Contributions by role
Contributions by subject area
Gregory B Gloor
1) Protein evolution. I use and develop tools to examine how protein structure and function is maintained in response to sequence changes. I have a special interest in identifying the role that variable positions play in protein evolution. I have long taught an undergraduate course protein sequence annotation.
2) Composition and function of the human and other microbiomes. I use and develop tools to examine 16S rRNA gene composition, gene content and expression of mixed population samples (meta-genomes and meta-transcriptomes), and metabolomic analysis of clinical samples. I have experience in metagenomic binning and annotation.
3) Computational biology and the application of tech- niques for compositional data analysis to the above problems. My primary contribution is ALDEx2 tool in Bioconductor for the analysis of high through- put experiments that generate counts per sequence tag: 16S rRNA gene sequencing, transcriptomics and selex-type experiments. I teach a graduate course, and have delivered many workshops, on the use of compositional data analysis techniques to examine transcriptomes, microbiomes and other types of com- plex data sets derived from high throughput sequenc- ing.
Biochemistry Bioinformatics Computational Biology Data Science Genetics Genomics Microbiology Molecular Biology Omics Technologies Synthetic Biology