kg in 2016 and 2017, respectively). The highest test weight was obtained from Zeynelaga(66.9 kg) in the 2017S trial.

Grain yields

Grain yields varied between 4.38 and 5.71 t/ha in fall-planted trials and between 3.12 and 4.89 t/ha in spring-planted trials (Table 5). Aydanhanim (6.88 t/ha) and Ince-04 (6.42 t/ha) had higher grain yields in 2016F trial while Durusu (5.79 t/ha) and Yildiz (5.33 t/ha) in 2017F trial (p < 0.05). Durusu (6.07−3.23 t/ha), Ince-04(6.19−3.42 t/ha) and Zeynelaga (5.75−3.58 t/ha) had higher grain yields in the two spring-planted trials. In the GGE biplot of grain yield, where PC1 was 67.05 and PC2 was 22.8, Durusu, Ince-04, Erciyes, Tokak 157/37, Efes-98 and Aydanhanim were genotypes located at the extremes (Fig. 3A). Durusu and Ince-04 were the best cultivars in fall-planted trials. There was no environment where other cultivars were best in terms of genotype and genotype x environment interaction. In Fig. 3B, where stability and average yields were compared, the line shown by a circled arrow is average-environment coordination. The arrow indicates the direction in which the means were highest (Frutos, Galindo & Leiva, 2014). The cultivars with the highest yield averages were Durusu, Ince-04, Zeynelaga, Harrington, Aydanhanim, Bolayir and Yildiz. Accordingly, the cultivars closest to the average yield line are the most stable ones (Frutos, Galindo & Leiva, 2014). The most stable cultivars with above the average grain yields were the Zeynelaga, Ince-04 and Durusu. Aydanhanim, Yildiz and Bolayir, on the other hand, were unstable.

GGE biplot (A) and stability vs means (B) presenting of grain yield.

Figure 3: GGE biplot (A) and stability vs means (B) presenting of grain yield.

Alpha amylase activity

Alpha amylase activities ranged from 77.9 to 81.4 CU/g in fall-planted trials and from 80.8 to 100.9 CU/g in spring-planted trials (Table 6). Yildiz had the highest Alpha amylase activity in the two fall-planted trials (153.8 and 212.2 CU/g in 2016 and 2017, respectively), and Sladoran (133.7 CU/g) had the highest alpha amylase activity in 2017F trial (p < 0.05). In the two spring-planted trials, Harrington(190.1–201.1 CU/g) had the highest alpha amylase values.

Table 6:
Effect of cultivar and planting on alpha amylase activity, diastatic power and malt extract.
Cultivars Alpha amylase activity (CU/g) Diastatic power (°WK) Malt extract (%)
Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
Aydanhanim 118.6bc 99.2bc 67.0de 82.1d 436.4c 348.6ab 325.3b 133.6c 79.8cde 80.1ab 75.3ef 74.7bc
Basgul 39.2h 54.9f 42.9f 80.0de 143.6gh 93.4ghi 127.3d 52.4d 77.2gh 75.5d 75.4ef 72.8cd
Bolayir 85.0de 93.0b-e 108.4b 86.3d 388.1cd 372.1a 452.3a 147.5c 80.3bcd 79.8ab 79.7bc 74.3bcd
Catalhoyuk 50.6gh 42.9f 70.5cde 69.2de 156.4fgh 121.0fgh 173.6cd 74.4d 78.1e-h 71.7fg 74.3fg 72.3de
Cumra-2001 46.1gh 60.0def 311.4e 234.1c 76.3hi 78.5bc
Durusu 95.2cde 96.0bcd 91.6bc 133.4bc 359.3de 320.4ab 354.4b 124.8c 80.7a-d 80.6ab 78.7cd 75.2b
Efes-98 46.6gh 58.7ef 47.0ef 73.5de 117.2h 105.8f-i 185.6cd 75.6d 72.2k 76.5cd 74.8f 72.3de
Erciyes 56.2fgh 32.6f 62.6ef 67.0de 203.6f 61.9i 147.5cd 46.5d 77.3fgh 70.4g 74.3fg 69.4fg
Harrington 124.0b 107.5b 190.9a 201.1a 611.1a 305.9b 429.1a 222.7b 82.2a 81.8a 81.9a 80.7a
Ince-04 79.3ef 54.8f 90.6bcd 132.3bc 434.1c 157.3def 295.8b 255.5b 81.3abc 80.0ab 81.7ab 79.1a
Kalayci-97 74.5efg 48.8f 55.9ef 99.9cd 177.3fg 78.0hi 161.4cd 41.8d 74.4j 73.2ef 72.4g 68.1g
Ozdemir-05 43.7h 67.0c-f 47.5ef 78.6de 190.6fg 122.3fgh 204.5c 58.8d 74.9ij 71.7fg 75.1ef 70.3ef
Sladoran 133.7ab 116.5b 99.3b 90.9d 373.5d 242.1c 307.5b 129.1c 78.4efg 78.4bc 79.0cd 73.7bcd
Tokak 157/37 49.3gh 46.7f 70.3cde 43.3e 143.5gh 148.5efg 133.7cd 143.1c 74.6ij 75.4de 73.5fg 74.8bc
Yildiz 153.8a 212.2a 100.5b 130.9bc 393.6cd 213.4cd 317.7b 127.6c 81.7ab 79.6b 80.7abc 74.9bc
Zeynelaga 108.5bcd 55.5f 67.3de 145.3b 538.7b 186.8cde 281.8b 301.3a 79.0def 79.2b 77.0de 75.4b
Mean 81.4 77.9 80.8 100.9 331.1 194.5 259.8 129.0 78.0 77.0 76.9 73.9
DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15802/table-6


