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Markus Endler
Markus Endler obtained his Dr. rer. nat. in Computer Science from the Technical University of Berlin (1992), and the Professor Livre-docente title (Habilitation) from the University of São Paulo (2001). From 1989 to 1993 he worked as a researcher at the GMD Research Institute Karlsruhe (Germany), and from 1994 to 2000 as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of São Paulo (USP). In 2001 he joined the Department of Informatics of the Pontifícia Universidade Católica in Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), where he is currently Associate Professor. His main research interests include Mobile and Pervasive Computing, IoT Middleware Architectures. Distributed Algorithms for Cooperation and Consensus, Online Data Analytics, and Data Stream Processing. As of 2020, he has supervised 13 PhD thesis and 30+ M.Sc. dissertations.
Autonomous Systems Computer Networks & Communications Distributed & Parallel Computing Emerging Technologies Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing