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Emanuel Carrilho
Dr. Carrilho obtained his B.Sc. in Chemistry and M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of São Paulo (USP) at São Carlos, Brazil, in 1987 and 1990, respectively. In 1997 he obtained his Ph.D. at the Northeastern University under the mentoring of Professor Barry L. Karger, from the Barnett Institute, in Boston, MA. He joined the faculty of the analytical chemistry program of the Institute of Chemistry at São Carlos, USP in 1998 where is full professor. During 2007-2009 he was a visiting professor at Harvard University in Professor George M. Whitesides group.
Dr. Carrilho’s group has been working on the development of new bioanalytical methods covering the broad aspects of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics for human health and applied microbiology in the search for cancer biomarkers and neglected tropical diseases. In the process translate the targeted biomarkers research to microfluidic platforms with biosensors and microchip electrophoresis for point-of-care applications. Recently, is developing microfluidic applications for low-cost diagnostics for developing countries using paper-based analytical devices (µPADs).