data could not be obtained. Means followed by a common letter are not significantly different by the Tukey test at the 5% level of significance. CU, Ceralpha Unit. WK, Windisch-Kolbach unit.

Diastatic power

Diastatic power ranged from 194.5 to 331.1° WK in fall-planted trials and from 129.0 to 259.8° WK in spring-planted trials (Table 6). Harrington (611.1° WK) had the highest diastatic power in the 2016F trial, while in the 2017F trial, Bolayir (372.1° WK) and Durusu (320.4° WK) had the highest values (p < 0.05). In spring-planted trials, Bolayir (452.3° WK) had the highest diastatic power in the 2016S trial and Zeynelaga (301.3° WK) in 2017S trial.

Malt extract

In fall-planted trials, average malt extract was 78.0% in 2016 and 77.0% in 2017, which were 76.9 and 73.9 in spring-planted trials in 2016 and 2017, respectively. In fall-planted trials, Durusu, Harrington and Ince-04 had consistently higher malt extract (Table 6, p < 0.05). However, Yildiz had higher malt extract percentage in 2016F trial and Aydanhanim and Bolayir had higher malt extract percentages in the 2017F trial. In spring-planted trials, Harrington (80.7 and 81.9%) and Ince-04 (79.1 and 81.7%) had higher malt extract percentages in both years, while Yildiz had a higher malt extract percentage only in the 2016S trial. In which-won-where view of the GGE biplot, Harrington, Yildiz, Erciyes, Kalayci-97 and Efes-98 were located at the vertices of the polygon, which indicated that these cultivars had the best or poorest performance in an environment or environments (Fig. 4A). Harrington and Yildiz were the best cultivars in terms of malt extract percentages. Ince-04, Durusu, Bolayir, Sladoran, Zeynelaga and Aydanhanim also performed well in all trials. In Fig. 4B, the cultivars with the highest malt extract percentages in decreasing order were Harrington, Ince-04, Yildiz, Durusu, Bolayir, Zeynelaga, Aydanhanim and Sladoran. Among the cultivars with high malt extract percentages, Harrington, Ince-04 and Durusu were relatively stable ones, while Yildiz and Aydanhanim were unstable ones.

GGE biplot (A) and stability vs means (B) presenting of malt extract percentage.

Figure 4: GGE biplot (A) and stability vs means (B) presenting of malt extract percentage.

Evaluation of all traits

A principal component analysis was carried out in order to evaluate all traits. The first two principal components (PC) accounted for 74.23% of the total variation in fall trials and 77.85% in spring trials (Fig. 5). The most predominant characters in fall trials were lodging, grain yield and malt extract on PC1, and lodging, diastatic power and plant height in spring trials. Pattern of lodging in both planting times was associated with less malt quality. Malt extract, alpha amylase, and diastatic power were closely related in both planting time. In the winter trials Yildiz, Ince-04 and Durusu, and in the spring trials Harrington and Durusu had a trend in the same direction with malt quality criteria such as malt extract, diastatic power and alpha amylase activities. Zeynelağa had the same pattern with the number of ears per square meter in both trials. In fall trials, Durusu and Yildiz showed a similar pattern with grain yield, and Ince-04 in spring trials.

Principal component analysis in fall (A) and spring plantings (B).

Figure 5: Principal component analysis in fall (A) and spring plantings (B).

AA, alpha amylase activities; DP, diastatic power; GY, grain yield; LOD, lodging; ME, malt extract; NGPS, number of grains per spikes; NSPS, number of spikes per square meter; PH, plant height; TH, time to heading; TM, time to maturity; TSW, thousand-seed weight; TW, test weight.


The preference of planting time depends on adaptation to changing climates, periods of water availability and winter temperatures. Grain yields of the cultivars in the present study were quite high in fall-planted trials. However, the results showed that the spring plantings can also have high yields when the precipitation is sufficient. Nevertheless, fall plantings had advantages such as longer growing periods with higher amount of precipitation, early maturity, more water availability in soil, and more flexibility of planting time than spring plantings. Therefore, barley produced in fall plantings has higher grain yield potential.

The yields of Aydanhanim spring-planted trials were quite low compared to the fall-planted trials. Although late heading and maturity produce higher yields in high rainfall conditions, they can pose a risk in low rainfall or shorter growing conditions such as spring plantings. Cumra-2001, whose grain yields were satisfactory in fall-planted trials, produced very few spikes in spring-planted trials. This showed that cultivar Cumra-2001 has strong vernalization requirement. Similarly, Aydanhanim may have had low yields in spring-plantings due to vernalization requirement. Winter barley cultivars with strong vernalization requirement cannot meet vernalization needs in spring plantings (Fernández-Calleja, Casas & Igartua, 2021). Therefore, Cumra-2001 and Aydanhanim should not be preferred in spring plantings. Durusu, Ince-04 and Zeynelaga were notable for higher grain yields under spring plantings. The late heading of Durusu and Yildiz in spring plantings may also be due to the partial vernalization need. Since early heading and maturity are an escape mechanism from drought (Dorrani-Nejad et al., 2022; Kandemir & Saygili, 2023), consistently early heading cultivars may be preferred in regions with drought risk. The late maturity in 2016S trial compared to 2017S may have been due to higher precipitation in May 2016. Although the maturity was delayed by increased rainfall in vegetation period (Kassie & Tesfaye, 2019), cultivars such as Zeynelaga, Yildiz and Ince-04 can adjust their vegetation period in order to better benefit from the rains. Therefore, these cultivars can better adapt to today’s changing climatic conditions. With the preference of such cultivars, high yields can also be obtained in regions where spring-planting is mandatory in semi-arid regions.

Lodging affects yield and quality of the crops negatively. Tolerance to lodging minimizes the development of diseases that adversely affect malting quality and are harmful to humans (Tidemann et al., 2020). Short stature is highly correlated with lodging tolerance. Lodging was less in cultivars with shorter plant heights in the present study. However, it was observed that lodging was also low in Aydanhanim and Ince-04 which had relatively taller plants. Apart from plant height, stem elasticity and better root development are also effective in lodging resistance (Niu et al., 2022). High precipitation in fall planting, which boosted more grain production, resulted in higher lodging damage than spring planting. However, cultivars with good lodging tolerance also had a high yield potential. Therefore, lodging tolerance further supports grain yields. In fall planting where precipitation is high and lodging is a major problem, short stature, stem elastic and high yielding cultivars should be preferred.

The number of grains per spike, the number of spikes per square meter and thousand-seed weight are the determinants of grain yield, and there is a balance among these characters (Angassa & Mohammed, 2022). This balance is very important in malt barley grown in rainfed conditions, because increasing number of spikes per square meter and number of grains per spike may decrease thousand-seed weight and starch content. Therefore, cultivars that can maintain high thousand-seed should be preferred for malt barley production under low precipitation conditions. Zeynelaga produced higher number of spikes per square meter in all trials and had the highest thousand-seed weight in low-rainfall trials. Thousand-seed weight of Durusu was also consistently high in all trials. On the other hand, Basgul, Ince-04, Tokak 157/37 and Zeynelaga had higher thousand-seed weights in 2017S trial, which had the lowest amount of precipitation. High thousand-seed weight under low precipitation conditions is an indicator of drought tolerance (Kebede, Kang & Bekele, 2019). Accordingly, drought tolerant barley cultivars can provide sufficient starch for malt under low precipitation conditions.

