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Cheng-Chia Yu
Dr. Cheng-Chia Yu is a professor of Institute of Oral Sciences, College of Oral Medicine at the Chung Shan Medical University in Taiwan. Dr. Yu obtained his Ph.D. degree and completed the postdoctoral training at the Institute of Oral Biology, School of Dentistry, National Yang-Ming University in Taiwan. He serves as visiting professor at Harvard Medical School & Brigham & Women's Hospital from 2018-2019. Research in his laboratory mainly focuses on the significance of non-coding RNAs in oral submucous fibrosis and oral cancer stem cells. He also serves as an Academic Editor or Editorial Board member for other scientific journals, such as Frontiers in Oncology, J Clin Med., Nutrients, Sci Rep., Phytomedicine, Int J Mol Sci, Non-coding RNA, PLOS ONE, Current Genomics, Current Molecular Pharmacology, Medicine, and Int J Dent. His remarkable work has attained Ministry of Science and Technology Special Outstanding Talent Award since 2002 in Taiwan.
Biochemistry Biomaterials Cell Biology Dentistry Food Science & Technology Genetics Genomics Medical Genetics Metabolic Sciences Molecular Biology Oncology Pathology Pharmacology