Malt extract percentage is the best quality criterion of malt barley. In the present study, malt extract was higher in fall-planted trials. Oziel et al. (1996) also found that malt extract percentages were higher in fall-planted trials. Malt barley should have 80% or higher malt extract percentage (Fox et al., 2003). The highest malt extract was obtained from the Canadian malting barley cultivar Harrington. Aydanhanim, Bolayir, Durusu, Ince-04 and Yildiz also had high malt extract over 80%. Higher malt extract percentage indicates that there are enough starch and enzymes that break down starch. The test weights of these cultivars were high. In fact, test weight was expected to decrease under low precipitation conditions i.e., spring plantings. However, the higher test weights in spring-planted trials may have been due to the obtaining less grains per unit area. Therefore, it can be concluded that in spring-planted trials, enough starch accumulation occurs to achieve high test weights in a small number of grains per unit area. Otherwise, higher values of test weight could not be obtained in spring plantings where the grain-filling period when starch accumulation occurs is always shorter and drier than fall-planted trials. The reason of high malt extract value obtained from Aydanhanim, Bolayir, Durusu and Ince-04 in fall-planted trials is that these cultivars may have good activities of malting enzymes other than alpha amylase. The alpha amylase activities of these cultivars except for Yildiz were below the recommended value (150 CU/g) for malting barley (Fox et al., 2003). Ince-04 and Yildiz had higher malt extract ratios compared to other cultivars in spring-planted trials. Indeed, their malt extract values in spring-planted trials were as good as those in fall-planted trials. In spring-planted trials, cultivars other than Harrington had lower alpha amylase activities than what was recommended for malt barley. Harrington also had quite high malt extract percentage (Marquez-Cedillo et al., 2000), diastatic power (Igartua et al., 2000) and beta amylase activity (Barr et al., 2003). Therefore, Harrington can be used as donor genotype for the genes to enhance enzyme activities. Lastly, malt barley production should be performed as fall planting with winter or facultative barley cultivars in regions that do not have very hard winters. However, in cases where spring-planting is obligatory, a facultative or winter cultivars with mild vernalization requirement should be preferred.

Stable malting barley cultivars are important for malting industries (malt quality) and producers (grain yield). Therefore, grain yield and malt quality characteristics should be evaluated together in malt barley cultivars. A scatter plot was drawn (Fig. 6) between grain yield and malt extract, the primary indicator of malt quality (Hoyle et al., 2020). In Fig. 6, the lower limit of grain yield was the average yield (Kurt, 2020) while the lower limit for malt extract was the recommended level of 80% (Fox et al., 2003). In the graph, the cultivars above and right of the area determined by the lower limits could be concluded as the cultivars having the best malting performance. Based on the findings, winter Durusu, Aydanhanim, Yildiz and facultative Ince-04 were identified as the best performing cultivars in fall-planted trials (Fig. 6A) and Ince-04 in spring-planted trials (Fig. 6B). Ince-04 stood out in terms of malt quality and grain yield in all environments.

Scatter plot of grain yields and malt extract of cultivars in fall (A) and spring plantings (B).

Figure 6: Scatter plot of grain yields and malt extract of cultivars in fall (A) and spring plantings (B).


Grain yield and malt quality need be evaluated simultaneously for the production of malt barley. Instead of evaluating the grain yield or malt quality alone, it would be best to evaluate the target product (malt extract percentage) obtained from a unit area. Higher grain yield and malt quality were achieved in fall plantings. Winter cultivars Durusu, Aydanhanim, and Yildiz could be recommended for fall planting. On the other hand, facultative cultivar Ince-04 high performance and good stability, can be recommended also in fall and spring plantings. Therefore, in region where both fall and spring planting could be performed, facultative cultivars, which have no disadvantages in fall and spring planting, would be more appropriate. The present study was conducted in only one location, albeit repeated over the years. For similar ecologies, cultivars and planting time can be preferred according to the results of this research, but in other regions with different precipitation and altitude than those of the present study, further research may be needed. Rather than making the evaluation based on a single trait with GGE biplot, comparative evaluation of the two most important characters (grain yield and malt extract in the present research) makes it easier to present the results. In the light of this information, the GGE biplot, means vs. stability, principal coordinate analysis, and the scatter plot graphics provide a more practical presentation of the data obtained in the research.

Supplemental Information

Raw data for Tables 3-6

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15802/supp-1

Raw data for Figures 2, 3, 4 and 6

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15802/supp-2

Principal Component analysis

DOI: 10.7717/peerj.15802/supp-3
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